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Status Updates posted by k361

  1. okies:) didn't have much time but I'll get to it right away
  2. hey again:P
  3. now that if I knew, but will do some research for you hihi
  4. yeah hihi seems I kept using it as a notebook for my thoughts

    (to tell you heh)

  5. hehe yup XD btw can you continue on our conversation? XD
  6. Omedetto de gozaimasu XD
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. k361


      o.O highschool DxD? XD
    3. Shadiva


      hehe abit, even though, it means more like congratulations morning (for family or family sourroundings) so i had to make some cheks on internet to realy understand you and the "Ah your birthday!" to pop up :D was a fun way to do it!
    4. Shadiva


      Oh forgot to mention, Aye! Highschool DxD! they wish you a happy birthday :D
  7. I see...hmm firing out all your rounds in first part will make no place for second one as your just out of ammo..totally like me:(
  8. shimatta..."what have I done" I trapped myself now?
  9. gotcha! teheheeeee
  10. hehe I watch mayo chiki, not vampire related at all, but my fav genre XD
  11. sure XD but, I will be on nexus whole day tomorrow xD
  12. eeeto...I will probably read it tomorrow:( have to hit the bed soon

    as I get up before dawn tomorrow (work) :(

  13. yaa it's okay...I (we) just came up with some background for Cael

    to use it as flashback moments when she will start to remember few things from her human past.

  14. review wa doko daa? hayaku hayakuuuu :-3
  15. sure, she says Hello to Sweden XD
  16. iie she decided to come to my house for a change.
  17. I see..definitely worth a try xD
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