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About nightmarezone

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  1. Hello all, This isn't what you think - the beard clipping isn't in character creation or Racemenu. Hear me out: So, I make NPC overhauls. Up until today, I had zero issues with this. I've made dozens of mods. I have a separate profile in Vortex for testing so I can purge my usual load order to make sure that all the texture paths are good etc. Today, after finishing making a mod, I went to test and hello - the men's beards are clipping through their faces suddenly. When they don't speak, they look normal. When they speak, the clipping occurs. And it's not a small amount of clipping - it's extremely noticeable and there's no way that I simply haven't noticed it until this point. I still play the game on and off. My mods use: Expressive Facegen Morphs, Expressive Facial Animations (male and female). Now, I did try enable and disabling each of these in turn. No luck. - I tried with my usual load order - the result is the same. - I tried reinstalling all of them. Still clipping. - I checked the .esp and the asset files. Nope. No problems there. - The problem exists on my older mods too, even though I know they were working perfectly fine before. - I just installed someone else's mod to see if it was a problem with my mods but no, it's still clipping. I'm a bit stumped. Any ideas? This problem literally came out of no where, I presume from purging and deploying my mods for a test. I can't think of any other mod I use or have previously used that would screw up the beards/faces this badly. My load order hasn't changed. I can't figure it out. Thanks in advance Bettie
  2. Edit: Argh in my chaos I posted this in the wrong place and I don't know how to remove/move it. Sorry 100x moderators! Hi Nexus fam I was just in the middle of updating a few of my mods when suddenly, the forever uploading issue struck The upload gets to the end of the loading bar and stays there indefinitely. I have tried refreshing, another browser, cookie clearing, sign in and out Is there anything else on the user end that can cause this? does the algorithim think I'm file spamming? or is this a nexus wide situation? ty in advance :laugh:
  3. Super, I wasn't sure if there was a new setting I was missing and was very confused. Thank you for the response!
  4. I have/had a couple of defunct/empty mod files of stuff I started doing but decided not to upload or decided to completely rework, so of course I chose to hide/remove the mod file. That all worked fine until a few days ago, when these Ghost mods started cluttering up my "my mods" page They're not visible to the public through the Nexus site, but they are showing up on search engines like google which kind of sucks because if someone searches my mods via google, there's a bunch of deleted files coming up. I can't do anything with them as it just says "this file does not exist" :confused: I don't really care if they're hanging around because they're either broken, unsupported or empty files. But I don't like having them visible to me or visible on search engines. What gives? Am I missing a feature? Is this something new? I hate it?
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