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Everything posted by ShrimpBallin

  1. Hmm.... not April fool? Good luck everyone!
  2. In response to post #36113280. #36113495, #36113620, #36113775, #36113885, #36115700, #36115745, #36116315, #36124765, #36125685 are all replies on the same post. with mods enable, all the change will be overwrite by mods(i think all things(food,med...) will add a new flag(survive mode), just like they did in FNV). Therefore, you can't test s**t in the beta if your mods don't update for it. so yeah, I think they need to force to disable mods in the beta. but when it comes the stable update, I hope we can use mods. btw, I use console for better screenshot
  3. In response to post #34093220. thank you! It works!
  4. In response to post #34071015. #34071450, #34071620, #34071680, #34072505, #34072540, #34072595, #34073190, #34073450, #34073500, #34074510, #34084490, #34084545, #34085065, #34088565, #34089440, #34090300, #34091345, #34091585, #34092545, #34092940 are all replies on the same post. but...but I don't use that MOD and still get CTD 5-10 seconds after the game started. :(
  5. In response to post #9026459. #9026798, #9028549 are all replies on the same post. shut down your computer and go to school, kid.
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