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Everything posted by Ailtrae

  1. The armor will be inspired by this: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120310214452/elderscrolls/images/9/95/Class_creation_sorcerer.png When I'm done i will post some pictures and maybe if people are kind of interested I will upload it.
  2. Hello, TheObstinateNoviceSmith, My apologies for my inmense late response. I'm still a student at the beginning stages of his education so i have to have my head in the right place at the right time. I would love to create a mod that I think is worthy to be released, but at the moment this follower was a simple sorcerer follower that uses shield and spell. I'm now working on creating an armor and custom spells for him. Combining ingame armors and textures to create something i think is appropriate for this type of character and also his race. I'm still at the early stages of learning how to create armors, but i have good hope that with trial and error i can get the hang of it. I'm not sure if i ever will be satisfied with both the armor and spells, but until the armor is done I don't think its anything worth looking at for other people.
  3. Fixed it by giving the actor only the righthanded versions of the spells i want him to use. Pretty easy solution i guess.
  4. Please help! Thanks in advance!
  5. Hello, people! I'm fairly new at using the creation kit and i have one question. I'm creating a follower that i want to use spell and shield in combat. Unfortunately whenever i enter combat with him, he changes from equipping the shield to dual wielding spells and when his magicka is empty he switches into bare hands.. I just want to have him use his spell with shield. Yes i have created a new CombatStyle that i THINK will correctly execute what i want him to do. He also makes use of alteration. I have no problem with him switching his shield for a quick oakflesh or whatever, so no problem there.
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