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Everything posted by ortext

  1. I wasn't even trying to be negative to them. but saying the a few facts and suggesting options that benefit both parties. In fact in my many years on nexus, i have always been an onlooker never breaking rules and hoping they would do well. I wonder why they saw that as negative or repetitive if its was my first feedback post?
  2. Exactly... This is so sad... Thats why hopefully we can have a good change. not these kind of devs. They forgot why Nexus mods reputation is what it is today. * Edit * They even removed/ declined my post on the feedback boards. proved us right.
  3. Hopefully the Devs actually listen to it, and not ignore the community on this. Since they could just do that and think we wouldn't really make a difference.
  4. Reading is one thing. But assuring the community and implementing the option is another. Only time will tell.. If it dosent happen. it just proves the many statements of me and many others right. But then again even if i got it right. Im just one lone long time user.
  5. Its quite obvious the dev's are just not listening, and just ignoring the people who did not like the new UI changes... And just replying to other types messages that are unrelated to it... Not even giving people an option to give feedback and just deleting them and citing them as " Bad behavior or Rule breaking ". Where they either have the capabilities to just shut anyone down, Or at least do good by giving people an option. And with the simple minded thought that 40% of the user base is more then 60% of it? Its obvious some change needs to happen soon ( If even possible ). If not the Devs will just ignore our " Feedback " or just try reply in a copy and paste bot manner, and just move on. If not, the devs have lost their way.
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