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Everything posted by SpartanISW108

  1. I'm having troubles with modding in a copy of the elevator from Lonesome Road for a personal silo home. I'm trying to create a script block that runs the movement part, then when the elevator is at the bottom of the shaft, disables the invisible wall at the front allowing you to continue. However I can only seem to get the starting sounds, and the movement up to the bottom of the shaft to work. But the script doesn't seem to follow the blocks in disabling the invisible wall when it reaches the bottom of the shaft. Here's the script in case anybody can help me scn Silo01ElevatorScript short iStage float fTimer Begin OnActivate if fTimer > 0 set fTimer to fTimer + GetSecondsPassed elseif iStage == 0 ; Stage 0 playsound OBJTurretGeneratorDisable NVDLC04SiloElevatorControlsREF.playgroup left 1; set iStage to 1 elseif iStage == 1 ; Stage 1 if fTimer >3 NVDLC04SiloElevatorStartCollisionREF.disable; ElevatorBackCollisionREF.enable; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights02Ref.enable NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights02bRef.enable NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights03Ref.enable NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights03bRef.enable NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights04Ref.enable NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights04bRef.enable NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights05Ref.enable NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights05bRef.enable NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights01Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights02Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights02bRef.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights03Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights03bRef.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights04Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights04bRef.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights05Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights05bRef.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorLights06Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04OBJElevatorLPREF.enable NVDLC04SiloElevatorControlsREF.playgroup left 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorREF.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorShaft01Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorShaft02Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorShaft03Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorShaft04Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorShaft05Ref.playgroup forward 1; NVDLC04SiloElevatorShaft06Ref.playgroup forward 1; SiloBlastDoorDoubleREF.playgroup forward 1; set iStage to 2 set fTimer to 1 elseif iStage == 2 ; Stage 2 if fTimer >62 NVDLC04SiloElevatorEndCollisionREF.enable; NVDLC04OBJElevatorLPREF.disable; ElevatorFrontCollisionREF.disable; return endif endif endif end I've tried various ways of getting it to work, including "Isanimplaying" but I still can't get it to follow past the first block. I was using this guide as a template http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/tutorials/staged_timers.aspx But it just doesn't seem to be working. Any help would be extremely appreciated on this topic. Thanks.
  2. I wish to get the controls sorted first, but I just can't do it, no matter what I change there's something I'm just not happy with. I know I'm being super needy but I just wish to learn how to sort this and tailor it to my liking
  3. Grab+E doesn't work to auto equip the weapon doing the changes you made. And drop becomes grab+X, I wish for it to be just X but I can't seem to see another variable controlling the drop function. If you could just get the Grab+E part to work I can just put in my bit of drop script, as they both seem to do exactly the same in terms of weapon clipping through ground at times. Really sorry I'm coming across as an idiot here :/
  4. It seems that changing the line 88 to what you said makes the drop function become grab+E and the auto-equip not work at all. I want the Grab+E to be the equip and the drop to be "X" (45)
  5. Where would iskeypressed 45 go? I tried making sense of this script but due to me lacking any form of proficiency in scripting I can't make complete sense of this script. To me it seems split into 3 with the drop function being in the middle but I can't seem to see where the drop part starts
  6. So if I were to take this script and modify it slightly to my tastes, it would work where holding grab+ tapping interact (E) would pick up and auto equip the weapon, regardless of what I have currently equipped? And that it wouldn't break when I use the grab command on something that isn't able to be auto-equipped? And I'd be able to change the drop currently equipped weapon key to "X"? And also compatible with FOSE as opposed to NVSE (Some commands aren't in FOSE but are in NVSE)?
  7. The problem I'm facing now is the pick up weapons using grab and interact part of the script. Does grab and go use the grab + interact function to auto equip the weapon? Cause that's what I like about grabby fingers. The drop part of the script works fine, and will work on it's own. I merged it with the grabby fingers script for convenience sake. The grabby fingers part of the script is where I'm having errors (thus stopping the script from running at all) but I'd like to preserve the hotkey as "grab" + "interact" as I wouldn't like just the one key being used to auto-equip weapons (another mod used just the grab button is held to pick up and auto equip wepaons and I didn't like it)
  8. I figured out what causes the script to break. It's whenever the grab function is used on a dead body. Is there a way for the script to restart after a pass so that it doesn't break in such a way? Or for it to detect whether or not the item I'm grabbing is able to be picked up and equipped via the script or not? Current iteration: scn GrabbyFingersQuestScript ref rGrabbed ref rGrabbing ref rWeaponEquipped short sEquipGrabbed short sGrabbedCount short DropKeyPressed begin gamemode set rGrabbed to rGrabbing set rGrabbing to GetPlayerGrabbedRef set rGrabbing to rGrabbing.getbaseobject IF isFormValid rGrabbing set sGrabbedCount to player.getitemcount rGrabbing ELSEif rGrabbed IF player.getitemcount rGrabbed > sGrabbedCount player.equipitem rGrabbed 0 1 ENDif ENDif endif if IsKeyPressed 45 set DropKeyPressed to 1 elseif DropKeyPressed == 1 set rWeaponEquipped to player.geteqobj 5 player.unequipitem rweaponequipped 1 player.drop rweaponequipped 1 set DropKeypressed to 0 set rWeaponEquipped to 0 endif end
  9. Gribble, so I just need to put in a failsafe? To restart the script in case it crashes?
  10. The drop feature works pretty much as I want it to do so, apart from the fact it stops working after x amount of time which I don't understand :/
  11. It's a bug in grabby fingers as well (I'm on FO3 but its mostly the same) I read when I went through the comments on it. So I'm just wondering how to fix it
  12. For some reasons the effects of this script stop working after a certain amount of time and I have no idea how to fix it. It all works exactly as I wish it to one minute. Then the next, absolutely nothing, the grab+interact weapon equip doesn't work, and the "X" to drop doesn't work. Nothing fixes it but completely exiting out of the game.
  13. Wouldn't know sorry, I just attatched my part of the script to the end of "Grabby Fingers" mod for Fallout 3. The top half above the "IsKeyPressed" function is from that mod. I simply added them together to alleviate the really delayed response I was getting from putting the script in its own quest/questscript
  14. EDIT: Got it working and merged it into the script for Grabby Fingers. scn GrabbyFingersQuestScript ref rGrabbed ref rGrabbing short sEquipGrabbed short sGrabbedCount float keyHeldTimer short DropKeyPressed ref rWeaponEquipped begin gamemode set rGrabbed to rGrabbing set rGrabbing to GetPlayerGrabbedRef set rGrabbing to rGrabbing.getbaseobject IF rGrabbing set sGrabbedCount to player.getitemcount rGrabbing ELSEif rGrabbed IF player.getitemcount rGrabbed > sGrabbedCount player.equipitem rGrabbed 0 1 ENDif ENDif endif if IsKeyPressed 45 set DropKeyPressed to 1 elseif DropKeyPressed == 1 set rWeaponEquipped to player.geteqobj 5 player.unequipitem rweaponequipped 1 player.drop rweaponequipped 1 set DropKeypressed to 0 set rWeaponEquipped to 0 endif end The weapon sometimes ends up clipping into terrain and falling under it, but oh well. Beggars can't be choosers. I did the part from "if IsKeyPressed 45" All from looking up similar scripts which did different things. Thank you for your help. If you know a way to stop some weapons clipping into and through terrain that'd be great.
  15. I tried that also, and it still says I need a reference. I'm sorry I'm coming across as incompetent, I'm just really not good with scripts
  16. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php?title=GetEquipped I just tried the command and it says it needs a reference
  17. I'm looking myself and the getequipped command required you to give it a reference, not used to actually get a reference of what you have equipped. Am I using it wrong?
  18. And done like this would mean it's 100% compatible with modded weaponry as well as able to detect when fists and quest objects are equipped so you don't lose them?
  19. Well you can easily adjust the damage modifiers for non essential body parts in the GECK by going to 'Bodypart Data > Characters > _Male > DefaultBodyPartData' And changing the values of all non essential body parts to do less % damage and up the head and torso accordingly. However there are plenty of mods that redo the damage tables already. The bleedout effect could possibly be done via scripting using "GetHitLocation" and able to include other variables such as what type of weapon was used (you're not going to bleed out if you get hit with a blunt weapon in your arm) I would try my hand at this but I'm not proficient enough at scripting.
  20. Thanks man, I've read that there is a similar feature on a couple of forum posts for some mod. But it's beyond my memory capacity. I have NVSE installed anyway it's a bare minimum for me. I WAS looking into how to do it myself, but I'm not that great in scripting. The only thing I can think of is the "Getequipped" function, and an "if" statement if the PC is holding a quest item or just equipped fists (don't wish to drop either of those) Like "if fists or quest items are equipped display the generic message 'Quest items cannot be removed from inventory', else drop object (but I'm not sure if there's a command for that)" Muchly appreciating the help though EDIT: If you could make this for me and make it bound to the "X" key that'd be great :smile: EDIT2: Or at least tell me how I'd go about doing this myself, sorry I didn't mean to come across as rude EDIT3: I used the mod that you suggested and it works exactly as I wished it to. It's actually better having it as a grab+interact action than a hold, means I won't accidentally pick up weapons
  21. Sweet man, will give that one a look over now. Do you know if there's any weapon drop mods? Like I can press a shortcut key and the weapon I have equipped will be dropped from my hands?
  22. Do you mean like a bleed out? Or just so that you can't just hose into someone's foot and have them drop dead from broken toes?
  23. If you could get this to work that'd be awesome. I know it's possible to hold keys in scripts and that's about it really. I'm not good with scripting for Fallout
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