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About Crazorianth

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  1. Thank you for your comments DarkeWolf. Anyone know how this works on DAO? As for your dislike of old woman DarkeWolf, just keep their clothes on in the event of this mod gets done. :smile:
  2. Well, it seems interest from modellers and other digital artisans is rather low.
  3. I dunno, but it is a great idea with new "races", if it works. :) Anyone with some real knowledge regarding this out there?As a bisexual female with a computer-nerd hots for Alister and Liliana (Morrigan is nice too, but she does not seem to be interested in my female rouge :( ) I would love to have their unique bodies on full display during love scenes. :wub: Lets not get overexcited and get our hops up to high. This mod might not get made in a while, but we can always hope.
  4. Thanks for you input Guys and gals. It is good to see that there are not only guys, but at least one lady who impatiently wants this mode made. :) I agree with that wynns body is waaay out of place. She is a mage, but she is not a shapeshifter! ;D I have an idea that I assume already has been covered and deemed futile, but: is it possible to make new races? if so, a mod could perhaps be made that treated each character as a separate race and thus allowing individual shape? Probably not, but I thought it could be an idea worth throwing out there.
  5. Inspired by the great works of the people behind “natural bodies” http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=221 and “realistic look” http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=285 (if you like their work, show them your appreciation folks!) I would like to make a request that I think would improve this aspect of game play even further. First of all it is my understanding that a lot of people like these mods as they add to the realism and immersive thrill of pursuing the romantic plots within the game. I am one of those players who have no real interest in letting my characters running around butt-naked in combat or exploring (I am not claiming any kind of superiority over those adults who do wish to play their games like that mind you, everyone have their own preferences) but I get extremely put of and irritated by that ugly set of underwear (especially so when the characters are portrayed as making love) and perhaps even more so on the non-consistency as well as low quality in body design of vanilla DA. It is my understanding that there is nothing that can be done about the fact that every gender of each race shares the same body in terms of model and textures. Right? So we are forced to work with generic models and do what we can (as the creators of “natural bodies” “realistic look” and "amazon curves" among others has done with such skill). So I was thinking, how about make a mod based on what we actually know of Morrigans body instead of just making alternatives from scratch? After all, she is the one unique model we can extrapolate much from when it comes to breast and body shape thanks to the revealing design of her robe. It would be very nice to have a mod that portrays the character as "canon-like nude" as possible. Then you could use it if you where a male character with the intention of perusing the “witch gone wild “and “dark promise” plots. Playing a human female would have course in this case ruin the stronger immersion effect, as would romancing Lilliana, having the same body as Morrigan and all. But in a similar manner, an unique model could be created for playthroughs pursuing Lillanas “wine woman and song”plot. You know: reddish pubs, new proportions, muscular build, breasts, birthmarks and so on.. There would be much work for both 3d specialists and those focusing on textures. Last but least, it would also be nice with the bodies not being typically extreme in terms of “standard stereotype porno fantasy” but more “realistic” if you understand what I mean. I am not talking about “average” even if such an alternative if wellmade would no no doubt be a kind of aesthetic millstone. I am more referring to tits looking natural and so on. Another feature worth pursuing would be adding more texture options (for example ranging from “very hairy”, “hairy”, “tended to”, “trimmed” to “shaved”) I guess I am looking for something a wee bit more sophisticated and mature that also can offer diversity and satisfy a wide range of player preferences. It was highly annoying play through these parts with the vanilla setting, not only being forced to endure those ridiculous underwear, but bodies so blatantly changing shape depending on what clothes or lack of clothes they wore. Any thoughts? If possible I would like to pose this as a challenge to those who are the artists behind the mods mentioned above, or anyone else who think they have the skill and will to pull something like this of.
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