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Everything posted by ortext

  1. Agreed... And the amount of reasons to not listen to main issue people are upset about. are to say not surprising anymore.. They lost their way.
  2. Since this at a point where all devs dont really care about the community needs. Perhaps its about time the community banded together action through third party means, to force a change to happen. Hopefully there is an authority or something out there to help on this. Its time to take action. ( Sadly. )
  3. And to quote from this post " We really appreciate all your feedback and are excited to keep improving Nexus Mods. " Do you? Now there are so many more issues then last time. - Efficiency down. ( As many people have posted. ) - If to Modernise is to cause discontent, and add more problems. ( Thats a bleak future ) - The word " Jarring " is probably a understatement. - Color changes? ( its mostly just changed to 0F0F10, 29292C, F4F4F5, 1D1D21 and more dull colors. Even if i maybe wrong on the colors. ) - Very positive in the testing periods would be an overstatement. ( As certain users have mention how inaccurate that was, due to back door stuff happening. ) - Devs actually ignoring the real issues, and feedback given. ( I would like to see some backbone from even any staff to actually replying with something convincing to quell the sheer discontent nearly 120+ pages of discontent ) - Literally almost so little people use mod collections? Do you see many famous moding youtubers use any? What if suddenly someone wants to tweak a few things? What if a dependency was suddenly removed? and literally i can go on. - The fact that people from the community had to jump in to save others, tells alot about this UI change. Note even if not all the points are true. I still can say for sure several of them are still undeniable.
  4. Firstly the UI of the mod pages for a start, that keeps getting ignored from you all. the old colors, design and more. it is way too minimalistic. Change it back to the old UI or at least give people options to customize it to look nearly like the old ones. Or is my statements that is shared by many going to be just ignored again?
  5. In short Rigging the votes to show the people that they are right. And even if they did, probably its not majority of the people.
  6. Mhmm.. Said it well... There is difference between listening with minor placation from actually adressing the situation by giving options. And it seems like Robin does not want to do that, and to give majority of the community problems instead.
  7. Simple the devs only care for their vision and opinion on this matter. And not the community. ( Which they would never admit. ) Forcing the people to speak out. Even those that are normally good, logical, rule abiding and friendly. They forgot what made Nexus what it is today.
  8. We only need a hero to take action... Perhaps someone would help that one day.
  9. Thats very true... Even as seen above in the recent post...
  10. apparently to them its not. And in their eyes its positive. And even the logical people that give great solutions and points to help the site are ignored or replied with something totally unrelated.
  11. Sad these things are happening.... But something probably needs to happen, that will wake the devs up from their delusions. Since they claim things but dont actually post any untampered evidence to back it up. Its a sad day for majority of the users and community on this matter.
  12. I wasn't even trying to be negative to them. but saying the a few facts and suggesting options that benefit both parties. In fact in my many years on nexus, i have always been an onlooker never breaking rules and hoping they would do well. I wonder why they saw that as negative or repetitive if its was my first feedback post?
  13. Exactly... This is so sad... Thats why hopefully we can have a good change. not these kind of devs. They forgot why Nexus mods reputation is what it is today. * Edit * They even removed/ declined my post on the feedback boards. proved us right.
  14. Hopefully the Devs actually listen to it, and not ignore the community on this. Since they could just do that and think we wouldn't really make a difference.
  15. Reading is one thing. But assuring the community and implementing the option is another. Only time will tell.. If it dosent happen. it just proves the many statements of me and many others right. But then again even if i got it right. Im just one lone long time user.
  16. Its quite obvious the dev's are just not listening, and just ignoring the people who did not like the new UI changes... And just replying to other types messages that are unrelated to it... Not even giving people an option to give feedback and just deleting them and citing them as " Bad behavior or Rule breaking ". Where they either have the capabilities to just shut anyone down, Or at least do good by giving people an option. And with the simple minded thought that 40% of the user base is more then 60% of it? Its obvious some change needs to happen soon ( If even possible ). If not the Devs will just ignore our " Feedback " or just try reply in a copy and paste bot manner, and just move on. If not, the devs have lost their way.
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