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About dennj

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  1. The Rogue specialization 'Ranger' can someone a wolf. The wolf has a spell "Howl", that should target enemies only. It actually targets allies, as well (or possibly only, there is no way to tell). Where would one go, to fix this? Is it a script issue? Is there a 2da value that needs to be fixed?
  2. You are the best person I have ever met. You have answered all of my questions. I had read about all the topics that you touched on, but I could not see how they connected to the total issue of how the toolset stores and handles data. I knew that it did not import files directly, and that it had this b2b stuff, but I didn't understand what the database actually contained or where those files came from. I also did not realize that files in the database were not in GFF format. I did think that there was an awful lot of XML data, but I didn't realize the standard file formats would be filtered into XML and stored that way. I assumed the editors simply parsed the GFF data on the fly. And you're right about what I have to do. I obviously did not realize that I needed to back up my files as b2b. Of course I will have to recreate them now. Thankyou for your wisdom. : )
  3. I know that the toolset does not allow importing resources. I know that the toolset does not allow you to open external resources in their associated editor. (No matter what format the resources is, it will be opened as hex or w/e in the ERF editor) I know that there is no way to mod (lol) files that are not already a part of the database. The database comes with files in it, you can make changes to those files, and create new files in it, but there is no way to access anything outside of the database, or add anything to the database from outside. I am aware of this. However. I had assumed that the database was created when the toolset is installed, and is created out of the files in the game directory, thus allowing the toolset to be up-to-date with the game. This is not the case. I tried manually adding a modified dialogue file to all 4~5 .ERF files where the bed100cr_tamlen.dlg file appears (including the bed100cr_tamlen.dlb, where that appears). I then installed the toolset. When I play the game, I get the modified file. When I open the editor, I get the original version. It should not exist. I don't know where the toolset is getting it from. The original version literally did not exist on my computer, anywhere, when I installed the editor. This is a big problem for me. If I cannot get my files into the editor, I obviously cannot edit them. They are not finished. I NEED to get that .dlg file to open in the DLGEditor.[\b]. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Or have a solution???
  4. Each cutscene must be invoked by associating it with some line of dialogue. Some lines of dialogue seems to play with no problem. But usually, they should be played with a SpeakLine[] action in the cutscene, in the tracks belonging to the person speaking the lines. (I'm not clear on when lines can be spoken without a SpeakLine[] action.) Have you done all those things correctly? Remember, if you edit a conversation, and it has SpeakLine[]'s, and you re-associate it with a NEW cutscene, you must re-link ALL SpeakLine[] actions in the cutscene. Please let us know if you have solved the problem, if I helped, and if I'm totally wrong! Thanks.
  5. I duplicated the Dalish Origin Intro conversation, giving it a new name. I then duplicated all Dalish Intro_ cutscenes, and gave them new names that were topical to the mod. I then made changes to the conversation, and to the animations in the cutscenes. I disassociated (from the old cutscenes) the lines of the new conversation, and then Associated them with the correct (new) cutscenes. But OhNos! The SpeakLine[] actions were still referencing the old conversation! So I changed half of them. The other half could NOT be changed! The conversation has about 600 lines, with ID's starting at 60million (Or was it 6million? I think it was 60). ID's 60,000,000 - 60,000,485 show up in the popup box for the SpeakLine[] actions, so I can switch the SpeakLine[] actions to reference lines from the new conversation. However, lines with ID's greater than 60m+485 do NOT show up in the box! So I can't add them! Has this happened to anyone else? And are there REALLY 59million lines of standard dialogue, that new conversations have to start with line-ID's in the tens of millions? EDIT:: All new dialogue lines begin at 610 million. It doesn't matter if you add them to an existing conversation. But I don't think that is the problem. I think it's just the number of lines in the conversation itself.
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