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Everything posted by JenniA

  1. Then if I have to apologize, it isn't worth my getting upset over.... neither of you answered my question.... I do not care about oHUD OR UIO. Neither of them WORKED FOR ME when I used my mods. And I will not use stop using the mods I have just because everyone sings praises over these mods.... So forget that I even asked the simple question that was VERY DETAILED. I will keep trying to figure out the correct input methods for the mods which DO WORK. Oh, I downloaded UIO also and I have to thank you.... I have to uninstall my game, clear out my registry, and reinstall my game because UIO changed some parameters of the game and made it useless for my OP System. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! You know what, I will just keep working on trying to figure out the correct install order for the mods I have. I don't want to hurt any of you "premium" members feelings.... and Thanks for telling me about UIO and then having it ^%$# up my computer... that was real sweet.
  2. This image is from the sunny campanion upgrade hosted here on nexus, but the outfit that I would like to find is the one on the right side, not the grayish one on the left. I know that the 8-ball one comes from the game, it is just that I like this shorts version of it. Can anyone tell me where I can get just this outfit? Thanks http://static-6.nexusmods.com/15/mods/130/images/46120-1-1336966701.jpg
  3. oHUD does replace aHUD and iHUD but it also adds a couple of other HUDS which I do not like. That doesn't matter actually because it was not the question I asked. Thanks but... maybe next time you SHOULD READ the topic before you answer it..... So, instead of the answer from the "PREMIUM" doorknob, can someone give me the answer I was looking for in the first place????/
  4. I would like to know in what order do I need to activate the foillowing user inferfacew mods: aHUD - Adjustable Hud Darnified UI -DT and DR DUINVv04 iHUD - Immersive Hud Jetpack beta The Mod Configuration Menu Project Nevada Project Nevada - DLC Support Radar Mod The Weapon Mod Menu uHUD - Unified Hud Project Oh and before you tell me that I should be using oHUD (One Hud) I tired that, it never worked with my jetpack, radar nor project nevada. I just kept getting errors when I started my game, this is why I went back to aHUD, iHUD and uHUD way.... I just forgot how they were supposed to be installed... Thank You ahead of time.
  5. There is 2 requests here. I felt it better to make 1 post for both then 2 seperate posts. Each request is in a different color. I saw the file where a player could adopt Bryan Wilks and thought that it would be great to be able to adopt any child in the wasteland, including the lamplighters. Not as companions, but just as adopts to give them a home. Players could send them to Megaton (or Tenpenny) and they could roam around megaton hanging out with Harden & Maggie... it could also maybe make it where Lucy West opens a school up in her home (an addition to it) where all the kids can go and learn during the day. The other request is a different choice for Bryan Wilks. I know he can be adopted or sent to Vera but what gets me is that they (the game makers) gave him the name Wilks and there is someone else named Wilks in the game but they never mention that it might be his uncle. I am referring to Sargant Wilks who guards the GNR building. Maybe the mod could make it where he is a possibility and when you go speak to him about it, he sends you to speak to Sarah in the GNR building. When you tell her about Bryan's perdicament and that his Uncle is the Sargant she says she will transfer the Sargant to the Citadel should Bryan be sent to him. Once he agrees to take care of Bryan he will leave for the citadel and you can go tell bryan. Bryan can go to the citadel and maybe even become that other kids friend there, I forget his name but he is the son of the founding father or something of the brotherhood. Maybe bryan can train with him together to be brotherhood knights. IDK. Well that's it. Thanks for reading this request
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