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Status Updates posted by k361

  1. hmm headtracking mod? what can I do with it? o.O
  2. *big grin* I prefer the maid offering her neck though.
  3. "so much sweeter" *pictures a vampire lady sitting on the balcony in her summer residence during night having served a glass of "wine" by ever silent maid willing to offer her wrist or neck on command*
  4. darkside always was more tempting :-3
  5. I love being a monster XD in games ofc:) playing a hero is just booring for me XD
  6. tbh I can only barely see what I type at the moment.
  7. actually I watched that topic , but lately can't tell north from south...I mean seariously I have no problems like that and my laptop barely meets min. requirements for skyrim and play with medium details.
  8. omg lol epic just epic XD definitely the best xmas song XD
  9. true, besides I have a hunch that back in oblivion you didn't really replace him he just drove you mad *lol*
  10. to replace Sheogorath? I did it once I can do it twice:P
  11. Zombies? bleh nothing is better than inviting Bal to a...wait...whats the esrb rating of skyrim? :P
  12. Worshipper of Molag Bal
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    2. Shadiva


      Ah sweet! it so cosy to sitt and think out lore for a character, i usaly did it with several big lights litt to get the realy cosy feeling, helped me get in the mood for it haha
    3. k361


      sure it is, but I feel kind of like lore rapist as if this character ever held any significance, apart from being the progenitor of vampires in tamriel in general I guess Bethesda would give her more space in the lore, that means the field of possibilities is quite huge which is rather confusing for me so far.
    4. Shadiva


      Ah you dont wanna come upwith something that might change how the story can develop if new contents should arive? i useally dont go to Lore friendly, i just want a good story that myself can believe on and how others take i dont give a rats ass about, but i probably missunderstod you totally there right? :D
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