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Everything posted by philcollins

  1. To hard for me to explain! Why do you need to know how anyway?
  2. "Here lies phil collins the cheeseburger he ate was not cooked right when he threw up he did not see the oncoming Mustard Tiger"
  3. I know how to make things glow now! But i'm not going to do it. How's the cracks going?
  4. Ha ha ha ha ha ha... Kudos you get kudos...
  5. What!? The race or the house? Cuz the house is already made.
  6. You know the house on top of white gold tower(The imperial city palace) mod thats where soundwave is going to live!
  7. 2000!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin: :sick: :yucky: :ohmy: Called it! Goodbye!
  8. I found some music from final fantasy(I think) Click here
  9. No and i am sorry for everything. And kieranfoy here's a cookie enjoy.
  10. Why would you try to anger a god? Now back on what this topic was made for!
  11. Well as i said "If possible" or something like that so i guess it's not possible.
  12. I'll report you if you don't be quiet! Sorry i'm just like that i report things i don't like.
  13. Um he's makeing two bionicles now stay out of this please. Because i was about to report you but you were lucky because i have a soul!!!
  14. Is it going to be for vanilla bodies? Because if not screw this race mod i'm not going to download it and anyone who helped with it can burn in a fire pit from hell. philC. So vanilla bodies or what? Also i am sorry but i would hate this mod and would like to burn it if it will not be for vanilla bodies.
  15. Dang. But you could make a spell script that when you cast it it equips arnor on you that looks like a CD player. And another spell that when you cast it it unequips the armor and equips regular soundwave race armor.
  16. Could you make it so it plays the transformers transformation sound when you cast it?
  17. Not much just the symbol. Oh could you make it so they can transform?
  18. So are you going to make autobot and decepticon versions of the race? Like this one with the autobot symbol one with the decepticon symbol Autobot symbol http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/transformers/images/6/6b/Autobot_symbol.png Decepticon symbol http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/transformers/images/d/d7/Symbol_decept_reg.jpg
  19. Already have the giant crab i have a viking ship so i might update soon. EDIT: I don't think i need to update anymore you are doing it for me!
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