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Posts posted by raughnut

  1. ok i'm going to check it out. thank you.




    Edit: Well, It's something... The eye Glow is the problem. I tried editing the eye position but it still looks kinda weird. At least I got my trail effects looking as they should.. Not much for gameplay, but maybe a cinematic effect... who knows... I'll keep working on it.





  2. Is it possible to add the blue glowing trail effect of the draugr to the player character? I'm thinking of making a new spell that does this, like a power up. I can manage to add a new spell, but I don't know if it's possible to add this particular effect.


    does anyone know how could I implement it?



    Edit: It could be helpful too if there was a way to add a smoking effect to the eyes

  3. Hi! a quick question, I've tried to create new hair meshes too, but when I finally managed to get them working ingame, they look transparent when there's water or sky or some other things in the background. has that ever happened to you? I use 3dsmax. and If you're interested, you can take a look at my workflow custom hair crash in CK It was kind of a trial and error process until I got it working.




    Edit: Well.. I read a few lines back in this thread and saw that you said something about the alpha in short hair meshes. and I remembered that I copied the alpha property from a short hair. so I edited it in nifskope and replaced the alphaproperty with one from a long hair mesh and it now doesn't look transparent. at least in two out of three hair meshes that i tried it, so.. thanks! :)

  4. Weeeell. since this has caught the attention of the impressive number of just 2 people, I think I may just give up on the idea of getting any help.




    Fortunately, I kinda figured it out on my own. and I'm gonna post all the steps I followed to get a working new hair mesh in skyrim using 3ds Max 2011.





    1.Get your tools and mesh ready. and the textures ready too. I'll asume that you are up to this point. I used the latest Nifskope 1.1.0 RC6 but I replaced the default xml.nif for throttlekitty's xml.nif so be sure to do the same because this is the way It worked for me.

    2.In 3dsMax. import an existing hair Model. I used one of the vanilla models for my test. but this is the step where apparently I was failing. Other tutorials on importing new meshes showed wich options to use, so I followed those. but after seeing no progress, I started a trial and error process until I came up with this Import setting. this will Import the missing Root Node, wich is something like the file name of the hair (i.e. hair09.nif)



    3.Now that you have a hair model In max, turn off the modifiers and you'll see that the hair model goes all the way down to the zero point. I advise to delete the BsDismemberment modifier since its easier for you to just recreate it.

    4.Go to materials, Import new Material and select from the scene the Material used by the original hair mesh. save it in a slot in the material library

    5.Now, Position your custom Hair mesh In the Zero Point and then select the original hair mesh. then go to the edit mesh modifier and into element sub object mode. then select all the hair parts and move it sideways, away from the custom hair model, now attach the custom model and then delete the original mesh that you moved apart. (you could also use skinwrap for adding the skin modifier but this is what I usually do.) The reason for doing it this way is that I can retain the properties from the original hair model. like the way it is connected with the hair root (i.e. Hair09.nif) Instead of Scene Root.

    6.If you need to adjust the weights in the skin modifier, do so. and make sure you recreate the BSDismemberSkinInstance and do 2 Partitions. the first is the head part, wich in my case, was the top part of the head, and the second partition, was head2 wich is the lower part of the model. make sure that all the faces that you didn't select in the first partition, are selected in the second partition.

    7.Now, the model is almost ready. just select the hair and apply the Material you copied to the mat. library.

    8.You can Make a few changes now, Like renaming the Hair Mesh to something like, "HairFemaleCustom" without spaces, and Also Rename the Root Node to the name you're going to give your file. i.e. If your new file is going to be HairFemaleCustom.nif then rename the root node, wich previusly was hair09.nif to HairFemaleCustom.nif

    9.Now, Export. I used this settings.



    10.Now, open nifskope, open your new hair. and in another instance of niskope, open the hair you used as reference.

    11.In NiNode, It still Says Root Node, you should double clic this and add the value pertaining to HairFemaleCustom.nif (in my case, It was 2)

    12.Copy the BSLightinhShaderProperty and NiAlphaProperty from the vanilla hair into the new one and replace them in NitriShape node. under properties, in the new hair. Dont Forget to replace your own textures from BsShaderTextureSet

    13.In NiTriShapeData change "has vertex color" to "yes"

    14.In BsDismemberSkinInstance, Collapse both partitions and Replace the values as the other tutorials show, in the first partition, double clic the value, select all and write 131 and in the second write 141, but since I replaced the original nif.xml with throttlekitty's, When I do this, After I change the values, It changes to something like SBP_131_HAIR and SBP_131_LONGHAIR



    15.Use the Conformulator to generate a valid .Tri File, there's a tutorial for that already. so... that's it.



    Try your new hair in the creation kit. in theory, it should work.




    I hope this is useful for someone.




  5. I'm having the same issue. This is my workflow:


    I export everything from max to a .Nif file


    I edit the nif file according to the tutorials around,


    I replace BSLightingShaderProperty from a vanilla hair and relocate textures


    I Tried even copy/paste NiAlphaProperty from another hair


    Change "has vertex color" to "yes" in NiTriShapeData


    Edit the BSDismemberSkinInstance to match the other vanilla hair models (131 the first branch and 141 the second)


    Save and test. but it still crashes.






    Does anyone knows how to do it propperly?

  6. I don't know if its the best way but... its how i do it at least :tongue:


    I use gimp with a dds plugin and photoshop. I save the icons by only adding an alpha map (and leaving it in white as it was) and saving as uncompressed and without mipmaps in gimp...


    for the textures, you need to save the difuse texture adding an alpha map but leaving it alone. save in dxt5 with mipmaps.


    for the normal map. in photoshop duplicate the difuse map 2 times and desaturate them. for the first, add an emboss filter with the light coming from below then copy it and paste it in gimp. then add an alpha map and decompose the image in rgba. in photoshop again, to the other duplicate of your layer, apply another emboss filter with the light coming in 45 degree from below-left and then invert the colors. copy it and paste it in gimp in the alpha layer. recompose the image and save it in dds as the normal map. dxt5 with mipmaps.


    for the specular map just desaturate the original difuse map and lighten the "glossier" parts of your texture (like metal) and darken the rougher parts. like skin or fabrics. then paste in gimp, add alpha map, decompose in rgba, paste the same in alpha map and recompose again. save the recomposed image as the specular map and you're done.


    dont forget to change all the textures names in your materialobject (.mao) file accordingly.


    :teehee: Edit: After reading your post again, I noticed this may not be what you needed haha. but even so, I'll leave it here in case it is.

  7. Hello!


    I didn't wanted to post there until it was final, I know that all the user base goes there, but I was aiming to people who deals with this kind of situation. it is a good suggestion anyway, I hope to get enough feedback here, if not, I can always just post there as you said.



  8. Hello Again!


    A while back I asked for someone to help me creating a .dazip for my armor project. but I decided to just go all the way... and that's what took me so long to do!


    It is not very "lore-friendly" I know. I just happened to made an armor design for an animation that I wanted to do a long time ago, but when I was about to start, my computer fried, so I lost the interest since then, and after playing this amazing game dragon age, and learning that I could create my own custom content, I decided to give it a try. when I started, I have never modded anything, and now, well, at least I know the basics... and VERY basics... and that's why I need help.


    The inspiration from the story and etc. came from the "slayers" wich is my favorite series when it comes to magic and swords and stuff hehe.


    A screenshot of the armor




    And the file download

    Armor - Mediafire


    known issues:

    I've tried everything, but I cant get VFX to attach.

    gloves and boots will be just retextures

    some little graphic glitches around the edges in some parts of the armor... i don't know how to get rid of them but that's not that bothersome... is it?

    maybe the weapons are too glossy?


    any feedback is very much appreciated!



    hmmm... I forgot to mention 2 things. first, the armor is for human males ONLY. and second, I dont think there is any problem with the armor, but as with any other mod, there is always the posibility that it may crash your game or something, not permanently I guess, so if it happens, I apologize.

  9. Hello!


    well, I checked everything and it turned out to be a missing mesh that is supposed to be the particle emitter, the weapon works now as it should. now I only need to fix the armor and it'll be done finally...


    thanks again!



  10. Hey thank you for your reply!, I do have a mod installed that hides vfx but they appear briefly and then dissapear. in my armor or sword, it doesn't appear at all. Ill try deleting everything in the override folder and see how it goes, but i think it might be something that i missed somewhere during the armor export or some setting that I have forgot to fix... as far as I know, my video card is dx9 capable. it's not such a good card but it works propperly, at least most of the time :tongue:. I also have win 7... I don't know if my directx is updated but I'll check that too. I'll double check everything from the toolset and compare it to other armor found in the game.


    thank you for your time!

  11. Hello!


    I've been trying to make a custom armor and weapon for ages. but I'm stuck with a problem. Nothing I do seems to activate the particle effects to my custom weapons, or armor. also, spell buffs don't cover my custom meshes. I've tried everything that came to my mind and searched for other people with the same problem but I found almost no one with the same problem.


    Im using DAO Export tool for max, by the way. so far, everything works, except for the VFX...


    If anyone can help, I'll apreciate it. :yes:

  12. Hello All !


    A few weeks/months ago, I posted an armour design I made a while ago. I made the mesh but I had trouble rigging it. and after a lot of hard work, I managed to get it working almost as good as I wanted it to be. and I kept it to myself since then, but then I thought that maybe someone would like it and I decided to share it. but the deal is that I dont want to compile it into a .dazip file because I couldn't get it right last time


    So, I ask the community, who wants to give it a shot and release this mod? I won't because I don't know how to. really...


    there is a sword too that I made and that complements the armour set.

    Again. the armour is already made, and I've been playing with it for a while and I haven't experienced any problems or anything.


    If anyone wants to give it a shot, just reply or send a PM and I'll give you a link to download the assets.



    here are some screenshots of it ingame, in spoiler code...







  13. A flux capacitor haha like in the back to the future movies. I guess that turning organic garbage into energy could be useful, if large quantities of energy could be produced from it... I think that is called biomass? I'm not sure. also, a more efficient technology for solar energy cells. the sun is the greatest source of energy we have, and is still free... I don't know... turning to vegetable fuels could raise another debate on how millions keep starving and the food is now produced to burn in the new car engines... wind power could generate electricity too but I guess a car with a big fan on the top wont look so good.
  14. Hmm what I love...


    well, I love to "add my personal touch" to everything around me. that is, Tweaking my pc, my phone, Fixing my room, cleaning, having an organized space that I can call my own, I don't know.


    I also love to play games in my computer. games that get me into places FAR away from reality. I guess It's nice to let your mind be clear of the burden of everyday life sometimes... (if your everyday life is a burden like mine haha). I also enjoy tweaking the look of those games. That's why I entered recently into this modding thing.


    And In the real life, I guess right now what I love the most Is my taekwondo class. Its an exciting sport! or wathever it is. I also like watching the stars. when you stare at the sky for some time, you start noticing when satellites or aerolites move across the firmament, like tiny stars that don't flicker, just move. It's cool, you can trick others into panic by saying its a UFO haha.

  15. It took me a while... but I answered too!




    1. Pick up a dirty penny in the middle of a public bathroom?



    2. Cheat on your diet just this once?

    I always do!


    3. Betray your Oblivion for Fallout 3?

    I did. once.


    4. Take a clown seriously?



    5. Take a serial killers word that he will not take another life?



    6. Save a kitten from a tree?

    Save it from what?


    7. Save a baby from a tree? (OF COURSE!)

    If its not too high haha.


    8. Save yourself from a tree at the expense of another life that could plunge 500 feet below you since that tree over looks a high cliff?



    9. Betray your friend for 500,000 dollars?



    10.Put a pop up axe in a crate and pretend you can't open it?

    haha No


    11.Cause an avalanch as a prank?



    12.Crank call the Pentagon?

    No!! Dont want them invading my country too.


    13.Start a protest?



    14.Slip laxadents into the punch bowl?

    It depends on who will drink it


    15.Dress up as the opposite sex and act like them for a day?

    haha no!


    16.Sneak into the opposite sex bathroom?

    I did once


    17.Spy on your boyfriend/girlfriend?

    Hmm.. yeah


    18.Pretend to have a mental breakdown for attention?

    I did once.


    19.Steal gum?



    20.Make the Portal cake and serve it for dinner for your boss?

    what? haha


    21.Stick a used tissue on someone's back because there is no trash can near by or because your too lazy?

    No, just candy wrappings.


    22.Shoot an arrow at a squrrel in archery class? (True story, I'll tell you later.)

    If I had archery class... maybe. and not just squirrels haha.


    23.Throw peanuts out a bus window at passing cars into the opened passenger window?



    24.Believe there is cake?

    And candles too.


    25.Answer the banana phone?



    26.Follow Gman? (Bad career move!)



    27.Become little bunny fu fu?



    28.Sing an embarrasing jingle in public?

    Only in special ocations


    29.Continue to chew the everlasting gum?



    30.Answer "It's a jackle!" when playing sheriads? (Yeah I can't spell so I don't know if that's right.)



    31.Dot your I's with hearts?



    32.Switch your body with your dog's?

    Sometimes I wish I could.


    33.Self destruct?

    No need. I'm constantly destroying miself.


    34.Vacuum your nose?

    haha maybe


    35.Crawl under the house?

    I can't


    36.Steal a biker's bike?



    37.Knock over a biker's bike?



    38.Refuse to respect the poutch?



    39.Pull the plug?

    the plug for?


    40.Beg for money?

    only to my parents haha


    41.Attempt to purposely jump in front of car's to get compensation money?



    42.Believe all the you hear?



    43.Believe all that you read?



    44.Swear to an ambassador of another country?



    45.rooster a luegi at a police officer?

    what? I guess no


    46.Spit for distance?



    47.Go cow tipping?

    haha No


    48.Throw a rock at a hornet's nest just as an old couple is passing over it.

    No... maybe if it is a young couple. they run faster


    49.Scream at the sky?

    If no one is near maybe


    50.Cook your food in a toilet?





  16. Today, bitdefender Antivirus caused a major problem to X64 sistems by releasing a flawed update wich contained a false positive... wich recognized all .dll and every program installed, as a VIRUS. therefore, deleting and quarantining everything and breaking thousands of PCs in the process. I had 2 computer wich I luckily managed to rescue from oblivion, but I can no longer trust bitdefender. So I ask the community, what antivirus do you recommend?

    I figured out the solution to that and added a link a path to the dds files, but when I attempt to render the model none of the texture maps show. Is this normal or something?




    Does the model shows blank? or nothing shows at all? because when I import an FBX model through the tools, the mesh comes linked to the root object and somehow, it makes the mesh not renderable. If I want it to appear in the render, I unlink the mesh from the root by selecting the mesh and pressing the unlink selection button. wich at least in max 2009 was like a broken chain...

  18. I'm having trouble with the More Hairstyles mod, and Nero/Hero's Hair (http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=700).

    I can't get either to show up in the character generator. Downloaded, directly then installed with DA Modder, is there a step I'm missing?


    Each of those mods Include a file called chargenmorph.xml wich contains the info on all the things that appear in the character generation menu, not just hair, but tints and tatoos and other stuff, perhaps they are present at the same time. you should search if you have more than one chargenmorph.xml in your override folder and merge them together, that is, by comparing and copying from one file to the other and leaving just one. it is the only way I know to fix that.... also, there was a topic about something similar The extra hair

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