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About burningwreckage00

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  1. An update to my issue from earlier(interface disappearing in google chrome), it seems it only happens if I haven't touched the sort by buttons. Using one of the sort by settings allows the interface to stay intact instead of going away for some reason. It doesn't stay fixed forever, however. Searching for something else causes the issue to return.
  2. @dantekrauser It might be a google chrome issue. I just tested the site on internet explorer and it worked fine. Tested google chrome after delete cookies and temp files, and the issue still persists. Quote button doesn't seem to be working either, maybe it's just me.
  3. I think I commented about this before but don't know if i was replied to about this or not, but i feel i should bring it up again. While searching around for a mod, when i click to go to the next page, the site interface seems to go completely out the window. No background shows up(just a white screen). I'll try to attach an image to illustrate. Any idea what causes this?
  4. Thank you. I was about to say "I already been to that site and they didn't have it", but it turned out to be a different site. I've already had that golden saint replacer and was able to recreate the armor with that.
  5. Apparently, being completely misinformed as I always am, Planet Elder Scrolls is dead. I don't know if this is the right board to request anything, but the mod I'm looking for I can't find anywhere else. I'm looking for "Westly Presenst BB Golden Saint Race" or something like that. I know there's another version based on their appearance from Oblivion, but I'd like this one because it's based on their vanilla Morrowind appearance. UPDATE: Actually, nevermind this. I think I can recreate it with another mod I found elsewhere and use it with the available aureal version.
  6. The Sylvan Armor is made by the author I linked to in the previous post. I put up the anime warning because I think some of his armors are recreations of armors from jrpgs like final fantasy. Can't remember which ones.
  7. Anyone else feel that the robes in this game are a bit of a let down. It's either that regular mesh or the monk's robe mesh, and in mods it just a retexture of oblivion's vanilla meshes or a conversion of neoliv's from morrowind mods. I kinda liked how in Morrowind, there was more diversity even if they were baggy looking. I guess it's just me.
  8. To make things simpler for windows users; if you have the oblivion shortcut on your desktop, right-click it and select "open file location"
  9. commands if yielding didn't work: (Click on npc and type) stopcombat setav aggression 5 (or 0 if you want to make sure the don't attack unless attacked) alternative to stopcombat: player.scaonactor (removes player from all enemies' attack list. If they have a high aggression and low disposition, you will just be added back in) you could also use this: (click npc) setignorefriendlyhits 1 list of oblivion commands that might be useful can be found on UESP.net under the oblivion section. the list is not complete but is better at explaining how the commands work.
  10. Yeah, decent male armours are hard to come by here. I'll post a link or two that might be of interest. this author: www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/191539/? (probably too anime-ish, though) one armour i recently found: www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/43301/? I remember there was a list somewhere on the site of male armors but i don't know if it still exists. also, i'm not too sure if the links are accurate. copy paste doesn't seem to work for my but that's probably just a problem from my end.
  11. I've checked both voice archives before I posted here and they weren't in either. I'll be more specific and name files: Imperial male generic_stealnocrime_0006250b_1.mp3; Redguard Female mq00_hit_0001eeea_1.mp3
  12. After playing oblivion for a long time, i just recently noticed that the pc version is missing a couple voice files or at least my copy. I only noticed 2 files, but there might probably be more. The missing voices are the male imperials "Did you just take that?" (generic_stealnocrime_????????), and reguard female "Paradise awaits me". I know i heard the imperial voice in the Xbox version, not sure about the reguard voice however. Are these missing for anyone else? Is there a pc version that has those files?
  13. Edit: I Meant to say Forgotton Faction. 2 to 3 languages are floating around in my head and I tend to forget words as a result. Anyway... I've been playing Arena lately and have become addicted. However, I noticed a faction that seems to have probably been forgotten in the more recent entries: The Afterdark Society. Is there anymore information on what they are, all I get is they're "inhuman", like to chop bodyguards into goblin snacks, and meet in front of blah-blah-blah place at night even though i never encounter anything at such place. I'd like to think they're a faction of vampires or something. Does anyone else have any ideas?
  14. Well, that makes sense even though I never knew about steam having a sale (I don't use steam). I wonder if this is also the cause of some other issue i'm having when just browsing one of the sites. Description: background images completely disappears leaving the pages white and disorganized looking, still useable though.
  15. I'm also having download issues like "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to (insert server name here)". Never had problems like this before.
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