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Posts posted by Aluviel

  1. Thank you all for your replies I will try these things you mentioned^^

    Just make sure to turn TFC off before you fast travel - otherwise you'll wind up thinking:


    "Where am I? Did I break the game?" when you can hear the IC Marketplace around you, but your screen shows broken scenery.

  2. Hello All,


    I want to take some nice screen shots without having to wait til the game goes into idle mode. I am with a companion and I want both to be able to face the camera or make the screenshot angle swing around and face them without causing my avie to move.


    How do I do this?

  3. Aww thank you Benn! My knight in shinning armor!


    I hope your feeling better and that nasty flu is all gone by now ^^



    When in an inn or someone elses place, don't worry about it. The maid will be in on Tuesday to tidy up. Actually cells reset after you have not visited them for 3 game days - everything is usually replaced in it's original location - just as if the maid had been there.


    In your own place, use Decorator's Assistant to place things. It can lock things so they cannot be knocked around. Not perfect, but the best we have.


    Not using my own computer, so I can't give a link right now. Just use the search to find it. Type in decorator and it will show up.

  4. Hello All,


    This might seem like a kindergartners question, however I am stumped.


    Whether I am in my own home or at a bar somewhere I always seem to be knock things over and food gets on the floor.


    I have seen in some videos where things are picked up and put back on the table and positioned just right.

    you kow if you try that in a bar youll be clled a Thief and whole town will attack yas .


    I used to do this in Morrowind and I have forgotten its been so long.

    I have the awesome Arpenia castle as my home and would like to put some flower blossoms , swords in cases ect to decorate.

    When I am at an Inn if I make a mess of a table id like to clean it up and put everything back. I swear this sounds silly, I can practically feel the virtual disgust of the npc's and the dirty virtual looks they must be giving me behind my virtual back :P

  5. Hello All,


    I seem to be crashing everytime I try to enter the chapel in Kvatch and the game freezes ad crashes.

    So I went ahead and cleared the oblivian gate and the solder went inside the chapel.

    So I went inside thnking it might not crash this time and no matter what door I use the game crashes.


    Im using a pretty old version of oblivion.

    Load order









    Im not giving up stoker I went through hell to get him and hes staying.



  6. i am playing oblivion without knights of the nine and shivering isles. i have installed several mods for races, classes, quests, guilds, armor, and weapons--none of which have worked. the only mod that i have installed that seems to work is natural environments (the water appears clearer and my meters are different).


    i am using vista. i saw that i might try to disable uac, but that did not change anything. i also reinstalled and changed the file location from program files, but that didn't help either.


    i drag .esp and files (sound, texture, mesh, menu) into the C:\Oblivion\Data file. when i open the data files, i see the mods and i check them.


    even if i start a new game, i cannot access mod races or classes. i can't find the weapons or armor and quests don't appear.


    Have you installed latest Oblivion patch?


    Where is the link to the atest oblivion patch.

    I have vista too and I sre everyone is sick to death of my griping on here :P

  7. Maybe I am brain dead from all the downloading ect, Could someone tell me what folders your supposed to have in the oblivion- data folder?

    I thought there should be a character folder too.. or maybe that was in a mod I was fiddling with?


    Im trying to dl the goddess store. Some of the outside walls of the store are missing. Just a door kinda hanging there in game when I get there. When I go inside the charcters are big yellow blocks which means a mesh isnt in the right place. (trying to fix that according to these directions:



    What should be installed and where ===

    Textures folder:

    In your data/ textures you should have one folder named apachii

    In your data/ textures/ menus/ Icons you should have one folder apachii


    Meshes folder:

    In your data\ meshes\ armor you should have one folder named apachii

    In your data meshes\ weapons you should have one folder named apachii

    In your data\ meshes\ clothes you should have one folder named apachii

    In your data\ meshes\ clutter you should have one folder named apachii


    Data folder





    In my data folder I have :

    LS Data








    Is this right?


    in meshes I see a charcter folder...

    In the goddess store exe I dont see anything for charcters or the chacters like Goddess Bain and diffrent shop keepers.


    Special thanks to Benn and david and all of you who chimed in on my other posts^^

  8. Wow thanks I about gave up on this mod^^ I will try that once I get some other things going right.

    Many thanks^^


    Hey, I just wanna chime in here!


    I replaced the interior mesh of the house in Better Benirus manor (the 3d model that makes up the walls, floors and ceilings). If that mesh isn't in the right spot, you will indeed fall through the floor! To verify it is there, look for this file on your hard drive:




    If it's not there, try re-installing the mod. If you've gotten the hang of OBMM by now, you can download the omod version to make it all super simple. Hope this helps. :)

  9. The other thing you could do, would be to sneak into the Stoker mod and make the race playable...


    That way you could be Exactly the same race, not just something else cute :)



    Thank you for your mail David and posting it here^^ Very sweet you took the time to do both ^^ It makes comming to these forums worth it^^


    Thanks again and if I could change SToker to an elf id do it :P Hubba hubba

  10. Ahhh Thank you David!!


    When I did a search before I wasnt sure if these were just NPC that walked around the game or if it was a companion or an actual race that I could use.

    So the narrowing it down will help.

    I had a lovley mystic elf by ren with sonyas hair ect, white haired everything. Then I went down to rescue stoker and he had no face. So Either I corrupted the game somehow or the mod was interfering big time.

    I even got rid of the male body enhacer mod and unchecked better bodies.

    So I have re downloaded the game hopefully for the last time^^


    Thanks for responding to this^^





    Do a search for "Elf" and restrict the Category to "Races, Classes, and Birthsigns" and you will get about 5 pages of Custom Elves.


    Custom Elf Races are very populat :) Take your pick...



    I personally don't play elves, but the ones I've seen and/or heard of the most are Ren's Mystic Elves.

  11. Hello,

    I am looking for a prety elf race or something better than the vanilla charcters the game supplies for my companion stoker.

    Stoker can be found here:




    I had the ncient elven sorceress and that seemed to interfere with stokers face not showing up.


    So I need a mod that wouolnt corrupt the game or interfere with Stoker not showing up whole and complete.

    I hate to say it the mods tht come with the game are just ugly. I had a beautiful mytic elf with ren and sonyas hair however Stoker kept showing up with just a set of teeth in mid air.

    I cant seem to start the game now unless I have mystic elf and srcess checked. So its back to redownloading the whole thing again.


    I am downloading all 3 games Obliving, SI and Knights through Steam since I dont have shivering isles on cd.


    ANy help would be greatly appreciated^^http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/17743-4-1257240657.jpg

    Isnt he gorgeous and you should hear his voice Ahhhh^^




    So how can you have a vannila looking avie with a hottie like that?

    Thanks much!!

  12. Good evening,


    I have dled the stoker companion mod. I was very careful to hand drag textures to textures folder inside of the data, meshes to meshes ect and the esp file into data folder outside of the textures and mshes directly into data folder.

    Stoker does show up in game, voice works great ( very sexy I might add) except stoker has a black face that looks like several layers with some beard layers mixed in.


    I did go back re-download the mod files all over fresh

    I re-uploaded the main file, then the update one and lastly the face fix.


    I went in game made a save without stoker being checked. ran BOSS the order looks fine he is LAST.


    I exit game go into OBMM check stoker mod then data files.... Yes its there and checked.

    I go into game get down to the dungeon he still has a black face!


    I noticed the update and face fix dont have any meshes or textures they just have a single esp file which I say yes to move and replace.


    So I cant see why or how I could possible have the problem still.



    Am I making a dirty save somehow? I need to know exactly what I am doing wrong.


    Many thanks to any willing to suggest anything.

    here is my load order:



    CM Partners.esm









    Beautiful People.esp


    _Ren_BeautyPack_full + Soya's hair.esp

    CM Partners.esp

    CM Partners Special NPCs.esp

    CM Partners NPC.esp

    CM Partners More NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp


    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp



    Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp

    ElaborateEyes for Robert's Bodies.esp


  13. I can't help you with the Steam version since I have the original DVD first release, but I can tell you a couple of things you have wrong for starters.


    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp


    Why do you have both the English and German esps of these mods in your list? Use one language version not both. There's a big problem right there. EV is English and DV is German.


    I have no idea what GIGGER Boots is. Perhaps you could elaborate.


    Which female body replacer are you using? TFF and Exnem don't mix well especially if you use a complete clothing overhaul.

    You can use clothing and armours from different body replacers if they have full body coverage, ie show no skin, otherwise you will have texture errors like ugly blotches and other oddities.


    When you have the SI version of the game the Oblivion ESM is still named the same as the original and you already have the DLCShiveringIsles.esp in your list. That's all you need. That is the esp for SI.


    In the standard game you'll only find items for SI in the actual SI game world, so any items from the expansion appearing in the Tamriel world are added by mods.


    I don't know if the Steam version can use the Unofficial Patches for Oblivion, SI and the DLC's, but if it does I highly suggest you get them. Perhaps someone who does know about the Steam game can confirm.


    The Unofficial Patches fix a large number of bugs in the game among other things. It also includes the Custom Race Fix so you could leave that out of your list if you can use the patches.


    Use the search function at Tesnexus and look for "Unofficial."

    Thnk you for your advice I appreciate it!!

    I got he skin issue or female face issue fixed the body could use some work even tho I have a mod installed that supposedly fixes it . It must not be showing up right.

    ANytime I put the gigger boots on or any mod clothing I turn invisable I wish I could some how just delete those textures out or clean the whole system somehow,


    Spent all night fighting with the stoker mod . He has a black face and Ozz and Faye have no heads.


    Guad Im wondering if this game is even worth it.......makes night 3 I have fought my guts out trying to get stupid mods towork.

  14. greetings,


    I want to get a better customized look for my avie. I like the mystic elves after fighting with ren and sonya's mod and beautiful people ( eyes came out either black or googly) I am trying to find something that will work with the new nice hair to pick from with ren and sonyas mod.


    Those two mods conflict with each other when I uncheck beautiful people the game stops working. I am also supposed to be a female and I have a male body with an uncut wang : (

    I saw a mod for Beautiful women it sounds like they are for nps not my own charcter.


    Can anyone give me a link to another one that will just make me look decent? I really like the new hair in the ren and sonya mod.

    Id like to keep it if possible. Is it possible that this male body replacer is making me male? I wanted it so the NPC's would look better in game.



    CM Partners.esm








    Beautiful People.esp


    _Ren_BeautyPack_full + Soya's hair.esp

    CM Partners.esp

    CM Partners Special NPCs.esp

    CM Partners NPC.esp

    CM Partners More NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp


    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp



    Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp


    Ok I knw you guys probably think if we just leave her alone she will figure it out and I did.

    I downloaded elaborate eyes by Robert and put the regular elaborate eyes active again I also dled a eshme bodies for females. That got rid of me being a male Altho the skin is very boring I atleast have breasts now.

    If anyone knows of a better skin to put on her please indulge. I do make skins for Second life in a tga format and jpg format and have chip midnights skin template. If anyone knows a good tutorial I might just make my own.


    Ok so I think I am FINALY ready to enjoy this game now that im completly burned out :P

  15. greetings,


    I want to get a better customized look for my avie. I like the mystic elves after fighting with ren and sonya's mod and beautiful people ( eyes came out either black or googly) I am trying to find something that will work with the new nice hair to pick from with ren and sonyas mod.


    Those two mods conflict with each other when I uncheck beautiful people the game stops working. I am also supposed to be a female and I have a male body with an uncut wang : (

    I saw a mod for Beautiful women it sounds like they are for nps not my own charcter.


    Can anyone give me a link to another one that will just make me look decent? I really like the new hair in the ren and sonya mod.

    Id like to keep it if possible. Is it possible that this male body replacer is making me male? I wanted it so the NPC's would look better in game.



    CM Partners.esm








    Beautiful People.esp


    _Ren_BeautyPack_full + Soya's hair.esp

    CM Partners.esp

    CM Partners Special NPCs.esp

    CM Partners NPC.esp

    CM Partners More NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp


    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp



    Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp

  16. As I was playing along in the store at the Imperial palace Market district, I saw new clothing items .

    I thought hrm ok not sure if this is Mod stuff or standard new SI add on stuff...

    I saw these things called GIGGER Boots.. I thought Hrm....Sounds naughty Im sooooo getting that!!


    When I put them on I crashed Hard!!!


    I did DL BOSS to get my load order right maybe that will Help


    One friend commented on my load order she didnt see an emp file for SI

    I Downloaded GOTH Oblivion which had both expansion packs in it.. I looked in ever tiny sub folder for the SI Esp and ESM file...and I could only find one so Im getting a bit nervous.


    ANyone really experinced with Steam Download that could tell me if Im ok?



    CM Partners.esm










    _Ren_BeautyPack_full + Soya's hair.esp

    CM Partners.esp

    CM Partners Special NPCs.esp

    CM Partners NPC.esp

    CM Partners More NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp


    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp



    Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp

  17. :confused: Also having trouble with Ren's atm, which is odd, it was working just fine last week, but now that I've reinstalled, it doesn't seem to want to cooperate.

    All hairs, eyes, etc, show up on the base races, but nothing on any custom race.


    Ahh this is what I did to get at least the hair to work the problem now is everyone has black eyes...


    the load order sometimes you have to play with changing the order around... things below will over run the mod on top. so here is my order.. I got the hair I just need to get the eyes working and Im nervous about trying to load up stoker the romantic companion mod he has to be on the bottomm no matter what.

    here is my load order I am going to switch up the beauty packs and see what happens



    THE OBMM download was way worth not that big of a deal to fiddle with.

    especially when you can change up load order with a simple click rather than re load most mods.


    Think of it like a paint shop program like ps or gimp.. some layers need to go ontop inorder for them to show. ALot of eople dont realise that everything has an order and many many layers. So these mods have to be layerd or stacked right.


    Thank guad I catch on quick...


    here is my load order I am going to switch up the beauty packs and see what happens


    CM Partners.esm



    CM Partners NPC.esp

    CM Partners.esp

    CM Partners More NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Special NPCs.esp




    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

    CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp




    Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp


    Beautiful People.esp


    _Ren_BeautyPack_full + Soya's hair.esp





    Ok AN update I got the hair to work finally!! I played with the load order that seemed to work and I also reinstalled ren and sonyia thing back using OBMM that seemed to work.

    I didnt notice that there wasa file calle elaborate eyes that I needed to double click on since I only started using OBMM today with out much instruction. The instructions were more like stereo directions.


    I can be a Mystic elf the socerer is still not showing up. thats ok im sick of fighting with it. Im off to DL BOSS to get my load order right.


    One thing I will say about elaborate eyes now that my eyes actually show.... they are crooked in a very ugly way.. im off to investigate that.

  18. :confused: Also having trouble with Ren's atm, which is odd, it was working just fine last week, but now that I've reinstalled, it doesn't seem to want to cooperate.

    All hairs, eyes, etc, show up on the base races, but nothing on any custom race.


    Ahh this is what I did to get at least the hair to work the problem now is everyone has black eyes...


    the load order sometimes you have to play with changing the order around... things below will over run the mod on top. so here is my order.. I got the hair I just need to get the eyes working and Im nervous about trying to load up stoker the romantic companion mod he has to be on the bottomm no matter what.

    here is my load order I am going to switch up the beauty packs and see what happens



    THE OBMM download was way worth not that big of a deal to fiddle with.

    especially when you can change up load order with a simple click rather than re load most mods.


    Think of it like a paint shop program like ps or gimp.. some layers need to go ontop inorder for them to show. ALot of eople dont realise that everything has an order and many many layers. So these mods have to be layerd or stacked right.


    Thank guad I catch on quick...


    here is my load order I am going to switch up the beauty packs and see what happens


    CM Partners.esm



    CM Partners NPC.esp

    CM Partners.esp

    CM Partners More NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Special NPCs.esp




    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

    CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp




    Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp


    Beautiful People.esp


    _Ren_BeautyPack_full + Soya's hair.esp



  19. Im also having a similar problem with the Ren's beauty pack...i can see races and eyes but not hairs......

    what causes this?


    What Operating system do you have?I had to disable UAC in windows vista I am going to check it now to see if that worked. I am also going t check my load order and out it close to the bottom see if that helps too. Feel free to email me^^

    Ok just an update those tricks didnt work the special hair and races like mystic elf still are not showing up.


    Anyone else having this issue?


    I always install my mods by hand meshes to meshes ect.. So I know I was really careful. I'll try deteing it and re dowingling it and use OBMM to installit maybe that will help.

  20. Im also having a similar problem with the Ren's beauty pack...i can see races and eyes but not hairs......

    what causes this?


    What Operating system do you have?I had to disable UAC in windows vista I am going to check it now to see if that worked. I am also going t check my load order and out it close to the bottom see if that helps too. Feel free to email me^^

  21. *sNIGGERS* hEE tHANK YOU bEN AGAIN :P Poor Ben I am probably driving you crazy huh?

    Well I got the OBMM thingy and I now have a load order.


    Because I am using Windows Vista there us a UAC security device that blocks most mods even when you can see they are clearly checked in your data launcher. So Yay I learned something very helpfull no wonder better bodies and the companion wernt showing up in the game. Plus if you install that HUge CM Companions pkg I think in order to talk to them you have to be in sneak mode? WIerd... Ok So If I can just get Ozz head to show up that would be really nice too.

    Im still not real clear how to actully obmm to install a mod I think I can figure thaqt out by playing with it.


    Here is my details

    Windows Vista(finally have UAC turned off) control panel- user controls- turn OFF :P

    GE graphic card 120

    8 gig of ram

    massive GIG right now to use

    cant think of anything else I should list here


    Data Load order ( Please dont scream *cringe*)


    CM Partners.esm




    CM Partners NPC.esp

    CM Partners.esp

    CM Partners More NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Special NPCs.esp


    Beautiful People.esp



    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

    CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp




    Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp




    I really want this romantic companion mod named Stoker he sounds like a real B*tch to use and after you have installed all of your mods he has to be last in the list Thank guad for OBMM now all that gibberish talk is starting to make sense and thanks to Ben46 for his patence...Poor baby I see him explaining this stuff to people over and over ...


    Maybe if I can kidnap Ben to Secondlife.com and make him my virtual husband since hes already my savior I woulnt need stoker at all!!!! :P


    ANyhoo I hope this load order will help the fact I have UAC disabled now. I really want thqt Beautiful bodies thing to work cause dang... the charcters in this game are fugly as hell. I wann be gorgeous like all the screen shots I have seen then Ill deal with stoker. Otherwise the screen shots are gonna be stupid. Ugly girl with super hero Nice :confused:


    The vanilla game does not have these folders. They are automatically created (or you can create them manually) when you install the first mod that requires them. If they are already there, the mod will use the existing folder, if not, it creates the folders it needs.

    Signature fixed ^^

  22. *sNIGGERS* hEE tHANK YOU bEN AGAIN :P Poor Ben I am probably driving you crazy huh?

    Well I got the OBMM thingy and I now have a load order.


    Because I am using Windows Vista there us a UAC security device that blocks most mods even when you can see they are clearly checked in your data launcher. So Yay I learned something very helpfull no wonder better bodies and the companion wernt showing up in the game. Plus if you install that HUge CM Companions pkg I think in order to talk to them you have to be in sneak mode? WIerd... Ok So If I can just get Ozz head to show up that would be really nice too.

    Im still not real clear how to actully obmm to install a mod I think I can figure thaqt out by playing with it.


    Here is my details

    Windows Vista(finally have UAC turned off) control panel- user controls- turn OFF :P

    GE graphic card 120

    8 gig of ram

    massive GIG right now to use

    cant think of anything else I should list here


    Data Load order ( Please dont scream *cringe*)


    CM Partners.esm




    CM Partners NPC.esp

    CM Partners.esp

    CM Partners More NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

    CM Partners Special NPCs.esp


    Beautiful People.esp



    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

    CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

    Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp




    Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp




    I really want this romantic companion mod named Stoker he sounds like a real B*tch to use and after you have installed all of your mods he has to be last in the list Thank guad for OBMM now all that gibberish talk is starting to make sense and thanks to Ben46 for his patence...Poor baby I see him explaining this stuff to people over and over ...


    Maybe if I can kidnap Ben to Secondlife.com and make him my virtual husband since hes already my savior I woulnt need stoker at all!!!! :P


    ANyhoo I hope this load order will help the fact I have UAC disabled now. I really want thqt Beautiful bodies thing to work cause dang... the charcters in this game are fugly as hell. I wann be gorgeous like all the screen shots I have seen then Ill deal with stoker. Otherwise the screen shots are gonna be stupid. Ugly girl with super hero Nice :confused:


    The vanilla game does not have these folders. They are automatically created (or you can create them manually) when you install the first mod that requires them. If they are already there, the mod will use the existing folder, if not, it creates the folders it needs.
  23. Sorry to post yet another plea for help I hope this is the last one.


    I am trying to load up beautiful people mod since ren's combined with sonyas hair didnt work out. I found a mod that supposedly fixes that combines it with rens beautiful people and sonya's hair and to no avail it still doesnt work!

    The mystic race and soccerer race doesnt show up either..

    Am I missing something? do I need a compatability mod of some kind?


    Its late and I am going to bed Its ben a long day of fighting with mods and redownloading games for me.



  24. Greetings!!


    I have just downloaded oblivion's GOTY to get both expansion packs for SI and the other one Oblivion has.


    I went to the STeam folder to look for Data Files to start uploading some of my Mods and I found the folder for data(sorry for the misleading subject line cant edit it) and I noticed a few folders missing such as Meshes ,voice and sound.

    Should I pop in my Oblivion cd and reinstall that? or should I just drop in the sound voice meshes folder into data?


    WHen I went to steam the only way to get the expansion packs was to buy the whole GOTY edition.


    Any help or advice is greatly appreciated and special thanks to Ben the Modderator for his help thus far ^^ *kisses*



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