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  1. https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Object_Mod I have changed values of associated miscmods and everything working just fine.
  2. I am making changes to a 3rd party weapons mod and I have encountered the issue when positions of object mods, which are displaying at Weapons Workbench (vanilla UI), have been changed. For instance, Standard Reciever was the first on the list before my changes and now it is the last in the list. I have encountered this issue years ago and somehow fixed it for another mod, but I am stuck right now. Modcol lists have correct order of OMODs, so I have no idea where to dig. Can somebody help?
  3. FYI: the success story of a single player game with requirement to go online and be logged in is Elite Dangerous. Period. Now go look how the annual income raised up in last few years of Frontier Developments: https://www.frontier.co.uk/investors/financial-information The idea with online is not so bad, but almost all of us expect that Todd will keep releasing single player RPG games without online crap. It just don't needed, because of sales of Skyrim was pretty great. And Fo4 with its Creation Club gives some cash too. But, keeping in mind the story with F76 we probably should expect its continue in the same form. And this is actually the bad news, IMHO. Any online mechanic limits single player game no matter how good you do coding (and Bethesda's coding is not perfect as we all aware). As for modders, online mechanic breaks people in separate groups. All we know what's happen in Dark Souls series, when a modder do a great job. And don't forget about well-known cheaters of Dark Souls. Do we really need all these bad things in (preferably) single player games?
  4. I have found a bug that might be related to the issue. The issue described below do affect Actor records and does not related to LeveledCharacter records. CK (and the game itself too) by some reason are taking into account the value of Inventory's template. When this value is not filled in, then CK (and the game too) do fallback the race value to SynthGen2RaceValentine, don't fill in FaceMorph data for the leveled actor, and fill in incorrect value of Stats (even when Stats template is set). When the inventory template is used, then the race value will have correct value of the Trats template + all related FaceMorph data and Stats template will be used as they must be. This bug also prevents Base Data template to fill in propery, for instance, the name of leveled actor. Experimentally found that the name of leveled actor will be taken for the first record of LCharXXXXX array (if used).
  5. Thank you for deep explanation. I was mistaken by my own wrong conclusions. Precisely, if a reference only mentioned in XPRI cell record, then everything fine; but if a reference is part of XCRI cell record then it will be displayed in brackets (i.e. it is a part of precombines).
  6. I have probably dumb question, but I like to ask it anyway: if I replace an object reference with a copied (base) object, then does this will break precombines/previs? For example, there is an object reference to a bed. I made a copy of the (base) object, let's take NpcBedGroundSleep01 "Mattress" [FURN:0002FBF9] from Fo4 and named it as my_NpcBedGroundSleep01. After that via xEdit I have changed "Name - Base" of the object reference from NpcBedGroundSleep01 to my_NpcBedGroundSleep01. Note that my_NpcBedGroundSleep01 contains only "cosmetic" changes, like another set of keywords, but the NIF is the same as for original record NpcBedGroundSleep01. Do I need to rebuild precombines in this case or not? Thanks. Update: 1. I have figured out that there is a case, when there is no need to rebuild precombs/previs. If an object references has not referenced by a parent cell/location (in XPRI/XCRI records), then it is not a part of precomb. This object ref would just be rendered in the game at runtime. 2. It is also clear, that if there are no changes to NIF, then there is no need to rebuild precomb. But the question about regenerating previs data is still open: do uvd files contain any information about the base object (not just NIF related data), so if the reference to the base object would changed then previs would be broken?
  7. People will always complain, because no one can satisfy all their wishes. I think the new design should a bit polished: something place here, something there, something must have a bigger font (e.g. last comment date time on "My mods page"), etc.Thanks for that you are moving forward.
  8. Dark0ne, First of all, thanks for your job, thanks for Nexus to you and thanks to all Nexus team. I am (and some people agree with me too) always will be on your side. It is your decision. You're respecting decisions of other people, why they should not respecting your decision? Thanks again!
  9. Hi, Dark0ne! Is it possible to enable the option "Users can not use my assets in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms" for all (I mean already released) mods by default? Or everyone here must read this post? I know many modders after releasing a mod visiting Nexus from time to time and they will not see your very important news you told here. This question also relates for new features on Nexus, ideologically same as above. I will be glad if you will be able to implement such features with "protective" option enabled by default. Thanks.
  10. I hope, really hope that moving to CDN fix all problems. Hope, because, CDN usually uses same experience as you have, they limit if not an amount of concurrent connections, but speed. In general, they are doing all things at once to have lower cost of goods. This also means that if the customer is not enough rich he get worse service than his own, it is a business. Valve should pay you for troubles :) Most of old users may understand your problems, but new users may have own opinions about non-working service. Each summer means coming new users and if 1/10 of them love one or more games on your site this also means same amount of regular visitors. Meantime network load will grow up from year to year. In one day you will have a chance to choose... I hope on best. And so... when the summer sale end? WBR
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