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Everything posted by Eliittihemuli

  1. What KampfKlops said, use bonfire ascetic together with your friend to make the game harder The idea of the Covenant of the Champions is to play it alone, it disables online play, except the invaders and you can't change that
  2. I'll tell you the quickest and most efficient way to get the textures you want and nothing else... No marking of textures required. Note: this is easier in windowed mode because you can immediately see what got dumped. This would also remove the need to tab out. 1. Load all the way into the game and then unequip everything (except ring and usable items). 2. Tab out of the game and completely empty your dump folder. 3. Go back into the game, bring up your inventory and highlight the item you want dumped, do not equip it yet. Then tab out to go back to your dump folder and empty it again. 4. Go back into the game and finally equip the item you want dumped. As soon as you equip the item it should only dump the textures associated with that item and nothing else. Usually 3 or 4 will dump. 5. Go get your newly dumped textures. 6. Rinse and repeat. It also helps not to move around when doing this because you don't want area textures to reload on accident. I also would like to clear some things up too, as far as i see them anyway. To make something transparent you have to edit the alpha channel. The alpha channel is a black and white image that defines the areas of the texture that should be hidden. black = hidden, white = opaque and grey = semi-transparent. If you are using photoshop the alpha channel is seen in the tab called "channels". It's usually next to the layers tab. You can also find it by going to the menu bar item called "window" and the select "channels" from the drop-down list. That's not exactly true from what i've experienced in making things transparent. Sure there are some pieces that can be completely made transparent but for the most part there are designated areas of a texture that can be made transparent. If you go into an area that can't be made transparent you will see a flat black part of the model appear. A perfect example is Lucatiel's Mask. I and others have tried to make the face part of the mask transparent, but since that area of the mask is not set up for transparency all you get is a flat black texture where the face is supposed to be. Okay, this post has gone on way too long. I hope something in it will be of help to you. Oh wow, hey thanks man for the help!
  3. Here you go man http://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls2/mods/290/?
  4. Do you have any pictures of the costume you intend to cosplay?
  5. How do I find the exact texture I want to edit? I mean I enabled the texture dumping, it gave me about 1 600 different texture files Is there anyway just to dump, for example this one shield I want to edit? I don't need the other 1 600 files Edit: I noticed the texture marking "Mark textures with their hash (for texture modders)" Does this mark the files somehow so I can more easily find the files I am looking for? Also it says it is extremely slow, so do I really need to wait for it mark 1 600 files?
  6. Thanks for the reply Half of my mods are subscibed from Steam Workshop, which means they download themselves automatically and the other half are all manual downloads from Nexus. I think I have no choice but to delete everything and start from the very beginning, but this time with careful planning. Reason I did not do this earlier is...well, what can I say I'm a lazy bastard and I just wanted all the most high definiton titty mods installed as soon as possible. Also when I start browsing all the mods, pretty fast it starts to get to perfectionism: "Should I download this?" "Will I ever need it?" "Do I really need this?" "I'll just install it and hope I use it sometime." It's damn annoying, I never find the real amount of the right mods and without that I won't ever be able to play the actual game for long without thinking I need more mods.
  7. I reinstalled Skyrim after a long time, also installed about 16 GB some mods without carefully looking are they compatible. Currently there are about 80-100 mods installed to my Skyrim, I tried the game when I had 60 mods installed, it worked fine. Now when I installed all the rest of the mods from my favorite mod list, I can't even get to the main menu. You know, basic problems when modding games. But as I am still a noob on modding, I thought that is there any way to locate the source of the problem, othen than manually? Programs, tools, anything? Or do I really have to go searching the issue file by file? EDIT: Title too long
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