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Everything posted by FALCmods4all

  1. I imagine multiple universes is where mods will get really crazy for better or worse, and I wonder if there might be some good frameworks for organizing mods. Mods in terms of how much variation universes have from player 1st universe or universe 0 or whatever it might become known as. Also systems for questmods only having a probability of being activated depending on NG+ number etc. So maybe classify universes based on how much they deviate from vanilla main quest and human dominated vs other things, so that when going through unity one can choose how strange a universe will be while still being surprised, and stranger universes could be locked behind large quests. I guess will also be a lot to think about in terms of what sort if mods need universes and what just needs locations. Best practices in terms game stability etc. Universe Classification Suggestions: 0 alphaverses - The vanilla universe 1 betaverses - The default alt universes 2 gammaverses - Mod universes that change things similar to 1 3 deltaverses - Mod universes that drastically change things, but within established lore & faction dynamics 4 epsiloniverses - Mod universes that add completely original lore, intelligent beings, or factions 5 zetaverses - Mod universes that are original and have little in common with vanilla Starfield at all 6 etaverses - Mod universes from other games or media 7 thetaverses - Mod universes surreal or bizarre, where even physics may be completely different from normal reality, like backrooms, etc 8 omegaverses - mod universes that claim to be unity or replace/alter unity Hopefully something like this would make searching for or filtering out universe mods easier. Im liking the Greek since temples and artifacts already use that motif. Sort of fits to have correlating universe types. Greek Alphabet for reference: Α α, Β β, Γ γ, Δ δ, Ε ε, Ζ ζ, Η η, Θ θ, Ι ι, Κ κ, Λ λ, Μ μ, Ν ν, Ξ ξ, Ο ο, Π π, Ρ ρ, Σ σ/ς, Τ τ, Υ υ, Φ φ, Χ χ, Ψ ψ, Ω ω. Can also have certain mod quests events or characters that show up based on probability calculated by either ng+ # or number of universe types visited. Go to some surrealist universes to try and find mad surrealist painter starborn companions, etc.
  2. Good fuel economy stats. I know Ive posted travel thoughts elsewhere, but will be great to see some if these cone together as cohesive groups of mods: Distress Beacons Idle Onboard Travel Time Maintenance & Hobbies Narrative Delivery & Passenger Events Sabotage & Leaks FTL style stranding & distress beacons have also been mentioned a few times and would couple well fuel necessities. I and a few others have also been interested in, to the extent possible, replacing ship loading screens with some sort of idle time on ship where one needs to wait, sleep, or do other on ship tasks during inter system or inter planetary travel occasionally interrupted by attacks or new mod encounters. I really look forward to thinking about my ly per minute/hour and au per minute/hour dynamics as well as deciding whether to travel with min power to avoid detection vs with systems up and ready for the worst. I also hope we find a lot of great onboard activities and chores to mod into the game. Having little games, skill training, or maintenance tasks to buff ship weapons, shields etc while waiting to reach a destination would be nice and immersive. Add to this making delivery or passenger missions have unique onboard events to resolve and suddenly the logistics of getting from A to B feels complex and real at least and overtime logistics may become surprising and strange like Sunless Sea. Id also like to a system danger level system where the number of outposts or ships in your fleet can impact how safe particular systems or routes become over time. Likelihood of distress beacon triggering merchants vs pirates, etc. Oh, and last major space travel mechanics Id really like to see are manual hull breech etc repairs and occasional crew rarely developing ptsd or hidden agendas and sabotaging the ship. I guess heat leeches could also cause rare fuel leaks.
  3. Cats, yes. But we can take this further. If most animals are extinct, big market for bringing them back. Corporate quest line of going to earth to find fossils for cloning old earth animals. Additionally, can do gene splicing to make mutants, glow cats, cloak cats, alien earth animal hybrids, etc.
  4. Questions about mod workflows, avoiding issues that were common in Skyrim/Fo4 modding. I understand most things dont matter until tools are released, bit organized prep makes for an organized modding community. Has anyone started creating an interactive map where people can mark major mod locations to maintain things like planetary and system theme cohesion? Has anyone started keeping a spreadsheet of unique mod request/ideas (based on export if these threads) where modders can check off theyve started working on something and summarize the approach to reduce redundancys or increase collaboration? Has anyone made a modder skill matching tool to help form creative collaboration teams (or maybe just a series of pinned threads here)? A thread of intros to people with x skill, y skill, z skill and the types of mods theyre interested in working on. Apologies if any of these are inane questions. Check tge discords, or whatever. Not new to installing mods, but newly interested in making.
  5. Like a mass amount of ships docked together creating the city? that would be pretty coolOnly tricky bit is would require each ship to have 2 docking ports, slightly disrupting vanilla port logic. No reason why ships t decide to instal a 2nd port just to join the flotilla, though. Ship tech can even say as much. I guess it might be possible, though ill advised to link landing ports. The other tricky thing is all ships may need to use those lateral ports to avoid loading doors. I doubt you could seamlessly wander between ships each with their own gravity orientation, so likely all same axis or some off axis but zero g areas.
  6. Furthermore, this gives possibility for actual exploration. If sometimes rather than always exact coordinates you are give only a longitude or latitude and a landing site within the general area, you may actually have to look around once in a while. Id also like to see scan upgrades required to detect any structures nearby and even then it would be nice if they were vague occasional blips rather than precise pinpoints. Like your scanner picks up certain color and shaped distortions facing different directions depending on point of interest type.
  7. Some encyclopedia Brittanica info on Saturn: Saturn troposphere temperature is 135 K (−217 °F, −138 °C) at a pressure of 1 bar. [] The base of the ammonia cloud deck is predicted to occur at a depth corresponding to about 1.7 bars, where the ammonia crystals dissolve into the hydrogen gas and disappear abruptly. So it seems to me the way to implement more gas giant locations would be: Anti grav platform Low orbit ship with thrust to counteract atmosphere drag Space elevator with heavy anchor in orbit matching wind Biological mass that has stages of life at different depths Hot air balloon/zeplin w/hotter helium than cloud layer So in terms of scene design for mods, think of the thick cloud layer as a gas ocean you will not float in without a balloon and then troposphere to stratosphere as poisonous but otherwise survivable sky zone. Just note that once we go deeper than gas giants thick cloud layer we likely quickly descend into high pressure, temperature, gravity, etc. So a vessel designed for high pressure rather than a space ship designed for low pressure would be needed to explore deeper. Probably no optical visibility so x rays, infra red or something needed. Maybe Ill look at the data for Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus too.
  8. Yes. Also, I would like to see points of interest clustered close with way more space between other such groupings so that exploration with some sort of rover, hoverboard, or gliderpack is necessary. Then in order to keep creatures interesting, give different creatures very different responses to certain objects or activities to surprise players. Creature that seems peaceful may swarm around outpost power generators for example. Or globules/insects that might latch onto a resource container and extract certain types then multiply or grow in size. Behaviors to make planets feel more reactive and unpredictable. Also, no pine trees, earth plants, unless planet has been heavily populated for centuries. Really hoping for marine biomes and subs as well. Lastly, new tiers of scannable and usable resources. Soil samples/microbes (require microscanner), fields (plants that behave more like mineral deposits), insects (require macro scanner), cloaked energy life forms (require em scanner), magma/lava creatures, aquatic creatures, deep space organisms.
  9. I too am interested in corporate foes. I want to see a mod where the enlightened attempt fully automated luxury communism and corporations try to sabotage by any means. Also want to see sanctum form a flotilla of interconnected ships as city.
  10. I would add, outpost resources stored increases pirate and creature attack rate, and a system danger meter that decreases with number/size of outposts as well as ships in fleet assigned to defend orbit/shipping route if that becomes possible. Many systems might be terrifying to enter until you establish a secure foothold. Furthermore, depending on outpost jurisdiction or resource types different conflicts may occur, like in kenshi. Demands for taxes/protection money/strange requirements about acceptable pets/etc. Space station outposts would also be great, as well as reactor rod engine boost fuel, he3 grav drive fuel, o2, h2o, food needs, etc to increase outpost usefulness. Hoping same planet outposts can get ridable hover train cargo links then defend or raid train tasks.
  11. I listed some potential survival mechanics in many mod concepts posts. Realistic o2 tanks, duct tape to patch suit leaks, certain guns freezing in the cold or overheating in the heat, wind storms blowing the player around, radiation disrupting scanners, etc. Yes, aerosols, heat, cold, etc should have to cause suit tear before player effects.
  12. What I would actually like are much more difficult challenges uncoupled from levels. So completing each challenge auto levels up the skill. Perhaps initial skill unlocking and skill mastery with corresponding quests. Normal skillpoints from xp then redundant could be used on companions to share and improve skills you have mastered.
  13. Also, rideable would be nice. Sit to fast travel, stand to ride scenic. Id also like to see rideable hover trains as same planet cargo links.
  14. I think Id like to see skill points and challenges swapped, instead of skill points unlocking a challenge, a challenge adds the skill point. So completing difficult challenges levels that skill. Perhaps quests to unlock each first tier skill and to complete skill mastery. Then perhaps skill points gained from your xp can be used to help expedite training of companion and crew skills in skills you have completed challenges for.
  15. Id like to a mix. Like if you build armilaries on all ships and outposts, each ng+ would let you retrieve access to one old outpost or ship with said armilary. Could also assign followers of yourself that you meet to collect artifacts in another universe to reconnect new links to old ships or outposts. Otherwise, Im fine with at least outpost layout and ship schematic memorizations. Expending resources to rebuild something. Maybe after ng+10 unlock a unity linked player home that connects multiple universes.
  16. Since this already exists in one mission, it might as well be expanded on. Space station that uses antigrav to remain floating near the top of a gas giant atmosphere. Organisms of mostly gas and paper thin structures could perhaps evolve.
  17. You sound like someone who truly enjoys being alive and isn't pessimistic about anything. /s As someone said above, there is already a mod that allows interplanetary travel which will only get better with time. Also, there are more than 1 way to make space travel in a game feel real. I personally don't care about loading screens and think it's a petty, entitled and childish complaint to have. No, I will not be convinced otherwise. But imagine this, outside of Gravjumps (Or implement it with them too), interplanetary travel still takes time and as someone who doesn't like the systems from NMS (Hate that game on a fundamental level) as well as Elite Dangerous where it's literally "Fly faster to get to planets faster" I'd rather have Interplanetary travel take some time, Maybe 10-20 minutes in game time, maybe more. BUT you can move around your ship, Craft, research, talk to crew/companions and sleep to pass the time. therefore making your ship more of a home among the stars then a "Loading screen access point". Imagine getting ambushed by pirates while talking to your companion or sleeping and having to rush to the pilot seat as alarms blare. Or, you know. everything is s#*! and nothing is good and I don't like anything and this game has loading screens and I love to complain and hate on things I was never going to like in the first place because it's all i've got in my life that gives me any ounce of enjoyment. Ive been thinking about in system out of system travel mechanics and realism as well. Definitely agree about idle ship time during travel. Engines and grav drives could have LY/min and AU/min travel speeds. Furthermore, in system, it could be possible either to set a course and hang out onboard unless attacked or if boosts do not end with auto deceleration, one could build up speed, but then also have to slow down properly. Boosts could also gradually consume radioactive rods. As grav drive should consume he3. Travel takes time on board also makes one consider travel with weapons and shields down to minimize detection. In deep space, occasionally the grav drive could fail or be sabotaged (by crew with ptsd or that may be spies) leasing to being attacked or having to activate a distress beacon if repair parts are unavailable. Id also like to see a need for some manual repairs of hull breaches or even ship exteriors once spacewalks can be modded. Put the welders and rivet guns to use.
  18. While this list is mostly serious, the mod idea I may be most proud of is New Trait: Gassy - Rare farts may turn anyone standing extremely close hostile (important to have a very extensive library of unique fart sfx)
  19. Comprehensive Suggestions An Initial List Of Potential Mods, Organized By Category Any ideas here free use to all if they happen to be original. Id like to collaborate on writing if someone takes up any of the companion or quest concepts. Will add more as I ponder. FAV VIRTUES/INFLUENCED BY Surprise/Exploration High Risk/High Reward Realism/Immersion Upkeep/Automation Infrastructure Expansion/Utility Customization/R&R Questlock Most Abilities/Mods Sunless Sea Random Events FTL Ship Logistics & Configs Subnautica Survival Outposts Skyrim/Fo4 Mods VR Who Knows, But Keep UI In Mind Draw Constellations For Powers Weapon/Duct Tape Holsters Immersive 1st Aid/Tool Satchel Favorites Gestures Manual Reloading Manual Put Out Fire Manual Break Ice On Gun Manual Neutralize Acid Burn Manual Clean Visor Manual Refill/Swap O2 Tank Manual Sit/Eat/Drink Manual Empty/Swap Urine Tank More And Stranger Stuff To Scan Manual Scan Filters Manual Duct Tape Suit Leak Manual Weld/Rivet Hull Leak Manual Drive Rovers Etc GAMEPLAY Linked Map Tiles Multiple Favorites Bars Crimson Fleet Registration Forge SysDef Player Battleship New Route Travel Idle Ship Time Grav Drive Stat LY/Min UT Engine Stat AU/Min UT Deep Space Cluster Travel Idle Local Space System Travel Idle Delivery & Passenger Val Up Gun Sell Val Down, Fuel Cost Up No Auto Deceleration Post Boost Explosives In Ships May Destroy Blinding (Foes & Player) Maiming Tune Enemy Helmet Frequencies SURVIVAL Save On Sleep Only (Full Save) Hunger Thirst O2 Tank Limited Boostpack Fuel He3 Bladder/Bowels Hygiene Suit Integrity/Duct Tape Patch Ship He3/Nuclear Rods Stranding & SOS Beacons Ship Leaks/Welding/Rivetgun Vehicle He3/Nuclear Rods Darker Nights Scanner & Flashlight Battery Resource Scarcity PTSD Signal Detect POI No Exact Pin Ammo Crafting Latching Parasites Enemies Accrue Till Orbits Clear Faction Quests Accrue Faction Hazard Protection Powercells Escape Pod/Crash Landing Find A Ship/Call Help/Build Base COMPANIONS Avoid Combat Obstruction Framework: - Advanced Commands - Advanced Tactics - Level Up Skills Quests - Auto Outfit Categories - Crew Full Followers Require Ship Food & Drink More Crew Variation Complex Crew Tasks Complex Outpost Defense- Masc/Fem Voice Modulations Superstitious Spacemariner: - Name Fin Lazerbeard - Neon/Holo Beard Accessory - Ship Mysteriously Lost - Claims Aliens At Fault - Small Flying Pet - Prosthetic Feet & Fingers - Fed To Pet When Marooned - Teaches Body Modification - Sings Shanties - Gets Drunk If In Bar Location - Home Neon Ocean Boat Identical Twins Age-gapped: - Name Bee (Beatrix) Gemini - Name Ant (Antigone) Gemini - Parents Exo Entomologists - Artifact Stasis Field Held 1 - Parents Died, Twin Grew - Annoyed Clones Big Deal - Are They Actually Clones? - Pet Whiptail Lizard - Clones Equal Rights Twins - Scan For Player - Teach Cybernetics Crafting - Hunting Artifacts - Corporate Scientists - Study Stasis/Cryotech - Interested In Far Future - Hobby Earth Time Capsules Spacer Delinquent: - Name Star Faller - Parents Destitute Miners - Parents Killed For Theft UC - Kid sibling Killed By Ranger - So Spaceborn, Crawls >1G - Mechsuit To Stand >1G - Extremely Agile In 0G - Hates Citizenship Reqs - Dreams Of Own Moon - Quest Lunar Citybuilding - Used To Survival Of Fittest - Enticed/Skeptic Collectivism - Excellent But Dark Artist - Unlock Var Ship Art Modules - Card Shark - Teaches Dual Wielding - Dances When Thinks Alone - Crazy Laughter In Combat Scrapper Fugitive Robinhood: - Name Widget Sherwood - Steals From The Rich - Gives To The Poor - Quest Buy Paupers An Isle - Reduces Registration Costs - Teaches Weapon 2nd Func. - Quest Pay Their Bounties - Automatically Patches Leaks - Former Mech Mechanic - Guilt For War Orphans - Hobby Old Electric Cars Pacifist Philosopher Hermit: - Name Mild Mirrorlake - Thinks Aliens Judge Us - Rants Human Ineptitudes - Rants Human Potential - Only Uses Martial Arts Or EM - Talks About Sublime Beauty - Wanders Off - Vegetarian - Distracts Foes With Keytar - Chance Turn Foes Neutral - Distracts Fauna With Food - Chance Turn Fauna Friendly 0G Ringdancer: - Name Milkyway Spiral - Found @ 0G Casino - Had Dispute With Owner - Takes No s#*! - Dangerously Short Temper - Not In Combat Gathers Foes - Highly Competitive - Wants Compete Space Race - Wants Travel Beyond Cluster - Angry Offboard Spacers Atk - Angry Onboard Sabotage - Dislikes Charity Work - Likes Getting Paid Extra - Great With Kids - Childs Parent Crimson Fleet - Quest Regain Custody - Kid Pirate Bonus Companion - Talks s#*! Other Companions - Airlock Use Make Icecream Racing Creature Farmer: - Name: Avalanche Iditerod - Collects Fastest Creatures - Quest Clone Extinct Animals - Quest Stop Nuclear Dumping - Quest Critter Decathalon - Heavy Grav Worlder - Former Ranger - Tired Of Policing Contraband - Teaches Mount Downed - Dislikes Pollution/Littering - Plays Guitar, Strings, & Flute NPCS Lunar/Planetary Film Crews Predatory Trader Fuel Gouging More AI Flight Strategies AI In Ship Grenade/Avoid Ladder Enhance For Followers Alien & Cyborg Parts @ Enhance Body Replacers & Outfits Translucent/Transparent Suits ANIMATIONS Rock, Paper, Scissors FAUNA Megafauna Swarms/Migrations Orbital Fauna Scan Resistance (less highlight) Wider Behavior Variety ROBOTS AI Mechs (shadow of colossus) Pilotable Mechs FLORA Megaflora Carnivorous Flora Traps Scan Resistance (less highlight) Orbital Flora Earthplants Main Systems Only LOCATIONS CLUSTER Ship Travel New Route Idle Time Deep Space Stranded SOS Rogue Planet Extreme Ice Dark Deep Space Nebulas Deep Space Organism Colonies LOCATIONS SYSTEM Planet Travel Boosts Stack Acc Computer Core Rev Thrust Orbit Sanctum Universum Flotilla City LOCATIONS SURFACE POI Further, Clustered, Larger All Temples With Dungeons Stranger Temple Locations All Temples With Unique Bosses Enlightened Commune City Larger Dungeons & Variety Insect Hivemind Planet UI Mark As Junk/Sell All Junk WEATHER More Noticeable Extremes Stranger Standing Liquids Lava Flows/Eruptions Extreme Winds Lift Move Radiation Severely Limits Scans Corrosion Creates Suit Leaks Heat May Overheat Energy Cold May Jam Ballistic Weapons Melee Lightning Rod Chance Grav/Mag Storm Temple Planets - May Suppress Powers - May Distort Time WEAPONS Rare/Epic/Legendary Swapping More Mod Variations More Weapon/Types EQUIPMENT Glider Packs (Forward Thrust) Camping Pack (1 Away Slp/Sav) More Cybernetics Prosthetics Working Glasses Radio Ship (Req Computer Core) OUTPOSTS Interdimentional Armilary Space Stations Battleships Colony Ships Outpost Layout Memorization Jurisdiction Demands (tax/bribe) Creature Reactions (water/pwr) Outpost Cloaking Outpost Walls Outpost Environmental Tech Hazard Module Energy Reqs: - Heating - Cooling - O2 Synthesis - Air Filtration - Radiation Shielding - Decontamination Geothermal Generators Ongoing Sale Contracts Storage Filters/Min Quantities Cleared Locations All Buildable Outpost Auto Sell Box Outpost Storage Filters Outpost Multi Link Terminal Planetary Roads/Rails Outpost Layout Memorization Outpost Border Expansion Tasks Module Doors Module Showers w/ Autochange Module Pools w/ Autochange Fleet Cmnd/Repair Pad/Terminal Gas Giant Living Island Gas Giant Giant Bubble Gas Giant Solar Sailing Station Dwarf Moon Interior Station Dormant Lava Tube Active Volcano Crater Frozen Ocean Elevator Lab Ocean Floor Lab Cave Outpost Submarine With Windows Exotic Liquid Ocean Platform Linked Flotilla Of Ships Interdimensional Rift Outpost Lunar Space Elevator SHIPS Interdimentional Armillary Static Inventory and Crew Manual Docking Computer Core Auto Docking Manual Spacewalk Repair Robotics & Drone Autorepair Robotics & Drone Leechkiller Onboard Gravity Toggle Fleet Formations Ship Schematic Memorization Luxury Modules Legendary Ships Pilotable 0G Hot Tub w/ Autochange Assign Ships to Clear Orbits Escape Pod Modules - A Class Crashland - B Class System Travel - C Class Cluster Travel Directional Thrusters Aid Strafe Recreation Module Var. Games 360 Degrees Window Module Training Module/Shooting Range Storable Ship Modules Lootable Ship Modules Larger Module Price Gaps Latchable Heatleeches Other Latchable Creatures Spacewalk To Remove Creature Higher Collision Damage More FTL Style Ship Parts - Asteroid Launcher - Cloak - Nuke - Drones - Defense Turrets - Shield Mode Variations - Mines - Deployable Barriers - Battering Rams - Deploy Junk Some Ships Rigged To Blow FTLlike Combat Triage Decisions - Fires - Hull Breaches - System Repair Boost - Cargo Resource Leak - Lose Crew Bonus If Busy - If Ignored, Ground Repair - Variable Crew Death Chance - Variable Catastrophes VEHICLES Rovers Submarines Hoverboards (Cut Pwr To Sled) Hamster Balls (Atk Destroys) Hovertrains (Planetary Link) Space Elevators (1G or less) QUESTS NG+ # = Questmod % Chance Corporations vs Communists Starborn Posing As God Neo Feudalist Queendom Rogue Planet In Deep Space More Complex Misc Quests Defend The Train Find And Rob The Train Bring Bounty In Alive Jailbreak Crew Overpowered, Ship Jacked Crew Tasks/Skill Training War With Spacers Truce With Spacers Collaboration With Spacers Tracer: Pursuit, Find & Jettison Outfit Currently Disguised As Ship Transponder Disguised As Fleet Mission Clear Waves Rings/Asteroids Stealth Boarding Impounded: Bureocracy Contraband May Trigger Quests 0G Olympics Space Race Leagues - Ring Courses - Combat Race Courses - Asteroid Wall Tunnel Courses Defend Natural For Research Destroy Natural For Resources Unforeseen Effect From Natural: - Causes - or + Mutation - Causes Extended Drug Trip - Causes Illness - Grants Buff - Grants Extended Alien Ally - Communicates (XP Bonus) - Puts You To Sleep - Opens Rift Deep Space Sabotage Mystery: - Brain Parasite Hijacked Crew - Starborn Planted Device - Hunter/Merc Planted Device - Crew Member Is Wanted - Vasco Hacked By Rogue AI - Hull Dmg Cascade Failure - Heat Leech On Outer Hull - Crew PTSD From Combat - Nanobot Ship Infestation Grav Jump Fails To Disengage - Stranded in Isolated System - Encounter Alien Probe - Encounter Lost Colony Ship - Encounter Derelict Cruise Starborn Merlins Comet Tower Starborn Draculas Castle Ship Non Human Starborn Encounter UNIVERSE VARIANTS Naturist: Spacesuits Worn Only Shy: Everyone Wears Helmets Creative: Random Snyc Dances Unstable: Misc. Mass Murders Impatient: NPCs Hate Indecision High Grav: So Heavy Low Grav: So High Authoritarian: Unusual Crimes Samurai: Swords/Melee Only Terrormorph Apocalypse: No Ppl Still At War: UC Vs Freestar Sports Fanatics: All Mascots Aurora Legal: People Act Odd SKILLS Quest To Initially Unlock Each More Unique Challenges Post Mastery Quests More Unique Skill Effects TRAITS Pre Opening Trait Quests Quests To Unlock Each Trait More Traits Night Owl: O2 Drain Less Night Early Bird: O2 Drain Less Day Beatboxer: Beatboxes To Talk Gassy: Rare Make Hostile Farts Low Metabolism: Eat/Spd Dwn High Metabolism: Eat/Spd Up Musclebrain: Carry Up/Acc Dwn Dextrous: Carry Dwn/Acc Up Psychopath: Dialogue Options Pacifist: Dialogue Options Nihilist: Dialogue Options Terrible Past: Terrormorph Link Nearsighted: Glasses Farsighted: Glasses Union Head: Corpo Assassins Photographic Memory: - Save Ship Schematics - Save Outpost Blueprints - Slower XP Gain POWERS Dungeons/Bosses For Each Puzzles Variety & Difficulty Temple Cloaked Until Close Temple Far, Vehicle Required More Powers: - Reflect Powers - Suppress Powers - Detonate Explosives - Mark Creature Summon - Summon By Environment - Inter Dimensional Chest MUSIC Quantum Casts Stations Suggestions SPAM Cast: Ads/Infomercials Dark Dimension: FO4 Imports Singularity Signal: AI DJs, Synth Finale Frontier: DJ EMH Opera Rusty Rocket Radio: Rock n Roll Night Tunes: DJ Joe Pera, 90s Outcast: Industrial/Metal Rad Radio: DJ Malc X, Funk/Rap Jolly Roger: Sea Shanties/Dirges Ground Control: Prog/New Wave Space Elevator: Vaporwave Scow Hall: Classical Lone Star: Desert Guitar Remembrance Radio: Earth Intl Motherboard: Kid DJ, Chiptune QOL Inventory Improvements Working Televisions Working Videogames Working Cardgames
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