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Slicer51b replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
This would save me quite a bit of time, packaging up MZC addons in a nice fomod takes time and precision. Another reason why I love this site! Lieutenant Slicer51b Advanced Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command Stationed: T.S.C.S. Olympus -
Ever since a certain mod author was banned a while back, I have been thinking a lot about the events that led up to it. So drawing from my thoughts, an idea has occurred to me that may make the moderators life a bit easier (Yes, keep reading LHammonds). One of the problems that has aroused in the past is "assets used in mod." So what I propose is this. Add to the "Credits/Permissions" tab a fill-in-the-box feature similar to the old "required files" tab. You stick in the web address and/or type in the mod title, and/or the mod author then go through his released mods. This list remains visible to the public, so users can check that to see what assets have been used. Whenever a file is "taken down," there still remains a record of it being uploaded. Even if the mod author himself took it down, the file can still be entered in the "Assets used in mod" feature. Also, when a mod is taken down by the moderators due to "piracy" or "copyright infringement," an automated message is sent out to all of the mod authors who have entered that mod into the "assets used in mod" feature. The moderator needs only to fill-in-the-blank the automated message (reason why file is taken down), and walla! The mod authors know why file is taken down. The trick with this, is that the mod uploader can't "delete" any asset he has put onto the list. It instead goes to a second list, the "previously used assets" or "no longer used assets." Each entry also includes the date of when it was switched to that list. The reason behind this, is so that mod uploaders can't just remove any record of the mod being used. The moderators can easily locate and find these mod uploaders who have used pirated assets. Example scenario to explain the proposed feature. Scenario Characters IvantheHack (villain) JoeTheActionFigure (hero) NinjaOrk (bystander) Dark0ne (local regime's baron) Storytime On may 3rd, 2277, IvantheHack uploads a mod on the New Vegas nexus called "Modern Weapon Collection." In this "collection" are 20+ "modern" weapons. Everything from an M4 to an RPG. Mod is an immediate sensation. On June 22nd, 2277, JoeTheActionFigure uploads his finished faction mod called "G.I. Joe" onto the New Vegas Nexus. In his collection he uses Antistar's "Dragonskin Tactical Armor" mod, Linerunner's "Classic Fallout Weapons - New Vegas" mod, and IvantheHack's "Modern Weapon Collection." He uses the proposed "assets used in mod" feature to display these three files. On July 5th, 2277, Dark0ne gets contacted by a lawyer working for Electronic Arts. The lawyer says the "Modern Weapon Collection" mod uploaded by IvantheHack is entirely made up pirated weapons from "Battlefield Bad Company 2." Dark0ne then has the file taken down, and IvantheHack banned (after going through the proper procedures for this scenario, whatever they may be). On July 7th, 2277, JoeTheActionFigure logs onto the New Vegas Nexus. He finds he has a PM. JoeTheActionFigure then checks his inbox, and finds the automated message from the moderators. "JoeTheActionFigure, File "Modern Weapon Collection" uploaded "IvantheHack" has been taken down on "July 6th" for piracy." JoeTheActionFigure then panics! "oh {expletive deleted}, I spent months on my mod! Now I have to basically redo half of the weapons because of this HACKER! Our fledgling modder then seeks counsel with the moderator force, asking if ALL of the weapons were pirated, or just some (in order to preserve as much as possible of his original mod). He then finds out all of the assets he used from IvantheHack are pirated, so he re-uploads his file with new models replacing the pirated weapons. Thus, a fledgling modder doesn't get damaged in the legal struggle between the moderators and the pirates. What do you all think? If there are questions, please leave a comment so I may explain it in further detail. Or make edits to the post to make it more clear. Lieutenant Slicer51b Advanced Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command Stationed: T.S.C.S. Olympus
Personally, I do not like change. However, the site did need an overhaul. It appears that you have done an excellent job so far, and will continue to do so. I will make sure I alert you of any bugs I spot via the feedback section. Also, something occurred to me last night as a new feature for mod authors. I'll post it in the feedback/suggestion forum. Lieutenant Slicer51b Advanced Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command Stationed: T.S.C.S. Olympus
Dark0ne, First, I am using Mozilla Firefox 6.0. Title of bug: Confirmation of login without actually logging in. Location: Main page of all 5 nexusnetworks (TES, F3, NV, DA, and W2). Description: When I went to check out the TES "skins," I decided to log-in via the main page's "Login" feature near the top of the screen (above the hot file image). However, I accidentally clicked "login" before I typed my username or password. After I had clicked "login" the site showed this message (changed the page, not a pop-up). After repeating this twice more, I did the same thing to the other 4 networks. All the same, same message for logging in/not actually logging in. Please forgive my ignorance, but how do you take "screenshots" of webpages and/or desktop screen? I have seen people post pictures of webpages or desktops, but I do not know how. Will someone please tell me so I can better present future bugs? Lieutenant Slicer51b Advanced Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command Stationed: T.S.C.S. Olympus
I'm pretty certain the weapon mod you are referring to is the Book of Earache. Which was recently taken down. Highly unlikely that it will be re-uploaded. Slicer51b
An event worth celebration and praise, few sites ever make it up to 2.5 million users, let alone 250 users. I won't be entering the competition, but now that you bring up the "because I'm a sucker for a good quest!" I have 3 suggestions for Quest Mods you may enjoy playing available here on the Fallout 3 Nexus. To both the moderators and Dark0ne, Enjoy! Listed by number of Endorsements (high to low): 1. Mothership Zeta Crew:This clever masterpiece takes the major letdown Mothership Zeta DLC and transforms it into the DLC most worth playing (to get at the quests). Also, the MZC team has produced a "Shorter Zeta DLC" plugin available on the Mothership Zeta Crew Addons and Utilities F3 Nexus webpage. So with the plugin active, the Zeta DLC takes about 1 hour to complete, not 2 or 3 hours (now quicker to get at the MZC quests). If you have any problems, or questions, refer to the FAQ under the discussion tab. If that doesn't mention your difficulty, leave a comment on the mod thread and it will be soon answered by one of the MZC team members. Also to be honest and open about it, I work on the MZC team, so that does factor into my suggesting it. 2. Vault 101 Revisited: Were you ever annoyed with your childhood friend kicking you out of the vault just because you blew away her Dad (not to mention Overseer Mack...)? Now you can come back into Vault 101 and not be considered an "arrogant and insubordinate" child (quote taken from the late Overseer). 3. The Institute: Ever think about what this "Institute" is after Dr. Zimmer (android guy from Rivet City)? This quest mod takes the player to the institute and glues the player to the screen as he/her awed by the storyline, goes through the quests. Lt Slicer51b Alien Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command (Yes we really get into this "Terran Starship Command" thing).
The plot mysteriously deepens. Now we the audience must ponder who is responsible for the strike. Those things don't exactly grow on trees, plus one needs skilled technicians to be able to use an Orbital Strike Platform. Lt Slicer51b Alien Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command
Before I start this masterful and truly brilliant work of art critigue <sarcasm>, let me make note that I have only read the 4 Prologue images + the first 3 chapters. So I am starting from scratch and using only the information I pick up from reading it now. 1. Typical Evil Villian interogative methods. Must we always do some elaborate torture or interogative methods? Don't knives or unarmed hands work well enough? Or if you have to keep up with the whole ultra advanced tech image of the Enclave, use a fancy power outlet without a surge protector or whatever that contraption is called. 2. Evil stormtroopers always suck when it comes to combat. I find it perfectly reasonable that Jericho with all his experience could still kick ass, however I find it a stretch that he could fight his way into this base. You know, Chinese Assault Rifle vs Enclave Power Armor. Even though it is almost always in more crappy condition than my copy of Enders Game, it should provide protection against that. So we counter that by giving him an awesome alien-tech weapon. I find this part perfectly reasonable. It would be so typical of military personnel forgetting to put an insanely powerful weapon under lock and key. 3. The Orbital Strike is a peice of s***: I found this ridiculous in the vanilla game that the orbital strike could only blow up a big bot. I not only find it hilarious that the Enclave guys completely miss their targets but that they kill a bunch of their guys + blow up a bunch of vertibirds. Reminds me of that incident in Camp Lejune with the artillery guys almost blew up a general's wife driving on the nearby highway.... As you may have noticed my level of sarcasm and cynicsm is at a peak (forgive my spelling, I am feeling too lazy to figure out the right spelling right now). I had to wait hours to get into the mentioned dupe's office to get my leave papers signed. To give you an impression of how long I waited, I came with a novel in hand. Gone Tomorrow, a Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child, about 500 pages. I was at about 330-350 pages. I finished it during my wait time. So my impression of humanity is at a low ebb. Lt Slicer51b Alien Technology Adaption Division Terran Starship Command
I read through my post again and realized my misinterpratation. The main lead is the lone wanderer! I should have known, armored vault 101 jumpsuit = Lone Wanderer. As I had said (or technically written) I was tired when I wrote that comment. This last episode is interesting. I at first was thinking Enclave when you were describing the mercenaries. Your used method of describing these talon guys was unclear until you said talon. On one hand it could be something to work on improving. So as to make the situation more clear. On the other paw this could be intentional. One can compare this to the writing styles of Jerry Pournelle with his Falkenberg's Legion Series compared to David Drake's Hammer's Slammers series. Pournelle is describing the situation, the combat, the violence, the carnage to you so that it is understood. Mainly for young military officers to learn the art of war (and to tell you we need to kill those reds. As you might guess, Pournelle did most of his writing during the Cold War). Drake on the other hand writes his combat as it is. Chaotic, intense, and violent. One doesn't really have a detached and safe view of the situation (Drake was in the tank corps during I believe it was Vietnam War. He built the Slammers command structure exactly that as of a armored regiment). So if the style of description was intentional, good job. Jericho. He has always struck me as you have portrayed him. Of course there were differences in how we see him. I can believe him coming in and helping the vault warriors for the heck of it. However...HOW IN THE WORLD DID HE KNOW WHERE THE VAULT WARRIORS WERE? I don't think you can get "Google Earth" in the wasteland. Nor does Jericho have master tracking skills like Aragorn (I think I spelled his name right) from the Lords of the Rings. Even if he does, how do you stalk a vertibird? (I use the word "stalk" for a reason. With a little research you can discover this joke to myself. Hint: It has something to do with the BSA's Centennial merit badges). The combat scene was intense. Perhaps if I had read it before others of such quality I would be awestruck. However I have read books such as the above mentioned. But nevertheless it was pretty intensifying and gripping. If worse comes to worse and you need to pay the bills. You can turn to your unique writing ability. The famous inventor of modern day science fiction Robert A. Heinlein started out for that reason. This is my two cents Slicer51b
Nice writing and fallout-tography you have done. Really nice job. At the momento I am tired, so I don't have lots of insightful stuff. But I do have this one. Wouldn't they all know who 101 doc is? If the lead character can spot Autumn after two or three meets, they would recognize the doc. He treated their owies (how bad a wound could they get in the vault?), the dad of the wanderer and their friend, and in the same vault for 15+ yrs. They would know his voice, poise, figure, and whatever else. At least the voice in the hologram they would recognize. Especially the two girls. Women are better at that sort of thing. Don't ask me why. It just is. Oh and another thing. No mention of the Lone Wanderer? When I did my first couple playthroughs (before I started modifying my game) I was james bond.....well mayby thats a little exagerated. Just in the sense of having lots of collateral damage. This made it probematic when escorting people like Sydney or Cherry. They died a lot from the explosions. Now back to the lone wanderer thing. Wouldn't people say "aren't those the fabled vault dwellers" (these kind of stories don't lose any drama in the telling). Then if you're an evildoer, "ah **** its those ******* vault 101 psychos. I heard the guys up north got slain by ONE of them! What could we do against FOUR of them!". These stories spread faster than the plague on a windy day. Like when they were in Megaton. Lucas Simms would remember at least the Dad mayby junior and might mention it. I am going to read the entire story again sometime tomorrow or the next and put it through severe analysis. My contribution to the F3 Nexus is through testing and analysis. And if this is hard to understand that is probaly my fault. I was tired when I wrote this. Slicer51b
Good to know the problem has been isolated. It is disappointing to know such wicked people exist. I have however done a quick virus scan and am doing a comprehensive one now. Nothing major has shown up...yet. I will report if I come across anything. The question I am about to ask I doubt will be answerered but I shall ask it anyway. Were there any insiders? I don't mean moderators or admins but just ordinary members. It is probaly a lot easier with a profile than without one to do what has been described. Slicer51b
Wow. I just stumbled across this thru Bluedanubes link. Good thing I did. I am amazed. This is much better than the fallout storyline. Has its mcguffens but not crazy mcguffens. Pretty nice work even so. Once you are done you should release this a download like your halo scopes. With the storyline like in word or something similar. Pictures are also really nice. Excellent work. Slicer51b