Then if I have to apologize, it isn't worth my getting upset over.... neither of you answered my question.... I do not care about oHUD OR UIO. Neither of them WORKED FOR ME when I used my mods. And I will not use stop using the mods I have just because everyone sings praises over these mods.... So forget that I even asked the simple question that was VERY DETAILED. I will keep trying to figure out the correct input methods for the mods which DO WORK. Oh, I downloaded UIO also and I have to thank you.... I have to uninstall my game, clear out my registry, and reinstall my game because UIO changed some parameters of the game and made it useless for my OP System. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! You know what, I will just keep working on trying to figure out the correct install order for the mods I have. I don't want to hurt any of you "premium" members feelings.... and Thanks for telling me about UIO and then having it ^%$# up my computer... that was real sweet.