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Everything posted by BelgarionNL

  1. HUH 4 years what are you guys going on about? they first did fallout 3, released october 2008 then at least 2 DLC they also made themselves! most likely they had a very small team making some art and some story line for investors and to pitch it to bethesda but thats relatively cheap for a company! so i think the development started 2.5 years ago... and bethesda also cashed in on fallout new vegas with the engine todd's team made even though another studio created the game! this is a highly lucrative studio
  2. i would love to completely use summoned weapons and armor but if its on a timer then no THX! don't want to constantly have to recast the spell :D
  3. interested to see how shield bash and smithing works! if it works great then i will choose a nord warrior first
  4. crap crap crap no no no :P i meant last word from the previous word is the first letter of the next word!: so next word starts with S
  5. ok so i am bored and i can't wait till 11-11-11 so maybe we could start a word game to pass the time! 1 rule: it has to be a word UNIQUE to the Elderscrolls Lore! so i will start with: DOVAKIIN Next word has to start with a N (i am not sure if this is allowed, if not delete it :) ) This is allowed, but in the Forums>Discussions>The Lounge>Forum Games Moved it for you. :thumbsup:
  6. i want it! why are they so lucky? weird! although i have a huge desk and i could fit a dragon wall! unfortunately i was 2 late!
  7. well if I would hear both morrowind and skyrim today then i would go for skyrim! but i can remember that the theme back in 2002 for morrowind sounded so freaking awesome! it moved me back then more then this new one! so i vote MORROWIND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJD-Ufi1jGk
  8. post them here! i live in the netherlands, a small country in europe and normally they don't even bother advertising!
  9. i think i am going to attack my tv to my pc so i can play from bed, nice and warm! haven't decided yet :P
  10. just remember that it IS a game! other then that have fun writing a diary
  11. Yeah, I was hoping they'd add DX11 as an optional feature selectable in the config menu for PC (as in Deus Ex: Human Revolution). Nevertheless, it looks like that won't be the case. I can always hope they'll add it in a future update. :rolleyes: i think i read somewhere that it was dx11 compatible for pc!
  12. ahh yes skooma! the illegal drink! would be cool! and probably it is in there but hard to find i guess at start!
  13. try might and magic heroes 6!!! its not bad! , not great but still fun to play! and it keeps you busy
  14. dude its excalibur not axe in the stone! i don't think he is going to make a axe version! but this sword i will download! especially if its in stone and you need a 70+ one handed skill to pull it out!
  15. gopher thats not a bad idea :P but i still think they prefer you to play the game first :P see all their hard work! first game will be mod free unless something critical is missing :D
  16. this was cool never knew this stuff and would have never looked it up in the oblivion forums! this is fun while we are waiting! just the best off!
  17. Ooh. This is an excellent idea. :whistling: I'll probably play a warrior-type right off the bat. Heavy armor, sword, board, and enough healing magic to keep me alive. After that, it all depends on how the game mechanics actually work and what goofy-assed mods I have downloaded from here. I'm pretty flexible. Yes, just like that. :huh: so a Paladin i guess :) heavy armored warrior with healing skills :D
  18. I will definately start with a Gandalf sort of character at the start! so i can try out the ranged magic and swords at the same time! this will be a full blown Wizard with sword skill! then... i might hack the perk system to see how alchemy and Smithing works at full perked out trees, i know boohoo hacking! if i find that worthwhile my second character: a nord warrior will have smithing, and my imperial assassin alchemy
  19. just retired my G9 to a G700! that one is very good! the extra buttons will come in handy for the shouts :)
  20. could you plz explain those 2 things! i have both! an nvidia 570 and a i7 so how do i do that?
  21. ok right now i am trying: 4GB fix http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35262 and running on 1 monitor instead of 2! it seems to run a bit better edit: 1 hour and 20 minutes without crashing! and Ram stays under 1400 mb
  22. some from direct2drive and the latest one from steam unfortunately! since i hate steam! but i think willow is the problem since it seemed to be running fine! and willow was one of the last ones i added! EDIT: disabled it and it still crashed after 8 minutes now! guess new game is better! the rest of the mods look ok?? EDIT 2: tried new game and it crashed after 40 minutes! most of time when its loading new interiors! this time in the underground hideout mod when i was exploring it!
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