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Everything posted by PrettyMurky

  1. Theres nothing in the game to suggest that the units in the game are the same pounds as the Imperial Standard Pound of the real world, which are "a platinum cylinder nearly 1.35 inches high, and 1.15 inches diameter", although derived from the avoirdupois pound, which was defined as "7,000 troy grains". The point is that weight systems are the result of some person's arbitrary decision. Meaning that the system in Cyrodil could be based upon the weight of a thousand grains of void salt for all we know. So yeah, go with the weight of a standard longsword.
  2. I was working from the code you'd pasted, on which there was no silver. The (Button > 1) means that for inputs of 0, or 1, the output is only button + 1, but for 2 to 7 the result is Button + 2.
  3. Yeah, that whole block that MarkInMKUK just listed, could be shortened to: if button < 8 messagebox "What armor would you like to make?" "Helm" "Gauntlets" "Cuirass" "Greaves" "Boots" "Shield" "Cancel" set controlvar to 21 ; armor menu set material to Button + 1 + ( Button > 1 ) else set controlvar to 0 return endif Concise coding helps keep a script under control, and makes it easier to rectify or change if neccessary. What this script really needs is a few bucket-fulls of arrays!
  4. lol fg! You beat me to it by mere minutes (but still potentially enough to neccessitate checking gamedayspassed as well)!
  5. Using GetCurrentTime can be unreliable, if you pass into a new game day whilst the script is in effect. Personally I'd do the whole thing this way: if TimeStart || GetCellChanged else Return endif if ( ( player.GetInCell YourMinesDUmmyCell ) == 0 ) set TimeStart to 0 Return elseif TimeStart == 0 set TimeStart to ( ( GameDaysPassed * 24 ) + GameHour + 1 ) Return else if ( ( GameDaysPassed * 24 ) + GameHour ) > TimeStart ) let Dirty += 1 if Dirty == 3 player.addspell DisDirt1 messageBox "You're getting dirtier. You should leave the mine." elseif Dirty == 6 player.removespell DisDirt1 player.addspell DisDirt2 messageBox "You're really dirty now, people don't like you that much. You should go out and clean yourself" elseif Dirty == 9 player.removespell DisDirt2 player.addspell DisDirty messageBox "You spent too much time in the dirty mine. Now you got a sickness which can be only cured by a medicine, bought at the general store." endif endif endif The 'Return' lines are put in for effieciency, but might need to be taken out if you were using the same script to moniter other things as well.
  6. For the timer: You'll need a variable, declared "short YourTimer" in the quest script. Then, in the result script for the completion stage of the quest, put the line "Set YourQuest.YourTimer to GameDaysPassed + X" where X is the number of days you want them to have to wait. Then in a gamemode block for your quest, all you need is "if GameDaysPassed > YourTimer", "StartQuest TheNextQuest".
  7. I know that FCOM/MMM installs are notoriously tricky to get stable. http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1119325-50steps-to-stable-fcom/ looks like it knows what it's talking about, although I haven't gotten around to testing it for myself yet. Too many mods to finish making first! (once I stop procrastinating around the forums and actually get them done that is...)
  8. Actually, yeah, WarRats solution is probably better in this case. As you're not working with a pre-existing object. But none-the-less, the OBSE docs contain the key to every locked door in Oblivion!
  9. I don't think that's how the drop function works. It's not a value that is set to true whenever the something is dropped, it is thing function that does the actual dropping, and your gamemode script is calling it in the 'if' statement, to see if it yields a 'true' result. What you need is OnActorDrop event handler. I've noticed you've asked a few scripting questions recently. You seem to understand coding logic fairly well, if I were you I'd give the OBSE documentation a good read through. OBSE is so damned powerful compared to the vanilla CS, and has so many simple ways of doing things that are impossible without it.
  10. Lol, welcome to modding. My advice is test your work often; don't try and build it all in one go. If you test in game after little chunks, something will still go wrong and it will still be something that you don't expect, but atleast there'll be less places in which to look for the bugs.
  11. I don't usually go for the fantasy erotica mods either, but then when I do get a mod, I find it by searching, or looking at recent files. I see the pics as just another bit of modern life's ubiquitous unrelated soft-pr0n, that helps ease me through my day.
  12. If you're determined to go for the different button in the start menu, check out DarnifiedUI to see how the 'continue game' button was added. I'm pretty sure that it will be possible somehow, however I am entirely sure that if it is, it will require some kind of trickery.
  13. I think it might be possible using SetModLocalData, to register when the quest is completed. Then either use mqInsertXML to get the extra option into the start menu; or give the player some kind of message-with-option box that appears as soon as they start the new game. I'd guess that the second option would be easier. Either way, you should check out the various other 'alternative start' mods, to see how they intercepted the vanilla game start.
  14. Ok yeah, Fg's solution is far simpler than mine, but god dammit, I like arrays! If you can't solve something with arrays, you just aren't using enough!
  15. The variables need to be declared as usual, so: string_var String array_var Array Would go at the top of your script. I'd stick the let 'Array := ar_construct StringMap' line inside a DoOnce block somewhere. To be safe, you might be better off declaring the array in a quest script, just in case variables on Objects reset at any time. Then when you want to set vein's HP: let String := GetEditorID this let String := sv_Erase String 0 2 let Array [$String] := 'What you want to set it to' Or if you want to reference it, ( you can't use arrays in 'if's so you need to set a standard short to the value first, or use the 'eval' command) let String := GetEditorID this let String := sv_Erase String 0 2 let VeinHP := Array [$String]
  16. I made a mod that brings the persuasion minigame into the real world (as well as overhauling it a bit). The most advanced version of this functionality can be seen in my Skooma Deals V2 mod. I'm currently working on a modders resource that will allow scripters to easily 'plug-in' their mods to the HUD interface of mine, so that interaction with NPCs, or any object in the game world, can be done in live play, rather than in a time-frozen menu mode. However as for standard coversations, my Keynesian bretheren, Mark, is correct. Even if there was a way to make a mod such as mine use the dialogue in live play; the game would still be broken, as many scripts are set to run only during menumode, so would never be effected.
  17. Could you not just record the music that you want them to play as dialogue, and then have them 'say' it? Then use an idle animation to have them playing an instrument. This could even be done in such a way as to have more varied music, where the songs are recorded in sections (intro, verseA, middle eight) and then have the lines of dialogue linked in a slightly randomised conversation, so the intro wouldn't always lead to the same verse etc.
  18. I haven't done too much with scripts on objects, but it seems like they are all sharing the same variable. If so, a solution can be found with an array. Either a StringMap, where: let String := GetEditorID this let String := sv_Erase String 0 2 ; this line is needed to prevent things getting mixed up if the user changes their load order. let Array := ar_construct StringMap let Array [$String] := 'the health of the vein' Or alternativly, with a map: let String := GetEditorID this let String := sv_Erase String 0 2 let Number := ToNumber $String 1 let Array := ar_construct Map let Array [Number] := 'the health of the vein'
  19. I've been looking for something similar for when I finally finish making my own mods, and play the actual game. Haven't found a decent top yet, but theres a good skirt in Mystix. Hopefully you, I, or one of the other fine forum members will be able to find some nice torso-wear.
  20. Looks nice, however perhaps a little too uniform. Perhaps adding some grass or shrubbery. Also maybe adding a few bumps and dips to the ground; nothing major, just a bit of wear and tear. I'd try tilting the trees and buildings a bit as wells. Obviously only a tiny bit for the buildings, to give the effect they were built by people and not a machine, but the trees; as it's an island, you might expect a stong prevailing wind from one direction, so the trees would mostly tend to slant in one direction.
  21. Woot! Another Keynesian! I wonder if we both play Oblivion so much as the landscape feels more 'real' than the sprawl of roundabouts and Wetherspoons we're otherwise used to?
  22. A bit of world-lore mainly, but a screenshot or two couldn't hurt to get a feel for the place I suppose.
  23. Without knowing more about what your new world is about, it's hard to make suggestions for it, other than the usual generic; houses to buy, crops to harvest etc. Although when I saw the title of this thread, I first thought is said 'The land of ' from the hit E4 drama, which I can heartily recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it. Now THAT is a mod that needs making!
  24. Step by step guide in PDF format
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