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Everything posted by bbe

  1. ah, ok thanks. I guess I will try unchecking mod-by-mod but it seems odd since this only applies to Oriental, works fine on the other races. Also that load order is BOSS'd, so I don't know how else to go about it. what is astridbody.dds from? or supposed to be?
  2. Hello, fairly new to skyrim modding here so I don't know if this is a common thing that holds a different name but my search results didn't yield anything. I use the Ashen (Oriental Beautys) custom race for my player char and up until last night used vanilla skyrim body without a hitch. I installed CBBE default and now whenever I take the cuirass off her she has a burnt body model. This applies to both nevernude and default. Thanks to all who reply. Here are photos of the error: http://i.imgur.com/uCK1q.jpg http://i.imgur.com/eyRuz.jpg here is my modlist/load order thanks again for any help or suggestions!
  3. that didn't change anything, but apparently removing the WARZONES-Rusttown fixed it...for now. thank you though
  4. I have the NVSE and the game works fine when I run it mod-less or with JUST FOOK. I can't pinpoint the incompatibilities and BOSS doesn't either, I'd appreciate any help. Thanks in advance load order: FalloutNV.esm Active DeadMoney.esm Active HonestHearts.esm Active OldWorldBlues.esm Active LonesomeRoad.esm Active GunRunnersArsenal.esm Active ClassicPack.esm Active MercenaryPack.esm Active TribalPack.esm Active CaravanPack.esm Active IWS-Core.esm Active FOOK - New Vegas.esm Active FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm Active MoMod.esm Active Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Equipment.esm WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm Active Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp FOOK - New Vegas.esp Active FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp Active Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp Active Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp Active Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp Active NewVegasBounties.esp Active NewVegasBountiesII.esp Active IWS-Core-Patrols.esp Active IWS-Core-Guards.esp Active IWS-Core-Civilians.esp Active IWS-DM.esp Active IWS-HH.esp Active IWS-OWB.esp Active IWS-LR.esp Active UnlimitedCompanions.esp Active EVE FNV.esp Active Project Nevada - EVE.esp Active EnclaveCommanderNV.esm Active Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp Active Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp Active WARZONES-RUSTOWN - Peaceful Coexistence.esp Active UnlimitedCompanions SCRIPT FIX.esp Active
  5. well, that DOES look very similar but I'm going to try this BOSS/wrye combination first and if it persists I will have a look-see at my cm mods. I don't have too many right now thankfully thanks for the suggestions EDIT: using BOSS fixed it, although I had to find the google-codes version of the .txt cause apparently using the masterfileupdater.bat on w7 doesn't want to work thanks again !
  6. I have in the past gone into the toolkit to make a couple NPC companions non-essential (with custom races as well) but I have uninstalled and reinstalled since then. What exactly does ESMifying a CM partners esp do to the cheydinhal stables though?
  7. I thought UL was messing it up at first too but I've already tried disabling cheydinhall falls (and just did it again for good measure) and my doompool is still there. I've also noticed that if I jump into said pool I can swim into a world map version of cheydinhal (no npcs half the ground is missing etc) Ah, ok I'll try that right now.
  8. Hi! As the title suggests, the black waterside stables outside of Cheydinhal have dissapeared on my world map. If I try to fast travel to it, it tells me "you cannot go this way, turn back", if I try to access the area via the cheydinhal gate closest to it it says "gate to wilderness" and gives me the same error as the quick travel, and if I walk up to it from any area surrounding it I simply see a massive blank square where I can see through the ground around it and there is a large pool of water where the stables used to be. I'm not all that skilled with mods, but I do know how to install them / get them working correctly and don't often have any issues but this one's got me stumped. Here is my load order thank you to anyone who might know the answer to my problem!
  9. I just recently re-installed oblivion and naturally got to downloading mods. I remember pretty clearly how to use OBMM yet whenever I click on "find archive" and find a rar to double click on, it tells me "The file was password protected, or was not a valid rar file" This is happening with all of the rars I download, and I've never encountered it before. does anyone know what's going on? thanks
  10. ah thank you. as for the extra leliana, I managed to get rid of her. At first I would add party members after adding leliana so that it brings me to the party select screen and I could deselect her at the bottom. However after a couple days she simply wouldn't dissapear. I then tried telling the extra leliana to leave the group and it instead made my regular leliana dissapear and made the extra one begin the conversation that you have when you first meet her in Lothering. I then re-loaded, and told my regular Leliana to leave the group and the extra one faded away forever. On the other hand, my regular Leliana did restart that conversation as if we were back in Lothering but all her items, approval, previous conversation points etc... remained.
  11. haha, alright thanks. I'll try that as well, I installed new mods yesterday and they actually started working on my old char, the previously installed ones don't though. However, due to the party screen issue, I've had to add teammates via dev console and the issue I keep getting is that whenever I add Leliana in, 2 of them appear. One of them is in the chantry robes and the other is the one that's supposed to be there. If I try to remove the chantry robe one via the party screen it removes my normal one and keeps the chantry robed one in the party.
  12. I see. I've tried a bunch of things regarding saves/ deactivating / uninstalling mods / etc... but to no avail. I will simply have to play this one character without mods is all, as for the party selection I've decided to add them in via the dev console since there is no other alternative. thanks though
  13. I have 2 characters, one I made recently and one I made a couple weeks ago. However, when I installed all the armor mods and such they were both already in play yet only the earlier character seems to pick them up. All of the mods I installed show up in the downloadable content-> installed list but just don't show up in my newer character's inventory, however the mods such as Dog being a permanent member, Circles Be Gone, and forced deathblows work on both the characters. What's more is that newer character's party selection screen is broken as well, with all I get being a top down view of the character's scalp making it unable to choose other teammates, yet the older one works just fine. Would anyone know what this is about? thanks
  14. yup, that did it. I was considering doing that but I really thought that I was simply doing something wrong along the lines of the chargenmorph.xml's. Guess not. Thanks man
  15. Hi, I recently tried getting the X-men Origins pack (http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1550) so that I could have the Psylocke preset as my new character. However since I don't get anything besides armor mods all that often, I wasn't sure which of the supplemental "cosmetics" mods listed were the ones I need to only get Psylocke working so I got them all. Once I installed all of these everything seemed to be working fine and it was until I turned DA:O off and back on this morning. Now the Psylocke character I used has no head and instead has Leliana's head from Leliana's Song floating above her shoulders a couple feet up. Would anyone know what exactly I did wrong and how to fix it? Thanks. EDIT: I've reinstalled all these mods and then used the DA CharGen Compiler or whatever to get them all working. I made a new character to test it and everything at the char. creation screen works fine. My character then shows up in game just like I made her, I save and re-load the same character and once again the Leliana floating head is there. This also doesn't only happen on custom hairstyles/faces. I made a default looking male soldier to test and it gives me the same result, in fact it was so ridiculous I should probably post it up. http://yfrog.com/6lscreenshot2010081816085j Any help would be greatly appreciated
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