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Everything posted by elvnsword

  1. So I have an idea... but no earthly clue how to mod at all... (hopeless I have tried :( ) The idea would be for you to be able to set multiple caravans to the same location and they would travel in an actual caravan, a Brahmin carrier, perhaps even something more, like a cart once they reach a certain number of Caravanners. This would necessitate a few things. Stops added to Diamond City, Bunker Hill, Goodneighbor, and Vault 81 that provide caps in trade for raw resources like excess food and water produced by the commonwealth. A way to measure need of all settlements in a trade network vs the amount of resource produced, excess going into storage or converted to bottlecaps by Diamond City, Bunker Hill, Goodneighbor and Vault 81. This would be a function the Minutemen would need to institute eventually for the stability of the Commonwealth. Any ideas how this could be implemented?
  2. I am having a similar problem. Specifically it seems the menus have been pushed down the list. I have for example, access to the "Special" mod under heads... Anyone know how to reset this? Thanks,
  3. Ok... I want to try to follow your guide, but for some reason one of the resources you listed, Wyre Flash, is not available. Any help in either obtaining a copy of Wyre, or managing some other way to check the load order? I am having issues with the settlement system losing entire menus from the new DLCs and I am trying to figure out how to fix the issue. Thank, Elvn
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