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Hanaisse last won the day on February 16 2024

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Community Answers

  1. The one thing I can think of to check is your NPC's voice type. Just like followers not all of them have Merchant dialogue.
  2. LE to SE (because I prefer to play in LE).
  3. Outfit Studio poses have no relation to kf or hkx files. It's simple static bone movement/placement.
  4. The question is, not showing where? In the CK? In game? How are you creating it in the CK? Is it a landscape texture like the original rocks01 is?
  5. I'm with Scorrp10 on this one, something is off in your setup. I made myself a quick test .esp, coc'd into the temple from the main menu, and she's in her new outfit. I don't use MO2 so can't comment any further on what may be going wrong for you.
  6. This may be a dumb question but is your .esp enabled and loaded after the bijin mod? Have you tried what Scorrp suggested and summoned a copy?
  7. If you preview her in the CK does she have the new outfit?
  8. According to your Outfit record you haven't given her anything at all. The Outfit record should contain the Armor pieces you want for her, by dragging the armor record from the Object Window into your Outfit. No idea why you have "EditorID" there.
  9. It sounds like you missed the required mod HS Resources, which includes all the whiterun tower pieces and probably alot of other things you're missing?
  10. Those are definitely not vanilla boots. You must have installed a replacer at some point, that also added a female version of the boots to add the stockings. Regardless, you should have nif files most probably in your data/meshes/armor/stormcloaks folder pertaining to female version of the boots. You can easily add the "wubba" to them. Launch Outfit Studio File > Load Reference -> CBBE 3BBB Body Amazing File > Import from Nif -> meshes/armor/stormcloaks/(whatever the female boots are named.nif) Select the female body, switch to Bones tab, multi-select the following bones; NPC L Thigh NPC L RearThigh NPC L FrontThigh NPC L Calf NPC L RearCalf NPC R Thigh NPC R RearThigh NPC R FrontThigh NPC R Calf NPC R RearCalf Switch back to meshes tab, select the boots, right click > copy Selected weights (keep default options) Select the body, right click > delete File > Export to nif to same file location, same file name Do the same for both the _0.nif and the _1.nif If you don't see an immediate change in game, ditch the boots you're currently wearing and add yourself a new pair for it to take effect.
  11. If you're using the existing Spiced Wine you'll need to untick the "Food Item" box. Visual effects are only on Potions.
  12. I made a test esp and it works just fine, engulfed in flame after ingesting the spiced wine. Made a copy of FireCloakFFSelf magic effect (you can remove the Casting Art and Light, not needed). Made a new Potion record for the Spiced Wine (copied DA14Water record just for the mesh), added the new cloak effect. Gave it a duration of 60s. No other changes. What does your potion record look like?
  13. If you're expecting to see yourself wrapped in flames then you need to set the Hit Effect Art option, just like the original Flame Cloak spell FXFireCloak01. As xkkmEI has been saying, you can only have one visual effect. If you want the fire, set it there and make sure any other magic effects on your potion don't have Hit Effect Art or Hit Effect Shader set.
  14. It would help if you could describe what happens when you start a new game. Does Vortex give you any unresolved notifications?
  15. The Armor record in the .esp should only indicate slot 32_body, not the others (the others are for the armoraddon which is correct). So try correcting that. Otherwise I see nothing else wrong with the .nifs.
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