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  1. Doesn't it need to be one of the last things loaded? I had a mod to change one NPC and I also had that general NPC mod called UFO. I had to have UFO load first, then the the mod for the one guy.
  2. Somehow my character has been infected with some glowing eye effect. It is always present even when I strip all my clothing and items off. I have no idea what caused it. I thought it was from wearing the Warmage armor from Omega Red but I stopped wearing that armor and still have the effect. I have tried adding a mod that changes a characters eyes like the Covereye mod and it did not fix the problem, any ideas?
  3. I had Balimund die during a dragon attack in Riften. I hit the console and resurrected him. He got up and walked away but was missing the next time I tried to go sell junk. I did a console player.movemeto or some sort of command and ended up in a small room full of dead bodies of people I have killed like Arcano. # living people were walking around in there too, Balimund, Eorlund Gray-Mane nad some other guy. Eorlund died in an attack and I rez him too with the console. So i tried a recycleactor command and now Balimund is back at his forge but I can not sell to him, the option is never displayed in his conversation. Also his live in just tried to have me killed for Balimunds death. I swung at him in that strange holding room and killed him. How can I get him and Grey Mane back and have the game think they are alive?
  4. Not really a mod but is there any way to use the console command setnpcweight and have it be permanent? It resets when ever my hireling zones?
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