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Everything posted by Vagabond251

  1. I did the migration last night and just re-downloaded everything through the manager. It says all my mods are successfully installed and the obvious ones (Lowered weapons, full dialogue) are working and I'm pretty sure my texture mods are working but it's sometimes hard to tell. Does the mod manager deposit the files into the same area where you would manually install? Does it use the same "Data" folder? Where did you hear that you need to uninstall the mods for the manager to work? I'm just paranoid now that even though I have a green check next to all my mods that some might not be working the way they should if they had been installed manually as well.
  2. Cool. I'm probably going to upload a bunch of them so you can pick. I have so many that I can't tell which is which when looking at the file but I'll do my best. I could send you my current one if you don't mind that I've done the Glowing Sea and only started the next part where you are sent to kill a certain something. It'll be a guessing game trying to find the ones before then, but after Kellog. Let me know what you think.
  3. Cool. Unfortunately I won't be home for another 4 hours but I'll go through my saves and pick a few out to see what you think. What's your preferred method of file transfer?
  4. I have a LOT of saves and may have one that could help you. By "Brotherhood Rolling In" do you mean the first time you see the Pryden? I'm not all that far into the story but I have saves after the bald guy stuff.
  5. Hey everyone. So I'm thinking about using the NMM for managing my Fallout 4 mods. I have a bunch of texture mods, lowered weapons, full dialogue, etc. My question is: do I need to go in and manually uninstall all my mods before I try to load using the Mod Manager? I'm primarily doing this because I heard the latest patch from Bethesda breaks mods. Also, I read that NMM for Fallout 4 was causing issues at first. Is it any better now? Thanks in advanced!
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