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Posts posted by SpartanISW108

  1. I've got a mod causing a conflict with Broken Steel, after I finish the game the end cutscene plays then during the loading screen where I'd wake up in the CItadel I get a crash. I've narrowed it down to one plug-in, which is the master file of RH_Ironsights which has had multiple smaller mods merged with it. I've opened it in FO3Edit and had a look at it but cannot seem to rectify the problem.

    Would anyone here be able to have a look at this .esm for me in FO3Edit and fix it up for me so I'd be able to play past the ending of the game

    I would upload it to Mediafire but I don't seem to be able to upload things recently, probably a problem with the site.

    Any help would be appreciated

  2. Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/2761/ adds a scoped hunting rifle to the game and changes Ol' Painless into a scoped and silenced hunting rifle. If you know where to look, you could download FWE and extract the animations from that. Or just use FWE.


    The problem is because I'm using RH_Ironsights, and the scoped hunting rifle doesn't work with RH_ironsights animation, but does work with the vanilla animations for the hunting rifle, both use the place of 2hrattack3 so I can't use one or the other. This is why I want to replace another animation with the vanilla 2hrattack3 animation, but I can't seem to be able to do that.


    I have the model and everything for the scoped hunting rifle, just the animations I'm having a problem with

  3. Hello,

    I have an issue with the scoped hunting rifles and RH_ironsights compatibility

    I managed to narrow it down to the issue of the "2hrattack3.kf" and "2hrattack3is.kf" animations

    And the vanilla animations for the hunting rifle DO work with the scoped hunting rifle

    So I deleted the modified RH_ironsights animations for the hunting rifle and the scoped hunting rifle did work, but the ironsighted hunting rifle did not.

    So I was wondering if there was a way to replace another animation, such as 2hrattack4 with the 2hrattack3 animation
    I have tried just a simple extract/rename, and this did not seem to work


    How would I go about changing an animation with the vanilla one?

    Thanks in advance

  4. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could make a simple mashup of the Talon combat armor (or any combat armor, as long as the UV isn't changed so I can use retextures on it) and the merc grunt outfit, so the fatigues look more militarised.

    I have an image of the concept

    I would be able to do it myself but as I have just obtained a new computer I am still in the process of redownloading all my Steam games and my programs (3DS max and whatnot)

    It's a simple enough job, especially if you use the copy and paste script with two instances of 3DS max running, all it'd require is a little bit of smoothing between the two pieces of the mesh.

    Thank you in advance to whomever does this for me

  5. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could make a simple mashup of the Talon combat armor (or any combat armor, as long as the UV isn't changed so I can use retextures on it) and the merc grunt outfit, so the fatigues look more militarised.

    I have an image of the concept

    I would be able to do it myself but as I have just obtained a new computer I am still in the process of redownloading all my Steam games and my programs (3DS max and whatnot)

    It's a simple enough job, especially if you use the copy and paste script with two instances of 3DS max running, all it'd require is a little bit of smoothing between the two pieces of the mesh.

    Thank you in advance to whomever does this for me

  6. I made a scoped hunting rifle in the game but it's firing too high aimed in the scope, how do I fix this? It's firing like 1cm above the middle of the scope and makes it impossible to hit anything even 20m away from me aimed in,

  7. Hello all, so I have added a weapon to the game which I wanted to have a custom sound to play whilst it's reloading, so I added this via a script (I'm terrible at scripting)

    I got a sound to play upon the reload, however the sound keeps looping over itself playing constantly until the reload is done, I only want the sound to play once. Could somebody look at my script and help me out?



    scn PingerSoundeffect
    begin ScriptEffectUpdate
    ref rContainer
    set rContainer to GetSelf
    Playsound WPNPingerReload

    Thank you for reading
  8. tek27, on 18 Apr 2013 - 14:13, said:




    Before you go all out adding mods. You'll want to make sure Fallout 3 is running stable. Even the most powerful gaming rigs built will have FO3 CTD because it's just a buggy game. Modding FO3 will be an endless headache if you don't do this. But, never fear because setting it up right it can run really really stable.



    I recommend getting the following utilities and tools to help you get started before installing mods.


    GECK: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Main_Page


    FOSE (Fallout Script Extender) - http://fose.silverlock.org/


    FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager) - http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/640


    or... (choose one only)


    NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) - http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/modmanager/


    Archive Invalidation Invalidated - http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/944


    FO3Edit (pretty complicated to the new users but it's a nifty tool to open and help check load order errors for starters) - http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/637


    Fallout 3 Training Manual for FO3Edit - http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8629


    Unofficial Fallout 3: Patch: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/3808


    Note: FOSE, Archive Invalidation Invalidated are two you are going to need. Most mods depend on these two utilities. Very easy to install. FOMM or NMM (which ever you prefer) will help you organize your Load Order, which is very important so do some research on that.




    Fallout 3 Ram Boost (allows you to run FO3 with more than 2gigs of RAM) - http://modsreloaded.com/fo3-ram-boost


    Fake Fullscreen Mode Windowed - Alt+Tab Fix - http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/16001


    or... (choose one only)


    Fake Fullscreen + FOSE with Steam (for Steam users) - http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18909


    Game Booster by IObit (Razor Game Booster now) - http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html (can be of great use)




    NOTE: I also highly recommend you install Fallout in your C: drive outside of Program Files to greatly help with stability and performance.




    The reason why I added the above is because, mods like Enhanced Rain & Weather or BA_Wasteland Restoration Mod (two really awesome mods) can reduce FPS performance. All ENB mods, which will significantly decrease FPS by 10+.




    Weather/Lightning/Day/Night Sky/Stars


    Fellout: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/2672


    F3 Project Reality MKI: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/17418


    Dynamic Weather: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/10607


    Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow Hotfix v2: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/6170


    Landscape Overhaul


    Their World: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/13523


    BA_Wasteland Restoration - a Green Mod: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/16703


    Greener World: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/2525


    Summer 2.5: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/10100


    Landscape, Object, Armor Re-texture Overhaul


    NMCs Texture Pack for FO3: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/12056


    Both Male Female NPCs


    Hall of Face: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/17199


    Male Characters/NPCs


    Better Male Faces: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/6037


    Beards for Fallout: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18622


    HQ Beards: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18806


    Female Characters/NPCs


    Many Faces: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/16749



    Those are just some I could think of. Just remember that when you install a mod don't install another mod that does the same thing. It will either override one or the other or cause a conflict.


    As for ENB mods. Just type "ENB" in the search engine and you should see them all.



    When you do finally get around to modding Fallout 3. Be sure to understand about proper Load Order and how it works so that your game doesn't CTD when trying to launch the game, There is no such thing as installing a mod wrong unless you forget to install the Meshes or Textures. However, incorrectly organizing mods in the Load Order can and will cause massive headaches. And not knowing why will probably discourage you to even keep trying.




    For a better understanding here's a guide: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/How_to_install_mods_for_Fallout_3




    Good luck guys



    Just a note, running FOSE disables the >2GB flag, so using FOSE you can't use 4GB enabler or anything.

    Just saying.


    Is there a way to bypass that though?


    Also OP, don't forget this for better looking Misc Items: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18101 MGs Neat Clutter


    ilyasw - Hello!


    This is out of my range of experience I'm afraid so I can't be much help.


    What I can say is that the model:




    Is doing a simillar thing to what you are doing.


    If you compare that to your model, you're missing the BSDismemeberSinInstance block.


    You've also still got the old shoulder decal in there as well, you should probably remove that.


    There's information, that may be of use, on how to export an armor from a 3d program & set it up here:




    Hope this helps!




    I'm trying to retain the original shoulder decal and just add on the chest decal, I've tried everything I know of, from adding the chest decal as a separate entity, to merging the chest and shoulder decal into one mesh and nothing works, it seems to look okay in Nikskope, but won't display at all in game.


    I've compared them side by side and had a version which had all the same nodes and branches, but still nothing




    From what it sounds like, all you need to do is edit the texture for the armor, not the model itself. Once the texture is the way you want it, just put it in the same file structure that it would have in a BSA file but in your Data folder instead. That should make it show on any armor/object that uses that texture. Just make sure you have Archive Invalidation activated. Let me know if you haven any more questions regarding this process.


    If you looked at it you'd see that it uses the default BoSDecal texture and displays correctly in Nifskope, it's just getting it to actually show in game that is the problem. I've tried several different variations including adding the chest decal as a separate entity to the pauldron decal, as well as doing what Prensa said and basing it on the Lyons file, which I opened in 3DS and just resized the chest piece of the mesh until I was happy with the placement.


    Could perhaps the problem be with my importing/exporting options for .nif files on 3DS? If so which are the correct boxes to have ticked?


    Also could perhaps just pasting the nitristripsdata which holds the physical data for the decal in place of the original work? I've tried to do that previously but I could find no way to merge the pasted data over the original data (it was just a separate branch) is there any way to merge it with a parent branch?

  10. So I've created a little .nif edit using 3DS max

    Just something simple, adds a little BoS chest decal like the guy on the side of the nexus to the power armour.

    However, it doesn't show up in game, no matter what I've tried to do, my 3DS knowledge is VERY limited so would somebody be able to review it for me and perhaps get it working?

    I was planning on uploading this to Nexus when/if it got working, anyone who helps would be credited for such.

    Thanks for reading, the file is located here http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?g4xqdmnh3fb2qma


  11. ilyasw - Hello!


    "I was just wondering how on Fallout 3 when the PC reloads a half empty magazine the PC pulls the charging lever of the weapons upon entering a new magazine."


    The Fallout 3 animation for Rifle - Automatic (2 Hand)'s, like the Chinese Assault rifle, is quite correct.


    Replace the magazine, pull the charging handle back & release.


    "In reality this would empty the chamber of the weapon by discarding the bullet loaded thus requiring another pull of the charging handle to load a bullet."


    No, because the magazine is inserted before the charging handle is pulled.


    The charging handle is pulled back which would indeed eject any chambered round if there was still one in there but it's also immediately released which chambers a fresh round from the newly inserted magazine on it's way back to it's starting position (completing it's cycle).


    Pulling the charging handle back & ejecting a chambered round would only leave the weapon empty if there was no magazine inserted or if the magazine was empty.


    If the charging handle is not pulled & released after inserting the magazine then no round will be chambered. The weapon would only have a round ready if it was chambered before the new magazine was inserted, giving you a full magazine & "one down the pipe".


    The charging handle is effectively cocking an automatic rifle, that's why it's also called a cocking handle.


    So really the only thing the animation is missing is the appearance of an ejected round when reloading before the weapon was completely emptied. A minor detail that would be really fiddly to implement.


    "Is there any sort of mod that could add this feature into the game


    -reload from a not completely empty magazine and you get magazine capacity+1 loaded ammo for the gun

    -reload from a not completely empty magazine and the PC DOESN'T pull the charging lever

    -reload from a completely empty magazine and the PC DOES pull the charging lever"


    Well I wouldn't want to say impossible to do. :smile:


    Just a lot of effort for a very minor tweak.


    For a start the pulling of the charging handle is controlled by the reload animation .kf that the weapon is using, the same thing that's controlling the magazine swap out style. Whether or not the animation plays the charging handle pull or not depends on whether the model in use has the correct bolt animation label on a moving part.


    You'd need to run a script that detected how full the weapon was & play a different reload animation that had the charging handle pull stripped out & only contained the magazine change.


    It is possible to use scripts to replace weapon animations with new ones, there's a very good tutorial of how to do this for reload & jam animations here:




    So tweaking that method & I'm guessing it would be possible to do what you're listing but it seems a lot of effort for little gain to me.


    The animations in many cases use "shorthand" for certain things & it works just fine. For instance the spent magazine just gets pulled out & placed back if you watch carefully. But no one does, it's shorthand mixed with some sleight of hand.


    Best not to over examine such things or it can drive you crazy. :smile:


    Hope this helps!




    Oh poo, sorry, I was a bit intoxicated upon typing that, I didn't really proof read what I typed. I didn't figure that cycling the bolt on a half mag reload wouldn't leave the chamber empty. My bad :3


    I don't have the animation skills or scripting skills to be able to do that unfortunately -sigh-

  12. Hey guys.

    I was just wondering how on Fallout 3 when the PC reloads a half empty magazine the PC pulls the charging lever of the weapons upon entering a new magazine. In reality this would empty the chamber of the weapon by discarding the bullet loaded thus requiring another pull of the charging handle to load a bullet.


    Is there any sort of mod that could add this feature into the game

    -reload from a not completely empty magazine and you get magazine capacity+1 loaded ammo for the gun
    -reload from a not completely empty magazine and the PC DOESN'T pull the charging lever
    -reload from a completely empty magazine and the PC DOES pull the charging lever

    Do you guys know if this would be possible or not?

  13. I've created a weapon which is just a stocked version of the CAR, it has iron sights but they aren't correctly aligned, see pic.




    How would I go about fixing these sights so they're correctly aligned?


    EDIT: Mod please lock, as the issue has been resolved

  14. You just edited the nif and changed nothing else in GECK? if so you need to go to the 1stpersonchinese assault rifle static and adjust the texture set to use the firstperson combat shotgun texture.


    Darn it, I forgot that I never use 1st person models for that EXACT reason. Well don't I feel like a dummy now...


    EDIT: Fixed it all now,



    Looks great alongside the Chinese Carbine I use



    apart from the sights being slightly misaligned...



    How would I go about fixing the sights to be aligned properly?

  15. Hello all


    I'm having issues with a Chinese Assault Rifle variant in my game which I can't get to work correctly, using the base assets of the game, the Chinese assault rifle as the base and the Combat shotgun for the stock. I'm trying to make the main Chinese assault rifle have a stock, as in my game I have a carbine version with a folded stock (just trying to add some diversity to my game)


    I edited the stock off the CAR completely in 3ds, then edited the stock and slightly reshaped the stock of the combat shotgun to look more AK-ish, then exported it as a .Nif


    It all looks fine in Nifskope:



    However in game the textures on the stock and the magazine look all broken (I didn't even TOUCH the magazine in any program)


    This is how it looks in game:



    If anyone can tell me how to fix this, I still have all the 3ds files available so re-exporting them will not be an issue, I also have the Nifskope file (http://www.mediafire.com/?88i5y6ulfb9bjkq if anybody wants to fix it for me or look over the file to determine the issue it's only ~250KB so it's a small file)


    Any help would be appreciated as I really want to have a solid stock on the main CAR's in my game due to me having several variants of both Assault rifle's in game.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this

  16. I know there are other topics dealing with this issue but they appear to be on the New Vegas board and the solution is to disable a feature that isn't present in the GeckCustom.ini file for the FO3 version of the GECK.


    All I'm trying to do is really simple.


    I'm trying to place a dead child NPC in the water off the deck of Rivet City, to go with the dialogue you hear occasionally walking around the place (something along the lines of, "Remember that kid that fell off the deck last week?")


    I know you guys might be thinking that is very grim, it's true, but the world of Fallout is a grim world.


    Anyways, I've placed this NPC, set the health to zero, ran the Havok sim. Nothing.


    I've made sure he isn't set to essential, so he can die. He does die when I shoot him. But he doesn't spawn dead.


    I tried the script


    Scn RivetCityKid

    begin onload




    And it works, except for the fact he isn't in the area I placed him.


    So how would I go about making an NPC spawn dead in the area where I placed him?

  17. ilyasw - Hello!


    "Do I select my helmet first then click Character/Update Facegen?

    Or do I just select that then save? "


    As long as your mod is loaded, just select Update Facgen Model Availability & save.





    Thank you, that and having the flags the same as the DLC helmet have made it work, thank you ever so much for your help :)

  18. ilyasw - Hello!


    "Where do I find the .egm file? It's not in Anchorage-Main, so that must mean it uses a Vanilla .egm, how would I find out what .egm file is being used by the masked helmet?"


    Yeah, I just checked. Does not seem to have one of it's own, not all hats do.


    The Update Facgen Model Availability hopefully will fix it. :)





    Do I select my helmet first then click Character/Update Facegen?

    Or do I just select that then save?

  19. ilyasw - Hello!


    "EDIT: It works now I've unchecked the Left and Right hand markers from the armour set."


    Glad it works now. :)


    It was probably clashing with the pipboy, that's why it worked on non players & not the player.


    Outfits with gloves tend to lose the one on the pipboy arm for the player & the pipboy can't be unequiped.


    "Now can you guys help me with the helmets? I am using a retex of the Winterized combat helmet from Anchorage, except I've made it without the Anchorage requirement, the helmets work properly, it's just that people's faces clip through the mask, how would I fix this?"


    Have you, in GECK, gone to "Character" & selected "Update Facgen Model Availability" then saved you mod?


    If that does not fix it & you've just used a vanilla model with a retex, get that Winterized combat helmet's .egm file & place it in your new Helmets folder. Make sure it is named the same as your new helmet, for example:




    The .egm would be:




    That should fix the helmet.


    Hope this helps!




    Where do I find the .egm file? It's not in Anchorage-Main, so that must mean it uses a Vanilla .egm, how would I find out what .egm file is being used by the masked helmet?


    Also the clipping through face problem happens to NPCs as well as my Player, I'll try your "Character" saving stuff now though :)


    EDIT: Picture for reference 286392_393839947365715_1247212777_o.jpg

  20. I have gloves as an armour add-on, does that mean on the actual armour I shouldn't have left hand and right hand ticked? as each glove has their respective hand ticked already.

    I used a form list ton add the gloves by the way.


    EDIT: It works now I've unchecked the Left and Right hand markers from the armour set.


    Now can you guys help me with the helmets? I am using a retex of the Winterized combat helmet from Anchorage, except I've made it without the Anchorage requirement, the helmets work properly, it's just that people's faces clip through the mask, how would I fix this?


    If I absolutely HAVE to have an anchorage requirement I will be able to do that

  21. I modded a long sleeve combat armour variant for the Talon Company mercs, I've integrated it into their armour lists, both "Talon2armor" and "Talon3armor". The armour in question appears in game on the NPC's correctly as it should do, but when I try to loot it off of them and try to equip it my current armour becomes unequipeed (like it should) the new armour flashes, as if it was being equipped, then it doesn't have the square by it to say it's been equipped. So then I end up with a character who's in his underwear shooting Raiders. Also the checkbox for "Playable" IS checked.


    Please help me, I've tried everything. The mod doesn't have any masters other than Fallout3.esm. Everything else about the mod works as it should. It just doesn't want to be equipped.


    I encountered a similar problem with this mod (http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18493) in which I couldn't equip it after completing Tranquillity Lane. I was never able to remedy that issue however as I couldn't find anything in the MQ04 files that would stop me from using the armour. Any help would be much appreciated.

  22. I want to add a new model for 556 ammo which is the G3 Assault Rifle magazine, would I be able to do this without creating a new ammo type as I want it to work alongside the AK mag that already represents 556 ammo adding some diversity to the game.
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