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Everything posted by raughnut

  1. Waiting...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aranox


      oh no wait! I know! A DOLPHIN!
    3. raughnut


      that was a long time ago. and I forgot what I was waiting for. whatever it was, it never came, that's for sure :p
    4. Aranox


      ah well... I DID buy that dolphin now... I called him teddy while you were away, ill send him over with the next plane
  2. First slayers fan I encounter here!. If you get some artwork of the sword of light I can model It and get it into the game!
  3. Give the poor little forums a chance hehe. I'll tell you what I know. wich is not very much because I'm also very new to this and had to learn by investigating hard on every single forum about dragon age that i know of haha If you are looking to modify an existing model, you need the *.msh file of that model. you can use DATool to get that model. Then you'll need to convert it to something you can open in 3dmax. for that, you'll need the Tazpn tools and the command line tools wich you can find in the bioware forums. those will help you to get the model preferably in fbx format because it saves the skeleton of the model together with the skin modifier. after that you can import your fbx model in 3dmax using the units on "meters". after that, unhide all, and using the object selection dialog, look for a bone called GOB and on the utiilities pannel, chose reset xform and then clic to reset xform. that'll make everything the size it should be and rotated in the right direction. after that, I usually "cut" the skin modifier from the modifier pannel and work on the raw mesh. there you can modify your mesh as you see fit. and when you are ready, you can "paste" again the skin modifier. I guess that only works right if you haven't added new polygons to the mesh. if you are working in a new mesh, you need to see that it is rigged properly because it may not work as you want... after your mesh is modified, you can use the ChewyGumball's DAO Export script that you can also get from the bioware forums. but you need to be very careful to follow the instructions closely because otherwise, It wont work. After that, I'm usually not able to see my model in the toolset, but it nevertheless, it appears in the game... this is not in any way a tutorial. it is only what another self-taught newbie does... I hope It is not too late hehe. Ps. oh and for adding new content into the game you can go here tutorial in the bioware forums. it is a step by step. tutorial
  4. Thank you Silvist! I've seen other armour projecs that go even farther than I could aspire to in this site tho.. like the Necromonger armour hehe. and thanks for your comment about the hair mod. I really don't know what happened to the endorsements hehe. I guess I clicked in the wrong place. your work for oblivion is also very impressive! those weapons would look nice in dragon age too hehe. I was finally able to get the armour into the game! It is still not rigged as good as it should be, but at least it works now. there are some minor poligon glitches here and there but the important thing is that it is now nowhere near as in the last picture. it now moves and is usable hehe. and I haven't give up! maybe it'll be finished soon. maybe hehe. http://image.forumfree.it/4/2/7/8/8/5/0/1265490754.jpg success
  5. I think those coordinates might refer either to the origin in max, or to the bones attached to the mesh, I'm also new to modding... very new in fact but T.T I'm about to give up! haha. I can't figure out what is wrong with daoexporter. I follow every step and still I get "total bones" = 0 in the .mmh and now, Im not even able to achieve the same "success" that I had when I uploaded that last image... and I'm also starting to become aware that this topic has become more a builder troubleshooting than a mod request hehe
  6. Just look at the armor ingame... isn't it amazing? armor http://image.forumfree.it/4/2/7/8/8/5/0/1265055489.jpg because is definitly as "amusing" as deceptive said hahahahahaha Any other way of exporting it failed, so I used a script for max that i found... but as you can see, something went terribly wrong somewhere...
  7. You could try the dragon age toolset to open the modelmeshdata.erf and modelhierarchies.erf and extract the .msh and .mmh files for the models that you want. I use tazpn command tools to convert them to fbx and import them into max. you can extract the .dds textures also.
  8. I named the armor, for human male: hm_armor_cha1_0.mmh and msh. until now, I managed to get only the retextured part of the body into the toolset at least hehe. I can now see it when I make a new matproj. now I just have to get the real rigged armor hehe.
  9. Thanks to Kzelsama, I now succesfully created another hair on my own hehe. I also figured out what was wrong. as I exported the hair mesh to fbx format. I unchecked tangents and binormals and left only smoothing groups. then I used tazpn tools to convert it to msh and mhh. then I EDITED the mmh within the toolset and change some properties... I renamed the MMH NAME field under MMH CHILDREN to HairM1 and HairM2 for each mesh part, and I put a zero in MMH_MESH_CAST_BAKED_SHADOW, MMH_MESH_RECEIVE_BAKED_SHADOW and MMH_MESH_RECEIVE_RUNTIME_SHADOW... fot both mesh parts, the hair and the back part of the head... I don't know why but it seems to me that was the problem. as for the texture I used a packed texture just as kzelsama explained a few posts ago, and the .mao file for the hair was left as follows <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <MaterialObject Name="nerohair"> <Material Name="HairAlpha.mat"></Material> <DefaultSemantic Name="Default"></DefaultSemantic> <Texture Name="mml_tPackedTexture" ResName="pn_har_nero.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tTintMask" ResName="Default_White.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tTintNoise" ResName="uh_har_0t.dds"></Texture> <Vector4f Name="mml_vHairParameters" value="0.01 60 62 7.32"></Vector4f> </MaterialObject> And that's that! I guess haha. whatever I did also seemed to fix the back of the head wich didn't change color with the skin tints. thank you Kzelsama again! maybe later Ill add both hairs to the mod downloads so you can add them to your hair pack if you want to...
  10. Haha thank you Silvist, I used 3dmax to model It and I´ve been trying to rig it myself too. but even with all the tutorials I've read, I can't get it to work properly, and I can't even get it into the game, even badly rigged It doesn´t show up, I also can't get the pauldrons to work... I guess that blender is really better for that as both, Deceptive Warrior and Kzelsama said... and that is why I ask for help hehe. and I like this nexus forums better... Don't worry, maybe someone will help us one of this days... I hope, hehe
  11. there was a mod that did something for friendly fire. i haven't tested it but it might be useful... spell shaping
  12. Hey guys! again I made some modifications. this time, I used the default nude body that comes with the game and added the new mesh then textured it in order to make it easier to rig (I asume hehe) and to match perfectly with the gloves, boots and heads... so, anyone? pleeeaaase? :biggrin:
  13. Once I read somewhere that capes where a little difficult to make, I figure it might need a separate skeleton and its own animations to work propperly, I dont know how the people that made the capes for oblivion did them but they seem to be almost as if they were part of the robes and using the same body bones, and I don't know in wich clothing slot they'll fit... If anyone is willing to jump in into making a mod about capes, I could do the meshes for the cape for different tipes of armor, but I don't know how to rig, so someone else will have to do it.
  14. yeah, If the guys behind the toolset included a menu item like - "import mesh from blender" or from 3dmax and an "automatic skeleton adjustment" tool, everything would be so easy... :D
  15. Yeah, that is just what I don't know how to do haha. I´ve tried the weight painting tool in 3dmax a couple of times but I never got anything right
  16. Kzelsama is great, he helped me with a hair model I was trying to get into the game and he did in less than a day what I couldnt in two weeks haha. I have the mesh modeled and textured already, the images attached are just renders I did from them... I think It might just need the skeleton rigged to mod it into the game
  17. Hello Everyone! I've been trying to model a light armor set for a while. first, modifying the clothing meshes and then with an entirely new mesh. the problem is that i have very little experience rigging (almost none) and I just cant make it work right. I already have the mesh and the textures. Below is a picture of the armor. is very simple, the upper part modeled after haar from fire emblem. So if anyone is interested, just tell me and I'll send you the resources in the format you need. The other picture is my first attempt to combine the base clothing with the other model... but it looks a little weird... haha.
  18. Ok, I sent the link via PM... let me know if it was sent propperly because it doesn't show up in my sent messages, so I don't know if it was really sent hehe.
  19. I separated the mesh and did as you said. it looks a little better now but there are still some weird looking parts. as for the material in head part it is set as <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <!-- Exported by Material Editor --><!-- dc:source=file:///C:/BioWareDrive/DragonAge/SourceControl/ArtContent/Art/Characters/MATERIAL_PROJECTS/PN_HAR.matproj --><MaterialObject Name="PN_HAR_BLD"> <Material Name="Face.mat"></Material> <DefaultSemantic Name="Default"></DefaultSemantic> <Texture Name="mml_tBrowStubble" ResName="pn_har_stb_0t.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tBrowStubbleNormal" ResName="pn_har_stb_0n.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tDiffuse" ResName="pn_har_blda_0d.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tEmotionsMask0" ResName="default_blackzero.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tEmotionsMask1" ResName="default_blackzero.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tEmotionsNormal" ResName="Default_FlatNM.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tTintMask" Respn_har_blda_0t_white.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tNormalMap" ResName="pn_har_blda_0n.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tAgeDiffuseMap" ResName="Default_Gray50.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tAgeNormalMap" ResName="Default_FlatNM.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tSpecularMask" ResName="Default_SpecularMask.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tTattooMask" ResName="Default_Black.dds"></Texture> <Texture Name="mml_tTintMask" ResName="pn_har_blda_0t.dds"></Texture> <Vector4f Name="g_vAmbientMult" value="1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00"></Vector4f> <Float Name="g_fLipSpecularBoost" value="0.35"></Float> <Float Name="g_fRimPower" value="2.22"></Float> <Float Name="g_fSpecularMult" value="0.68"></Float> </MaterialObject> So, where can I upload the hair so that you can give it a look?
  20. I hope someone knows, we could use a little guidance. I only go as far as creating a mrh morph but I could use some help too with getting it into the character generator :whistling:
  21. I'v tried several times the face sorting process with almost every possible variant, but I cant get all parts of the hair mesh to display propperly. If I move the cursor down and do the face sorting, the hair in the nape of the neck looks fine but the upper part looks wrong... the same with the opposite. so I don't know what else to do! haha. I'm thinking I may as well upload the current state of the hair so that more experienced people can turn it into a propperly working hair. I cant figure out the way to use hair tints for the character generator, so I made a couple of texture variants. and I cant get the material of the back of the head mesh right. it stays in one color, even if I used the same settings from the vanilla hair in its .mao file...
  22. I can't believe it!!! IT WORKED!!!!!! HAHAHAAAAAA!!!! sorry, but it worked!! I did as you said the face sorting in blender and I exported the mesh in .dae format. I imported ir back to 3d max and then back to the game and it worked!! well, there are still some minor glitches but I'm going to keep trying until it looks ok. and after that, Ill fix the other maps. right now I only used a difuse and alpha map. a BIG thankl you Kzelsama!!! :thanks:
  23. Wow, that seems like the kind of problem that can cause everything i've done so far, pointless haha. I've been looking for something similar in max and in forums about 3dmax but I haven't found anything like sort faces yet. maybe if I try to do that in blender first and then export the mesh to .obj and import it to 3dmax? I don't know if it'll work but I'll give it a try. I feel I'm so close! yet nowhere near it as well! haha I'll post any update as usual. by the way, if it's not too much trouble, in blender, what setting do you use in the sort face dialog to determinate the relative center of the head? I see there are 5 options. view axis, cursor distance, material, selection and randomize.
  24. Well, I managed to find a way to export tha hair without having to learn blender from scratch hehe. but now, there is a tiny issue concerning the way the hair looks. as you can see in the attached image, there are some parts in the hair that look as if it was not propperly triangulated. i wonder what is wrong, could it be, as you can see in the other image attached, that the layers of the hair mesh that fall on top of other layers of hair cause that problem? Please help! hehe.
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