If I had to pick a game series that would be Diablo. I am between Elder Scrolls and Diablo but Diablo was the game series I grew up with and has a special place in my gaming heart. I still can't forget the excitement I had when I completed the sorcereress's set at Diablo II Tal Rasha's Wrappings; it was such a pain. :happy:
In response to post #9303351. #9305785, #9308431, #9316037, #9334326, #9390925, #9391537 are all replies on the same post.
You can't compare CoD to BF. You just can't. CoD is like Saints Row whereas BF is like GTA (imo).
Possibly the author hid it until he can get it updated as I hear it has problems with the newest patch. Fantasy Music Overhaul is billed as being "similar to AMO" according to it's author. Ah, well I'll just wait till he reupload it then the FMO is too un-lore for me :)
I recently deleted the Ambience Music Overhaul mod but today I tried to re-download it and it seems it has been removed. Why? Could some1 PM me where to find it again? Thanks in advance.
I finally found the problem :woot: The .ini couldn't be made because I was using a save-game before ScreenEffects. When I made a new game and altered the settings to my liking then a folder named Pluggy was named and inside was another folder named User Files where inside this finally was made the ScreenControls.ini. Although it still doesn't work on my old saved character which means I might have to start over. No big deal though I have 9hours play time I can achieve this again in no time :wink:.
Read the comment thread for CM Pym. actually you can just download CM Pym and steal her armor lol sorry chakaru :facepalm: The armor I want is the one in the promo pic which is not included not the eissen plate armor one included (besides I wouldn't dare steal Pym's armor she would spank me to death :laugh:)
I found the Schwertleite and Noble Brave Heart armors but I couldn't find the exact armor and (since I checked) it seems to be illegal to share a link here...
Can someone help me out with this armor mod please? I don't know where I can find it. Spent about 2h to find it in Nexus :laugh: Also where can I find this hair and earrings mod? Thanks in advance.
This is about the ScreenEffects readme. The ScreenControls readme indicates that you are able to save up to 4 presets: EDIT: I have also the pluggy mod that says properly installed but still I don't get any ini.