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Everything posted by ohGr

  1. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr wakes up, still confused, and still depressed, he checks his computer for any messages.. hmm, shin is still alive, i thought he passed away with the rest...a resistance planet!...ahh crap, i should have taken my computer with me, then i would have been able to see it ohGr storms out of his quarters, and goes straight to azgorth's temple, azgorth says before ohGr has a chance to say anything we shall go at the sight of the stars, which is not too far, tell kate to spread the word, we may be moving, it all depends, but we must stop off at mars II again, to see if we can salvage anything, we may find something, my father tells me of a weapon there, although, it may be useless, its worth looking ohGr is aware that azgorth doesnt like being replied to without a good reason, so ohGr walks off and walks into the communications center, in there he sees kate sleeping on the job, as ohGr walks in, he slams the door, waking her up, and scaring her, ohGr says dont worry, its me, i need you to get everyone to prepare 12 fighter ships, and 4 destroyers, plus 6 transport ships and 18 commandos, we might be moving out minutes later everything is set up, since no one really sleeps during the night except the people who actually work, ohGr boards the ship, and awaits azgorth, ohGr feels a hand on his shoulder, he freaks out and sharply turns around, azgorth says nevermind that, remember, im not human as the ship takes off, ohGr begins waiting for the moment, to finally find out whats going on, to finally find out whos the real enemy, to finally die when its over.
  2. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr is sitting back in his seat, and he begins to remember about Mars II, and the destruction that conviently occoured to such a planet, ohGr says to kate kate, assemble some fighters, and 2 transport ships, it may seem risky, but there are some things i need to get off my mind hours later the ships are ready and ohGr enters the strongest one as usual, he was still afraid of dying, and didnt want to moment to happen so soon, the ships take off, and head towards the remains of Mars II, since the technology was so much more advanced on these ships, they were there in minutes, in his curious state, ohGr calls out what did we do, go into ludacris speed the ship lands violently, since there was so much debris around the area, eventually the door opens, and ohGr sees what used to be Mars II. holy ****, how did these people breathe a soldier hands ohGr a mask, so he can breathe in these harsh conditions, ohGr takes the mask, and puts it on, seconds later, he is used to the mask, and wanders around the old office of war, before it was torn apart, ohGr realises that if he dies, he wont be worthy of living again, unless the black god azgorth, ohGrs companion, agrees to it, and since they were close friends, death was the last thing on ohGrs mind, ohGr finds one of his own guns, and his old message he was to send to pack rat when everyone was still alive, ohGr sighs, and walks back into the ship and says to azgorth anything on the radar azgorth stares outside and says some people are still dying, it seems the oxygen is not as bad as it seems, also some spirits, but we can communicate with them, i might be able to do so with some, but its a long shot, since i was a desendant from hell ohGr smirks and replies i find that hard to believe, coming from hell, theres no such thing...right? azgorth hums for a bit, and then begins chanting, in the blink of an eye, the remains of the office of war, were no more, azgorth then laughs in his evil way and says then explain that ohGr smiles then replies ok, you win, so is there any reason why we should be here? azgorth thinks for a while then replies no...nothing is left of this place, its just to turn into an abyss...but i shall leave it, destroying it is a waste, besides, memorys are to be left alone, not to be killed as ohGr thinks for a while, he remembers about sarah, probably his closest friend back then, and now shes gone, and ohGr never had anytime to take it seriously, now, more depressed than ever, he ships take off, and ohGr is on the verge of suicide, which azgorth says to him dont do it...its a waste, dying for one who is no more would convince me how weak you are, not to mention how stupid that decision is, shes better off now, she would have died anyway, although, the lines of my journal state there is a way to revive one, its clearly a matter of finding the corpse, capturing the soul and summoning my father, lucifer, to revive her, although, there is a 30% chance of the soul not liking the situation, so it could drive the corpse insane, and create...a zombie, so, if we were to find her corpse and soul, i can get you to talk her soul into the idea...either way, theres a 40% chance of amnesia, so once shes back, there will be alot of explaining to do...well...we're back at the base, you should sleep on this if you still can, the mind is a terrible thing to waste, and its already been 3 days since you last slept, ill meet you tomorrow, at your advanced communications center ohGr looks down, ready to kill himself, and realises that theres a more important issue to worry about before reviving her, ohGr realises that he must wait for a reply from malchik, and send re-inforcements up to his base, the one known as peregrine might act on ohGr soon, and ohGr didnt want to find out the consequence of turning his back for a minute, so, trustworthy of azgorth's powers, ohGr sleeps for the night.
  3. ohGr


    about the whole stupid part...i think hes pointing the finger at me, probably because EVERYONE KEEPS DYING! :blink:
  4. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr gets dressed for his nuclear test, the usual black robe and scythe so he can smash things once more, as he walks out of his quarters, he remembers about pack rat, and the rest, he figures he better send a message to him, ohGr trys to, but it seems that such a place no longer exists, it seems that almost everyone is dead, ohGr remembers that malchik might still be alive, so he sends a message asking the million dollar question what the hell is going on ohGr walks away from his quarters, and continues onwards to the nuclear test silo, once in, he is greeted by a man that looks similar to albert einstien, he says ahh, welcome, we just developed some new nukes for your testing, their over 80trillion megatonnes, so make sure you target a uninhabited planet, now, ive done some research, and it seems one planet just north of here on the radar has no life of anything at all, its just a red hot, uninhabitable planet with no oxygenwhatsoever ohGr looks at the radar, he then says fire the nuke goes off in a load roar, as he sees it go towards the planet, he cannot wait due to all the excitement of something blowing up apart from beer cans BOOM! the planet explodes with a big blue wave coming from where the nuke used to be, the planet was literally disintergrated, ohGr turns to the scientist and says once again you have outdone yourself, keep up the great work as ohGr walks back to his post, he sees kate working as normal, when he walks in the room, she is clearly oblivious of his existence, ohGr sneaks up behind her and shouts F***************K! kate jumps up from her seat laughing from getting scared, ohGr walks over to the coffee machine and gets himself a cup, and a donut, he is finished with it in less than a minute, with his normal skulling, kate looks at him in disbelief and says i dont know how you do that ohGr replies what...this? ohGr unleashes a huge burp that could be heard through soundproof glass...which doesnt make any sence once again.
  5. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    <occ, the base is now complete, incase you people are wondering> ohGr is sitting back in his chair, realising, that he forgot to warm up the cafe latte machine oh no, not again! he runs to the machine and quickly turns it on, he heard the satisfying hum of a coffee machine warming up, in celebration, ohGr takes a donut from the box of donuts, and happily eats it up, he says to himself ahh, so much better, robed people who are actually human, another communications officer that has the greatest body i have ever seen, and a neverending supply of donuts and coffee...yep...its a matter of time before i have to start working out again ohGr pours himself a cafe latte, and drinks it, after a few seconds, he is fully awake, in his looney state, he puts on his monkey suit, and jumps through the window, he turns around after hitting the snow and realises the glass reparied itself, ohGr begins to appreciate the advanced technology of his fellow humans, the communications officer calls out oi, ohGr!, we need you up here, the donut machine is ****ed! ohGr quickly stands up and as he runs back up the stairs he says to himself must save donuts...must save donuts, screw donuts...MUST SAVE CINNAMON! ohGr walks in, and the officer bursts out laughing realising ohGr took a machine that seriously, ohGr says christ kate, you know im very sensitive to this machine, its death could impale my very normal lifestyle kate (the officer) replies yeah, well i wouldnt call it human...maybe inhuman ohGr realises he is tired, so he gets another cafe latte, kate says are you trying to break your record of 14 cups again, remember what happened last time, you were bashing on a sheet of titanium for 2 hours straight, all you need to do is look at the dints and the unusually large hole in the center of it and anyone could tell you were there ohGr smirks and replies thats my style, FORTRAN SMASH!!!! kate laughs and says well you better hurry up, fortran, you have a nuclear test in 3 hours ohGr turns around with a big grin on his face nuclear bomb test....im having another one, now i can always see the effect of a nuke on a nice quiet mountain, GRIM AND FROSTBITTEN NUCLEAR WARFARE OF THE NECROWIZARDS TRIUMPHANT DEATH MARCH!!!! kate sits back down and says gee, your only 20 yet you act like your 10 ohGr continues to act like a idiot in his hypo state.
  6. ive already clicked 2 times.....although.....they were both FTP sites or something.....quite odd. nevertheless, i shall click on the adds more than 5 times a day, since its supporting this site, and admit it everyone, you dont come across a site this good anymore.
  7. ohGr


    even though i havent been bothered with posting up anything intelligent, IM ACTUALLY THINKING :D oh oh...i want pamela anderson to play my daughter :P (maybe that was a little off) but a book is a good idea, i think i mentioned it before, but in a different way, but yes, it will take AGES to make :(
  8. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    the lady at the counter turns to ohGr and says here is a message from packrat ohGr reads it, and is happy the alliance is on, ohGr goes over to a copying machine and copies the blueprints, he then give them to the lady and says give these to packrat, their defenses, their indestructable, and tell him im going back to my planet, im going to convince the tribals to fight with us, and with them, i am going to rebuild the base, and send over some more advanced blueprints the lady replies will do ohGr walks out, and finds a teleporter, before he leaves, he looks around for sarah, the room he used to be in, was ruined, someone had come in and assassinated sarah in the most disgusting way one could imagine, fotunantly, her hand was the only part left, so ohGr walks back to the teleporter trying to contain himself from swearing, and teleports back to his planet with the blueprints, and weapons. when ohGr feels the cold like a punch in the face he shouts **** its cold!!!! ohGr sees the cathedral where he woke up, he walks in, and finds that the robed people are not surprised, azgorth walks up to ohGr and replies i know what is going on, lets begin the reconstruction, under one condidtion...you wear this black robe, and scythe with you ohGr smirks and replies gee, i feel like death in this azgorth nods and replies you wouldnt know what death is like they both begin, laying out the areas
  9. because my HD didnt like my radeon 9000, i had to format, and re-install everything now my computer is back to normal (slow, stupid) and my character is a level63 darkelf, because i found an old save on a cd in my room.
  10. was that in JPEG elrol? because that gave my 56k a complete beating my new character (it sucks, formatting really sucks), is currently a level 6 grim and frostbitten deathknight of the necrowizards templar gang of slaying goats and sacrificing germans to the ultimate panzertank of world war 2 in its grim and frostbitten state of death causing nuclear warfare of cheetos and cans of coke and big noodles that are very wide and chopsticks....and a cup of tea. in ENGLISH level 6 dark elf (whatelse, im a theif....maybe khajit....bah!) and i suck harder than barbera strisand on her first day. now if you excuse me, im going back to spelling school (not)
  11. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    <hold on shin, so now im prague?, i assume so from what you say> ohGr wakes up, and sits down on a chair so i was dead....how.....and why does this happen when i dont have a coffee dammit he continues to ramble to himself, while remembering a few things, a big explosion, the same as his base turned out, no one probably knows who ohGr is here, so he should quickly find pack rat and find out whats happening, before it makes another suspicous move at the last minute, ohGr then wonders, what happened to sarah, so he stands up, and walks around the building, he sees a list of the deceased, on that list he sees sarah oh well, guess i cant turn back ohGr then realises, he still has the plans on him, and with those plans, he can make his only choice, form an alliance with Pack Rat, and stop whoever did all this, ohGr walks up to a lady behind a counter, he says ive a message for packrat the lady replies ill type it down, what is it ohGr replies tell him its ohGr, im in a hospital, whereever this place is, youd know, i have the plans, and am waiting for that alliance the lady replies your in prague ohGr replies holy ****, russia ohGr walks off, realising he has much thinking to do in the future, but first, he has to wait for Pack Rat.
  12. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr looks around...then thinks not again...im in a bad mood and i dont have coffee here or a donut ohGr says to pack rat so uh.....i got the blueprints...their undamaged in there, one of them is a regeneration blueprint, its a emergency machine used incase of something bad occours, but um....what happened, it looks like the same thing happened here as it did to my base sarah looks around in disbelief did you notice, the roof is missing ohGr looks up, and sees red sky yeah, and the sky is red instead of blue, suppose we might be dead? sarah replies probably ohGr stands around, waiting for a explanation, an answer
  13. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr gets in the ship, tells the pilot where to go, and they take off, ohGr walks to the center of the ship, looks around in the armory, armors up, gets a gun and some grenades, and fills a crate with weapons, for the prisoners. 1 hour later, the ships land, and everyone gets out, ohGr calls out ok!, 3 minutes north-west is the old base, we have to move in and move out in 10 minutes, freeing the prisoners, ill get the blueprints, move move move! everyone begins to move forward while keeping cover at the same time, eventually, everyone is surrounding the remains of the NOD base, some of the tribals come out, aware of them, ohGr calls out hold your fire! one of the tribals speaks out to ohGr i see youve come back...as i expected, but i have a question.....are you a god ohGr replies no the tribal screams out in a evil voice then DIIIEEEE!!!!! everyone opens fire on the tribals, easily killing him, he signals everyone to move underground, simply slaughtering the tribals as they move, ohGr tells everyone to take the crate of weapons and find the prisoners, and to explain the situation before freeing them, ohGr goes alone to find the blueprints, he finds them all including most of his stuff, he grabs the bag, and the bag of blueprints, and heads out, he sees the prisoners, he sees sarah with the prisoners, in her normal uniform, as it seems they werent tortured, just tested. sarah says looks like you found an ally, im proud, you finally did something yourself ohGr didnt have the time to be a smartass get on the ship, now everyone runs back to the ship, slaughtering the tribals as normal, they go on the ships, and takeoff, they arrive back at mars II with one hour to spare, the prisoners get taken away by the soldiers, while ohGr heads back to the War Office, with the blueprints, and his stuff, he walks in, with a few cuts and a little of the tribals blood stained on his face, he sits down, and awaits Pack Rat, to complete the alliance.
  14. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr takes a short think about his alliance decision, he begins to remember things he hid back at his planet, blueprints, plans, even machines cabable of universal destruction at a last resort, Pack Rat appears in the room again and asks your decision is? ohGr stands up and replies i am willing to form an alliance, although, there is a odd story to whats happening, i dont know what happened exactly, but last night, i woke up not too far from my base, it was destroyed, completely, and i lost everyone i knew or even trusted, although, i remember where i kept all the blueprints, defences, offensive stuff, everything that was used in the base, even forcefields, that were practically impossible to crack, although, the reason why they were breached was because we had a power problem, and for some reason, i ended up outside instead of dead, these tribals on the island, very barbaric people, yet so advanced in technology said if i come back, they will hunt me down, the problem is, i overheard from them, that their making a new camp on the base site, and if they get those blueprints everyones screwed, so first, im going to need a gun and a ship, only for 4 hours, then ill be back with the blueprints, we can call it an alliance, and you can use the defenceive structures in them to protect the base, although, one of them maybe huge, it can wipe out half a planet in 4 seconds, mind you, we were on a budget when designing this thing, so, will you help me out, so i can help you? ohGr awaits pack rats decision.
  15. ohGr

    General Chat

    ohGr looks up, then looks down, he turn begins to think "damn this tavern sucks, im going upstairs" ohGr then realises, there are no stairs, so he sits there....doing nothing as usual.
  16. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr enters the office of war on mars II, he asks a lady behind a counter where he can find pack rat hes in an important meeting, if you want, i can give him a message while your waiting ohGr thinks for a while, then replies yes please, tell him its ohGr, im willing to form an alliance the lady beginds fiddleing around with some things, then says to ohGr just sit over there and wait till the meeting is over ohGr walks over to the chair, he sits down, and begins to wonder, where it all went wrong, then it hits him, his constant thinking for abusing his power, he obviously pushed it too far....killing jack and taking advantage of sarah, it all shows where he went wrong, where his life turned upsidown, then ohGr begins thinking on how to reconstruct himself, how to rebuild his base, how to start it all again, even if he relys on the tribals.
  17. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    <occ, this one will have a title, for a reason> Barbaric Order ohGr wakes up with his face in the snow, he stumbles up, and turns around before falling down again, he feels dazed, a little concussed, it seems the base has been destroyed, by who?, as ohGr stares in disbelief, a sharp pain hits his back, he blacks out, he wakes up in a old, abandoned cathedral, he sees people walking around in black robes, from what ohGr could gather, they had technology far more advanced then his, he hears a voice, a strange voice, one that sounded like a repeating noise, only understandable tribals....base.....destroy.....slaughtered.....a dream........is not........fade......die ohGr jumps up he tries to talk, but one of the robed people speak quickly you are the sum of a mistake, we have sheltered you in out hideout, everyone you know is dead, you must seek refuge, we will keep you here for a year at the most, any more, and you will die, our god is a tempermental one ohGr, stunned, calls out your.....the tribals!, the ****ers who tried kill me the robed man replies i may be, but we werent trying to kill you, your brainwaves, they caused an earthquake, if you can learn to break the rules of gravity and physics, you can use your mind to cause destructive things ohGr calms down...he then replies that computer, may i use it the robed man replies as you wish ohGr walks to the computer, still failing to keep his balance, he sits down on the chair, and decides to see if he got anything, a message or something. another brainwave message, what do these people want... he continues checking, he sees a message from pack rat, it seems he wants an alliance. ohGr calls out excuse me, robed man the robes man replies i have a name, it is Azgorth ohGr replies ok Azgorth, how can i get to this planet called Mars 2 Azgorth replies we can teleport you there, do you wish to go now, because once you go, you are not welcome back ohGr thinks for a while then replies yeah, ill go, i have no intention of coming back to this planet Azgorth replies as you wish... ohGr's memory flashes before him, then he ends up in a city, when he is in there, he is amazed at the place, the sight of it all, the size, ohGr then realises what hes wearing, the same marduk shirt and black pants, ohGr walks around and he comes across a civilian excuse me, where may i find one by the words Pack Rat the civilian replies hes normally in the office of war, its just a few minutes from here, you cant miss it, its that big office over there the civilian points over to where the office is, ohGr begins walking towards the place, he still has a weary feeling that it could be a trap, hopefully, just an alliance.
  18. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr wakes up, he looks at his watch, its 11:30am, perfect timing, he walks out, notices that the communications room is locked, he walks back into his officer, and buzzes up the guard, minutes later, the guard arrives did the demo squad do it ohGr hears a loud bang, he then heard sarah scream and run out of the building the soldier laughs and says does that answer your question they both laugh and ohGr sits down at his desk, he says my good friend, for this, i am giving you a a raise of 75%, now donuts and coffee dont cost you anything, we make them anyway! the soldier smiles, it was obvious that he was happy, he walks out, four rooms up, he hears 8 people cheering, ohGr stands up, he all of a sudden feels great, as if he can do as he wishes, go he grabs his hand gun, walks outside to see the damage, outside he sees the head of jack, he was obviously dead, sarah walks up to him, with a sad look on her face, she then smiles and says just as i predicted, you would kill him, after he threatened you, like a coward ohGr smirks and replies not too much different from sittin on my ass all day pressing buttons they both laugh, as they are, ohGr thinks to himself what the ****s going on, shes not pissed, maybe something happened after their session sarah then says im glad hes gone, maybe i can actually talk to you some time ohGr thinks again oh ****, thats that smile, this means....phwoar....yep, killing people is good this year ohGr restrains himself from going nuts in joy, he decides to go to his quarters, he locks the doors, turns on some music, really loud again, then goes nuts, after 30 minutes straight of throwing things around in happiness, he drops to the floor and says to himself ahh, finally someone to get close to in this hellhole, looks like everything is turning my way he turns off the music, walks out in the clothing he has worn for 2 days straight, so he quickly changes into the same pants, only clean, and a different shirt, a Soilwork t-shirt, he walks into the now unlocked communications room, he sits down, and sarah smiles at him, she then continues to work, ohGr bursts out in the akward silence chainsaw massacre sarah looks at him, and says pardon? ohGr replies about that chainsaw thing i did, you two wernt really....were you? sarah smiles and replies of course not, in fact, between you and me, he and i have never really done it, we just did stupid things, completely unrelated to...it, in fact, and dont tell anyone, ive never been through it she gives him a tempting smile ohGr, out of hesitation, says excuse me, im a little thirsty ohGr walks out of the room, into his quarters, and grabs a warm cup of coffee and a donut to relax him, he begins talking to himself get a ******* frip, just because she says that doesnt mean itll happen, even that smile, i mean sure she used to be a model but that doesnt mean **** after finishing the donut and coffee, ohGr smacks himself across the face for absolutley no reason get a grip he walks back in, as if nothing had happened, he then hears music, the same music he listens to, death metal, yet, for some reason, sarah is the one listening to it, unlike ohGr, she can contain herself from going nuts. ohGr bursts out you never listen to that sarah doesnt turn around, she just faces outside and replies its not like you ever knew, now did you? she turns around smiling ohGr replies no...no i didnt, oh, about those ice tanks, have we got the plans on how to build them yet, same for the Obleisks Of Light sarah replies your in luck, we did, i got the techies to make one, first a prototype, compare it, then actually make one, although, they say itll be twice as better, their also upgrading the Obleisk Of Light, they felt it didnt charge up fast enough, so their halving the time, and tripleing the damage it can do, their also working on it firing at 2 targets, at the same time, also installing anti-air lazers, incase something comes from above ohGr replies ahh, the infamous gifts from heaven sarah stands up, walks into ohGrs quarters and walks out, she then goes downstairs to check on some things, ohGr walks into his office to see a note that she has written 2am, you know where it seems ohGr was correct, she wants to get closer, probably since she spends more time with him then anyone else, as ohGr is thinking, he remembers, his promise to everyone when he becomes lead CO, ohGr decides to wait on this one, because he doesnt want to make any decisions before he is titled, so ohGr sits down, and begins to think about whats to happen...ohGr then remembers. oh crap, she better be on the pill ohGr looks back on the note, it says p.s. the rubber helmet isnt coming in my quarters, i think you can take a hint ohGr says to himself this is just too conveinient, this time im having 2 donuts, and a cafe late so ohGr stands, up, and helps himself to the machine, he then gets out a dvd and says to himself the good new dvd, instead of the original dvd, its spelled backwards <OCC - Malchick, ive edited the swearing to all stars, as you sortof requested, ill do the same for my other one, but not now, im tired :!: >
  19. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr hears someone call out on the megaphone Lights off!!! in a matter of seconds the base was no longer lit up like a christmas tree, it was as dark as an abyss ohGr turns to the front of the adv. communications center, in the next room he hears some screaming, not violent screaming, it sounded like sarah was having a session with her good time buddy, the guys name was jack, he was a complete nut, before ohGr became a CO, jack had already pulled out a gun to ohGrs face 6 times, normally over childish things, like who stole his seat and who burned his bunk, ohGr could sense that there would be a moment untill him and jack get into a fight, and because this guys such a nutter, itll probably be a fight to the death, ignoring the bad side to things, ohGr walks into his office, closes the sound proof door, and turns on some music, so loud that he could not hear himself think, he was depressed ****, why does that ****head always get to me, if anyone can hear me, why is this happening, i cant even seem to put a gun to my own head, instead im put in a office with the vilage bicycle the music suddenly stops, and he sees the sillouete of a technician, ohGr jumps up and says what are you doing here, its lights out the technician hesitates to reply, then says just before i say what im meant to say, whats going on in that other room, it sounds like jacks in there ohGr looks up, surprised, he says you know that ****head, i suppose your up here to complain about him, theres nothing i can do about him, his dad is really in charge of this army, im only second in charge, so unless someone kills him for a good reason, im stuck here getting tortured by him the technician thinks for a while, then replys whens the next time hes going out in the field ohGr replies tomorrow, thank god, we get rid of him for 3 days the technician gets surprised and says since your fully aware of everyone in this base hating him, when hes out in the field we could get him to set off a mine, killing him, and call it his own fault, or friendly fire, his dad wont be able to do anything that way ohGr looks back up and replies thats a ****ing great idea!, hang on a minute, i have to buzz my private guard up in a few minutes a man walks in, heavily armored, he says you buzzed ohGr says ok, i know even you hate jack, so we're going to kill him, assassinate, if you will, i need you to talk to the head demolitians expert to set off some explosives at these locations, when hes dead, im sure his dad will resign, causing me in charge, and giving this base, or army, their own choices, not strict ******* like his dad did, everyones own free will...except mass murdering, thats a little too far, and rape...none of that **** the guard runs out of the room, before he ran out ohGr caught a smirk on his face, he could tell this was the right thing, for everyone, except sarah, whom he wasnt concearned about. ohGr smiles, then says so, technician, you wanted something? he replies uh yes, in about a weeks time, we'll need to test your brain waves, apparently a statue made for someone along the word, malchik, looked too much like Jayne Mansfield, so i wouldnt try that pickup line anymore ohGr looks up, surprised at his knowledge, he says dont tell anyone about that the technician smiles and replies of course not, i mean she had some big breats, hahahahaha ohGr smiles and says just shut up, alright, im already in a bad moon hearing those 2 moaning for 40minutes straight, ill tell you, the guy must be on a drug the technician walks out, and ohGr turns back on the music, this time, hes prepared for this, so he goes to his closet, gets out a hockey mask, a chainsaw, and a jacket with a 8 ball on the back, and decides to be a complete idiot for once, he starts up the chainsaw, and runs in the room while sarah and jack are at it, ohGr then growls you will all die at dawn mother*******!!!, ROOOARRRRR ohGr runs out, back into his room, and locks the door, he throws down the chainsaw, takes off the jacket and mask, he then heard some banging on the door, its jack, he shouts your lucky i was laying down you smartass, because when i find you im gonna kill you this time, not just shoot you in the leg, you hear me!, DEAD! ohGr laughs and calls out if theres anyone whos going to be dead, itll be you, because im sure someone out there just loves you to peices, hahahaha ohGr turns the music back on, and sits back, relaxed, calm, happy, for once he is confident things will go his way. <OCC Malchik, did the same for this post, swear words are now bleeped 4 stars instead of 1>
  20. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr is sitting back, eating a donut and drinking coffee, he end up burping, and he doesnt seem to care everyone heard, sarah says you just like that Homer Simpson character in that cartoon, except you like coffee more than beer since ohGr had drank several caffe late's, he was a little hypo, and talked too fast, so not many people could understand him in his hypo mood just because ive been drinking lots of coffee doesnt mean im hypo because i am, and when i get through this cup, im going to have another one because its all free and i have a contract somewhere in that ice tank now if youll excuse me ohGr stands up and rushes out of the room in his hypo state, then walks back in with a contract see! sarah replies calm down, alright, because off your thoughts weird things have been going on, like that jayne mansfield statue we saw on the radar, thinking it was a killer rabbit, then it got eaten up according to you ohGr replies well something did sarah replies nevermind, we've had reports of someone by the name of Pack Rat, apparently he might be stopping by, for an alliance, im a bit suspicious about this so i advise you to carry a gun ohGr replies good idea, ill go to the armory and ill be back in 5 minutes after 5 minutes ohGr walks in the office dressed up as darth vader and a ring with a S on it, probably the swartzch ring, he also has a portable nuke with him sarah says listen dark helmet ohGr interrupts darth vader sarah continues whatever, anyway, i never said bring in a nuke and items from a movie, i said a gun, not the ability to endanger our lives ohGr walks back out and back in, in 10 minutes later, he comes in, as his normal self, except he has 4 guns on him, he tries to pull off a Clint Eastwood face and says this is the .44 magnum, the worlds most powerful handgun ever made, this could blow your head clean off, now you have to ask yourself, do i feel lucky...well do ya...punk sarah replies its a wonder you havent been assassinated yet ohGr replies your right, ill need a coat and more guns 5 minutes later he walks back in, dressed as Neo from the Matrix ohGr calls out i am the one, motherf*ckers! sarah replies loose the trenchcoat ohGr takes off the coat, exposing the 16 guns around his body sarah laughs and says you should see yourself, youll be walking around like the Gingerbread Man ohGr puts on a fake beard and crown and says so shes married to the muffin man sarah replies just loose 8 of those guns, and sit down ohGr drops 8 of his guns and sits down ohGr says as you were saying? sarah replies just before i go on any further i think its pretty obvious as to why we have never been in a relationship ohGr replies your way off the subject sarah replies ......a man by the name of pack rat might be stopping by, possible to form an alliance, or he just wants to chat, i dont know, it might be because we have a planetload of donuts and coffee ohGr replies ok, just tell me when hes going to come by, and if i say breats again, pretend i said British
  21. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    the ship lands in the center of the NOD base, expanding, and growing more powerful, for no real reason, ohGr wakes up, looks out one of the windows and asks the pilot through the radio hey pilot, its ohGr, something werid has happened here, the Obleisks have gone from black to white, and the flame tanks...well....they now shoot liquid nitrogen...and that stuff hurts the pilot replies well, it is a bit odd, dont worry about it, ill do a few checks on it, see if these...improvements...are better, or worse, although, it looks like a spirit has been here ohGr thinks for a while then replies i do remember hearing about a person called Shin, he recently died and was floating around, his spirit that is...could be related with what happened, over and out the back door opens and everyone walks out, ohGr notices another thing...the soldiers are dressed as germans were in world war 2, with the rounded helmets and all, he ignores it all and heads to the communications center, in there he sees sarah doing her usual boring stuff ohGr says have you noticed? sarah turns around and replies the base?, yeah, the obleisks now shoot some white ray, we tested it on the old ship, the new beams seem to be much more destructive than the originals, and the flame tanks, i guess we can call them Ice Tanks from now, they shoot liquid nitrogen, although, its a little different, it acts like fire, only more powerful ohGr replies i guess thats all good, but whats going on with the german outfits here! sarah replies oh, the soldiers were getting bored, so they decided to recreate the invasion of normands from WW2, they used rubber shotgun bullets, i dont know what happened to the allied uniforms though...probably got thrown out ohGr grabs some coffee and sits down, he begins to think about the future of the base, whats going to happen, and where the last bloody donut went ohGr says about that whole jayne mansfield thing, im sorry about that, i was a little drunk sarah replies you said breats instead of breasts anyway, so i knew you were ohGr says speaking of beer, where did the fridge go? sarah replies its over there, and dont try to mix it with the coffee again, you ended up air guitaring to the bongos ohGr replies no i wasnt ohGr grabs some beer, finishes off the coffee, and starts drinking, while looking at the base he notices a snow fight excuse me for a second ohGr runs out of the building and joins in the fight.
  22. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr is sitting down reading, almost about to stand up, and go straight to the booze. ohGr looks around, undoes the belt, and goes straight to the back of the ship where the soldiers are, he closes the soundproof door, and says Alright boys, wheres the keg? everyone in the back of the ship begins to play drinking games, and one of ohGrs favorites, Centurion, his record was 87 before passing out, this time, he passes out on 80. ohGr wakes up hearing some footsteps, he looks up and sees sarah, and she doesnt look too impressed, she comments looks like they found the keg, and got smashed ohGr tries to stand up, but fails, so he just sits down it wasnt my fault, the soldier dared me to centurion, i annihilated him 80 to 53 sarah says hangover? ohGr replies bloody oath, anything on the scanner sarah replies the pilot is heading back, he just saw ships, big ones, ones big enough that they could take out an entire planet ohGr replies oh great, and all we have is a NOD base with lazers sarah laughs, then says well, we should be home in 4 more hours, and ive got nothing to do ohGr thinks for a while and then says you know, that j mansfield had some big breats sarah cuts him off by saying your pickup line wont work, the only reason why i fell for it was because i was drunk she walks out of the room and ohGr says drunk!, you had 4 bottles of whisky! ohGr decides to lay back, and do some thinking before he gets back to home base.
  23. ohGr


    yeah, look at my posts in it, long, and absolutley go nowhere, yet you still learn about the real necrowizard much later in my....series of posts, so far im on 8 or something in this thread, when im at 20, ill re-introduce him without malchik making a decoy! even i sometimes giggle a little at my own posts, but the whole concept is interesting, no ones using snowballs, we're all using grim and frostbitten snow powered nukes in plans of universal domination :D
  24. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr wakes up from a long sleep, he looks at his watch oh pooe, its 2pm, ive been sleeping for exactly 24 hours! he gets out of his bed, gets changed into casual clothing, the normal Marduk t-shirt with the big panzer tank on the front, with black pants, that are a bit too big for him, he walks out ignoring the cold, and straight to his post in the advanced communications center, in there he sits down, and begins to say to the communications officer anything on? she replies well...armor is done, weapons are done, forcefield is done, and the plumber forgot to turn on the heating in your quarters ohGr looks around on the radar and thinks on who to attack hmm...i might just do a big of scouting first, load the ship the techies build, we're going to see whats going on out there, probably a conferance between other generals giving reasons on why they bombed eachother, haha she replies in what your wearing, and you havent had a haircut for quite some time, your hair is already at your shoulders ohGr replies ive done that for a reason, now i can start headbanging like those looney guitarists in Vader she replies nevermind that, the ships ready, the soldiers are on incase of a problem, lets go ohGr and the officer head to the ship, they go in, take a seat, while the pilot goes on about the saftey instuctions, the ship takes off, and out of sheer boredom, ohGr says uhh, officer, i never got your name she replies its, sarah ohGr smiles and says ok sarah, about those forcefields, who actually did them sarah replies one of the nerds down in the powerplant ohGr looks up and says the wonders of having a NOD base, i have my own quarters, and the nerds dont ask me questions like "what does this do" ohGr stands up, walks to the back of the ship, he engages in a conversation with one of the soldiers so soldier, how long have you been in the service? the soldier replies 4 years now, i decided to sign up with this army, i heard good things about it ohGr replies yeah, do nothing, shoot tribals, and get drunk, its the life ohGr smiles and walks back to his seat, he notices that sarah has fallen asleep, so he picks up a book, and starts reading for a while. <occ, the officers name sarah was for a reason, in deditcation to a friend of mine, and the fact that i got annoyed at typing up a 8 letter word all the time>
  25. ohGr

    The Snow Arena

    ohGr is out in the warfield with 2 other personal guards with him, ohGr was trained as a Navy Seal, even though he wasnt american, he still was a Navy Seal for a year and a half before getting discharged for stabbing the drill seargeant 28 times and calling it self defence he whispers to one of his men ok, flank to the right side of that building, throw a flashbang, and open fire, we have a sniper 150metres back to cover us, trust me, this guy can hold a rifle steadier than....a vice, now go the soldier sneaks over to the right side of the abandoned building, throws a flashbang in the air, when it goes off, they all hear the shouts and warcrys of the satanists, ohGr says to himself ive had enough of these lunatics then shouts give this to your god f*ckers! they all open fire on them, mercilessly slaughtering the satanists, after a minute of constant firing, they stop, ohGr stands up, walks into the camp and looks at the after effects of a well planned 4-man ambush, some of the tribals were still alive, coughing and moaning in pain, ohGr just ignored them and looked around, he begins to hear some shouting in the building up ahead, he signals one of his men to set explosives around the house, quietly, the soldier sneaks up to the building, sets the charges, and backs off, ohGr turns on his radio to contact his sniper ok, we have some bombs set up at all four corners of the house, all on the outside, shoot one of them at will, over and out the sniper holds his breath, takes aim and fires, it hits one of the explosives and blows up the building, debris, sparks, and things on fire are flying everywhere, ohGr looks at the leftovers of the house and sees a sword, a sword with a tint of blue in it, one that looks masterfully crafted and extremely valuable, ohGr walks up to it, and grabs it, the sword rumbles around for a little and carves a strange marking in ohGrs hand, he ignores it for now, takes the sword and the case it was in, ties it to his waist, and goes back to base with his soldiers, upon entry of the base, ohGr heads straight to the Advanced Communications Center, he heads to the top floor , to the communications officer, she looks at him and says nice sword, dont tell me, stolen ohGr replys lets just say it survived a c4 explosion, some of the satanists were probably protecting it, bloody good sword from the looks of it ohGr looks around the place and walks to his desk, he grabs a donut and eats it, he sits down, and begins to inspect the sword, do some research.
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