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  1. Done: https://www.nexusmods.com/greedfall/mods/121
  2. I know this was posted a while back, but FYI, it is a lot easier now than it was. Resorep is no longer required. See: https://www.nexusmods.com/greedfall/mods/116
  3. Done: https://www.nexusmods.com/greedfall/mods/110
  4. The upgrade slots available on items are configured with the rest of the item, including its price, model, etc... If you extract the .spk files, the configs are in .sli files located under datalocal/items/... I don't own the DLC, so I don't know if it comes as an additional SPK file or if it installs in the datalocal as an override like all other mods. I know that MOST of the games items are configured by the file: datalocal/items/items_autogen/items_autogen_equipements.sli Best way to figure out how to make things upgradable is just look at some of the other items. It is all XML, so eventually you start to figure out things like <includeChildNodes>craftSettings_2hs</includeChildNodes> adds the ability to upgrade 2 handed weapons. There are mods like this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/greedfall/mods/9?tab=files That already add slots to all the weapons. Notice if you look at the file-preview on that mod, it only edits 1 file.
  5. Nevermind. Here is the mod. Hopefully the female protagonist isn't too buggy: https://www.nexusmods.com/greedfall/mods/118
  6. Found it under: datalocal\background\props\textures\tx_prp_paintings_01a_diff.stxu Here is a link to the extracted texture file. https://www.mediafire.com/file/jqsjjchz3krlfkr/paintings.png/file
  7. Okay, I updated my distro. It now has the script I used to convert to dds: https://www.nexusmods.com/greedfall/mods/116?tab=files Note that you will probably need to download NVidia Texture Tools Exporter to open the dds files and export them to other formats if you don't have DDS software installed. https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-exporter
  8. I ran a pssg to dds conversion script on the directory you pointed to. Looked through everything and nothing looks like that painting you are referring to. Either the directory is wrong or it is a composite texture that isn't obvious at a glance. IE: A canvas/fabric texture with the brush strokes in an overlay/mask file somewhere. In game models can consist of a number of textures. Even if you find the file, it may be sliced up odd to match up with the geometry of the frame holding the image. I plan to upload the conversion script to nexus in the next day or two, so you can download it and extract/look for the texture yourself. But you may be better off installing some mods that make the player invisible and then just walk up to the painting in game and hit PRINT SCREEN. Paste the screenshot into your favorite image editing program and crop it. There is a lantern remover mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/greedfall/mods/4 And version 1.00 of Naut-E Wares was buggy, but included the ability to make the player 100% invisible. So you could download that: https://www.nexusmods.com/greedfall/mods/110?tab=files (I plan on adding the face-invisibility capability back to the next release)
  9. Using 7-zip, open up <pathtogame>/Greedfall/packs/data.spk Extract the file /inputs/inputs_explore_fight.sli (and any other input definition files you want) to: <pathtogame>/Greedfall/datalocal/ (ie:<pathtogame>/Greedfall/datalocal/inputs_explore_fight.sli) The "sli" file is an XML file that sets up the games default keyboard mappings. You can should be able to re-assign as needed with copy and paste.
  10. I'm working on a mod called Romance Extender that expands the romance cutscenes and allows you to "repeat" the romance cutscene with any established lovers when you go upstairs (Why only let people do it once?). It also has an optional peice that makes it so that no matter what you say to NPCs, the romance progresses. (No wrong conversation options). And finally... allows females to romance Aphra and Males to romance Kurt so that only any given play through you can romance everyone. Anyway... almost done except I need to test it and I my female Protagonist save game is not far into the game. Can someone please send me a late game save with a female protagonist so I can ensure that the new Aphra scenes work? Thanks....
  11. So... JUST FYI, The add blocker I am using allows you to right click an add and block it. It causes the ad blocker to examine the pages DOM, identify what you clicked on and prevent it from rendering based on attributes. In this case, the slide in menu came back as an iFrame on the nexus site with the name/id: google_ads_iframe_/58309977/nexusmods_0 Since I blocked that element, I haven't seen the slide in window or had any stability issues with nexus. Still running the ad-blocker, but I have an exception for nexus and other sites I support. And now my ad blocker has a filter for this element. So either one of two things: That element is being injected into the dom by another ad/javascript dependency library, or it is a part of the site by design (doubt it). Regardless, I have disabled the element as it appears to be what was causing my lag and stability issues. For anyone reading this with similar issues, I am using the Chrome extension "AdBlock" with the following custom filer: @@||www.nexusmods.com/$documentwww.nexusmods.com##IFRAME[id=google_ads_iframe_/58309977/nexusmods_0][name=google_ads_iframe_/58309977/nexusmods_0] If the name/id changes and the block stops working, I will update this post. UPDATE: After a few days, the number in the google ads iframe changed. So I had to make my filter more general and filter out all iframes: @@||www.nexusmods.com/$documentwww.nexusmods.com##IFRAME
  12. Happens on Chrome and Edge. If I install an Ad Blocker, it stops. I don't see these slide in ads on any other sites.
  13. Next Slide in Ad. Note the time.
  14. Expanded Details of Last URL request
  15. Here is the Ad playing. I activated the Network Traffic Bar
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