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About Slicer51b

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    United States
  • Favourite Game
    S.W. Galactic Battlegrounds

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  1. Done and done. I have just finished my latest comic and I thought you might be interested :)


  2. Much to do, so little time. I have many different projects I am working on, all of which either have to be, or should be done soon.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slicer51b


      Some volunteer work, both on the nexus and other. Right now it is mostly recruiting people for projects, always a drag, but it is necessary to succeed.
    3. Ithildin


      Volunteer work ... are you working on a mod for FO3 or NV?
    4. Slicer51b


      Technically both, but we are finishing up the Fallout 3 edition before the team moves entirely onto New Vegas. I am on the Mothership Zeta Crew team for fallout 3, which goes by TSC Vegas for NV.
  3. This would save me quite a bit of time, packaging up MZC addons in a nice fomod takes time and precision. Another reason why I love this site! Lieutenant Slicer51b Advanced Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command Stationed: T.S.C.S. Olympus
  4. Ever since a certain mod author was banned a while back, I have been thinking a lot about the events that led up to it. So drawing from my thoughts, an idea has occurred to me that may make the moderators life a bit easier (Yes, keep reading LHammonds). One of the problems that has aroused in the past is "assets used in mod." So what I propose is this. Add to the "Credits/Permissions" tab a fill-in-the-box feature similar to the old "required files" tab. You stick in the web address and/or type in the mod title, and/or the mod author then go through his released mods. This list remains visible to the public, so users can check that to see what assets have been used. Whenever a file is "taken down," there still remains a record of it being uploaded. Even if the mod author himself took it down, the file can still be entered in the "Assets used in mod" feature. Also, when a mod is taken down by the moderators due to "piracy" or "copyright infringement," an automated message is sent out to all of the mod authors who have entered that mod into the "assets used in mod" feature. The moderator needs only to fill-in-the-blank the automated message (reason why file is taken down), and walla! The mod authors know why file is taken down. The trick with this, is that the mod uploader can't "delete" any asset he has put onto the list. It instead goes to a second list, the "previously used assets" or "no longer used assets." Each entry also includes the date of when it was switched to that list. The reason behind this, is so that mod uploaders can't just remove any record of the mod being used. The moderators can easily locate and find these mod uploaders who have used pirated assets. Example scenario to explain the proposed feature. Scenario Characters IvantheHack (villain) JoeTheActionFigure (hero) NinjaOrk (bystander) Dark0ne (local regime's baron) Storytime On may 3rd, 2277, IvantheHack uploads a mod on the New Vegas nexus called "Modern Weapon Collection." In this "collection" are 20+ "modern" weapons. Everything from an M4 to an RPG. Mod is an immediate sensation. On June 22nd, 2277, JoeTheActionFigure uploads his finished faction mod called "G.I. Joe" onto the New Vegas Nexus. In his collection he uses Antistar's "Dragonskin Tactical Armor" mod, Linerunner's "Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas" mod, and IvantheHack's "Modern Weapon Collection." He uses the proposed "assets used in mod" feature to display these three files. On July 5th, 2277, Dark0ne gets contacted by a lawyer working for Electronic Arts. The lawyer says the "Modern Weapon Collection" mod uploaded by IvantheHack is entirely made up pirated weapons from "Battlefield Bad Company 2." Dark0ne then has the file taken down, and IvantheHack banned (after going through the proper procedures for this scenario, whatever they may be). On July 7th, 2277, JoeTheActionFigure logs onto the New Vegas Nexus. He finds he has a PM. JoeTheActionFigure then checks his inbox, and finds the automated message from the moderators. "JoeTheActionFigure, File "Modern Weapon Collection" uploaded "IvantheHack" has been taken down on "July 6th" for piracy." JoeTheActionFigure then panics! "oh {expletive deleted}, I spent months on my mod! Now I have to basically redo half of the weapons because of this HACKER! Our fledgling modder then seeks counsel with the moderator force, asking if ALL of the weapons were pirated, or just some (in order to preserve as much as possible of his original mod). He then finds out all of the assets he used from IvantheHack are pirated, so he re-uploads his file with new models replacing the pirated weapons. Thus, a fledgling modder doesn't get damaged in the legal struggle between the moderators and the pirates. What do you all think? If there are questions, please leave a comment so I may explain it in further detail. Or make edits to the post to make it more clear. Lieutenant Slicer51b Advanced Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command Stationed: T.S.C.S. Olympus
  5. Personally, I do not like change. However, the site did need an overhaul. It appears that you have done an excellent job so far, and will continue to do so. I will make sure I alert you of any bugs I spot via the feedback section. Also, something occurred to me last night as a new feature for mod authors. I'll post it in the feedback/suggestion forum. Lieutenant Slicer51b Advanced Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command Stationed: T.S.C.S. Olympus
  6. Dark0ne, First, I am using Mozilla Firefox 6.0. Title of bug: Confirmation of login without actually logging in. Location: Main page of all 5 nexusnetworks (TES, F3, NV, DA, and W2). Description: When I went to check out the TES "skins," I decided to log-in via the main page's "Login" feature near the top of the screen (above the hot file image). However, I accidentally clicked "login" before I typed my username or password. After I had clicked "login" the site showed this message (changed the page, not a pop-up). After repeating this twice more, I did the same thing to the other 4 networks. All the same, same message for logging in/not actually logging in. Please forgive my ignorance, but how do you take "screenshots" of webpages and/or desktop screen? I have seen people post pictures of webpages or desktops, but I do not know how. Will someone please tell me so I can better present future bugs? Lieutenant Slicer51b Advanced Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command Stationed: T.S.C.S. Olympus
  7. be prepared to be blown away with the result O;:::;O
  8. No apologies needed, I understand. Now to find out who is using the same username as me and combine forces... to rule THE WORLD!!! MUHAHAHAHAH MUHAHAHAHA *cough cough* Well, sorry about that.... sometimes I get carried away....
  9. Strange, I have been playing a steam game, called War Inc. On there, I met a player using "Sepherose" as his gamertag. I chatted with him for a little bit during a game.

    My apologies, I assumed that you and him were one in the same.

  10. War Inc? Talking about EVE? I'm a Miner on there, not a Merc, never been a Merc there..... if that isn't what you are talking about, I have no idea...
  11. I knew your name was familiar, couldn't think of where I had seen it before.

    So you are a Nexus modder, as well as a War Inc merc, eh?

  12. Nothing too much going on. Been that Fallout story every now and then. Digitally illustrating a friend's sketches for a comic he wants to do. Been volunteering at the local hospital in pathology and MRI. I'm probably going to start hitting the books this following month to prep for my next year at college.
  13. How have you been doing these past few months? I haven't been hitting the profile scene much these past few months. But with little moderation between my other projects, I might be moving about.

    The squirtles are coming.....it is inevitable.....

  14. Also, when am I going to get upgraded to a better title? I have had "old hand" for the longest time, I have more posts than some "unique title" members and I haven't gotten a unique title yet.
  15. Working hard at work, trying to overhaul all of the MZC addons, then afterwhich I'll create a NV-TSC addons page. Much to do, little time.
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