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About Leo77

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  1. You'll be iterating for a long time if this is the starting line.
  2. Why did you remove the custom time range? It was really helpful to check out new mods in a game i wasn't keeping up with for longer than a year. And i'm also adding my voice to the sentiment of reverting this atrocious "upgrade", though i highly doubt anything will be done since time and money was already put into this new trainwreck of a UI. It should become common practice to sack web designers after the site is up and running to prevent this insanity of constantly reinventing the wheel to justify their job position, so many sites keep degrading like this.
  3. I installed oblivion after a longer time and am trying to get it to the best performance i can before i start adding mods. I've encountered a problem that i can't seem to solve: mini freezes upon attacking a person, namely right before they yell "help help murder etc...", which brings me to the conclusion that there's some holdup when the game accesses voice files with even more evidence supporting it with no stutter when a khajiit engaged me after i hit him with no sound made, therefore with no stutter. Did anyone else encounter this problem and/or has a idea how to remedy/lessen it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. On a notebook with Win7 64bit that ran the game before with a decent amount of mods. EDIT: Tested some more, after having a few people after me in IC the mobs yelling begins to be a real FPS killer
  4. yea, but there are only file logs, in the old one were description and image logs too, so i could know if the author posted a new information only .
  5. No im not, im only interested in the files im tracking, not all the files that were updated. it was good that i could look into the tracking centre and see if a mod im interested in was updated, i don't want to have to look daily through all the updates :/
  6. I'm still finding only donwsides and no uppersides of the new design :( . e.g. new tracking centre shows only latest file uploads, not the other information making the file tracking almost useless. And the function to show changes in the last 1,2,3.... days is absent too.
  7. The old design looked better, the new one is way too narrow for my widescreen, too much blank space for my taste. I personally liked the nexus how it was, the new look just doesn't look right for me. But since there is so much work in the new design i highly doubt that it'll be reverted to the old look, so i'd like to suggest atleast adding the possibility for everyone to choose the site design they like more. Don't know if it's easily done or hardly possible, but i think that more users would like this option. It's just my personal opinion, others may feel different about this.
  8. I'd say that this is his nexus profile, try to look around there.
  9. Hi there, i'd like some help with identifiying some mods from these pics: What are the hairs in the following pictures? First Picture Second Picture Third Picture And the outfits from the rest: Outfit 1 Outfit 2 Outfit 3 Outfit 4 Outfit 5 Outfit 6
  10. Thank you for that, BlackBaron2, but I really don't want something that massive. Colorwheel's mod promises to make everyone *sexy* I've tried some of his? mods and...yeah... no offense to Colorwheel but I want my character (and the NCPs) to be a lady, not a sl#t. I can't stand how he always leaves the top of an outfit intact and just chops the bottom off making a mini skirt. I wouldn't mind something that just replaced all the animations... I'd even put up with a ridiculous come-hither walk to have an accepable sitting animation. So far, this is the closest I have seen though so thanks! Any mods that JUST replace the animation... not all the NPC clothing? You can use only the sit animation from the mod (if you like it), the whole mod isnt necessary :confused:
  11. That's Dante's outfit from Devil May Cry 4. Try google ^^ You're wrong, it's Nero's Outfit from the same game.
  12. I'm almost sure that its ripped. :confused: Sorry, but i won't install the game just to verify it. (Don't have HDD space for it now anyway :pinch:)
  13. Since I still don't know whether I can link to SHY from here, I'll just do this. 1. Go to SHY Uploader. 2. Click anything. 3. Replace top link (ups-whatever.png) with this: ups26962.7z Many Thanks!
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