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  1. I'm glad that DAO isn't 1st person. I absolutely detest 1st person games where the only thing you see of your chara is a sword or a gun. Half of the game's personality is drained off right there. I always play DAO in zoom-in view (the PC). So I get plenty of surprise/startle moments.
  2. @ Roninsoul7: That's a convenient generalization, but it's not the day-to-day reality. If the Blight happens everyday (as it does for the dwarves), then yes Wardens can do whatever they want with the "We're in eternal war with the Darkspawn" excuse and people have to swallow it. But Blights happen once every few centuries. To give you a time frame: "Before Columbus sailed to America, there was a Blight." Do you expect people/kings/nations to swallow the GW crap for that long between Blights? The DAO warden gets away with so much because he's in the middle of a Blight. Doing stuff like that during non-Blights gets your entire order kicked out of the country for generations -- see Warden's Keep. The same thing applies to recruiting during non-Blights. Do you really want criminals and other unreliable folk (who have problems with authority and social graces) inside your organization? Are you sure you want that person at your back when you're neck deep in Darkspawn? What does it do to the integrity of chain-of-command? To public relations with low and high classes? These are practical, not moralistic, concerns. If I was recruiting during non-Blights, I'd take professional soldiers and knights. Guild assassins are okay, because they also understand structure. Bards are okay for public relations.
  3. In this game, your raw stats with level increases ***don't really matter***, because your enemies level up with you. What's important is the skills/abilities you gain as you level up. Therefore, your STR based rogue will be weaker because a lot of his abilities are critically based on other attributes, while warriors get more out of STR (pre-req, and bonuses) with their abilities. Ofc, if you want to totally ignore your rogue skills tree, and just concentrate on lock-picking and the dual-wield tree, you can do that. Weapons get same bonuses regardless of class of chara.
  4. Ah, so it is long-discarded early concept art, then. Probably drawn back when the artists were told "Make something like Baldur's Gate." Because obviously DAO later went in a completely opposite artistic direction (low fantasy).
  5. That can't possibly be official concept art. And since it's not, you're better off playing WoW.
  6. I think your question is poorly worded. You probably meant to ask: "Who would you like to make love with, if the characters were real people?" I agree with the poster who said, "Without mods, none of them."
  7. Huh? What's that? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balin_(Middle-earth) Here's a female elf mage... I based her on Yorda. She ended up looking like she walked off a Final Fantasy... :p http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v52/MiLai/Screenshot20100408220527671YORDAA.jpg
  8. LOL Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria?
  9. [Landsmeet Spoiler] If you spare Loghain, you can take him with you to the final battle, and have him kill the Archdemon. Then either Loghain sacrifices himself, or he lives but he was the one to do the ritual with Morrigan the night before. And if you hardened Alistair, he won't run away even if you spared Loghain. But needless to say he won't be happy with you.
  10. I'm a bit more lenient towards WK, RtO, and TSP. Granted I think they're 20% overcharged, but at least they're bonafide dungeons with a real quest tree, real story, and real new voice-overs. This "few gifts for the same price as RtO" is complete bs. If I want to manipulate approval without regard for roleplay, I can do that myself with the toolset or console, I don't need joke gifts that offers no new story/dialogue. The problem with crap DLC is that they're painless for EA/Bioware in the short term. Even if only 20% of the fanbase buys it, it doesn't hurt EA/Bw because the joke gifts literally took one dev 30 minutes to make. If few ppl buy RtO, which took real development, then EA/Bw would hurt. So why would they take the risk to make real DLC when they can make the risk-free garbage DLC instead? That's the problem.
  11. It is my understanding that the gamesave files have no such values, to be found on the toolset. It is a common question: Can I transfer my morph from the CC to the Toolset for additional tweaking? The answer was always No. I'll check the toolset myself tonight to see if you're right.
  12. Yes, I don't want to be called Dwarven anymore! I like this new word! DRAWFERN!
  13. It's not just "a business is a business." Think about it. If Bioware/EA puts out a crap DLC like "A few new items for $5!" and ppl buy it... then what incentive is there for them to take the time to make an actual DLC like WK or RtO for $5 payback? Why hire VA for new lines? Why make a new dungeon? Just make a few crap items and ppl will pay the same money! The only way to ensure that we actually get real DLC in the future, is to let them know with our wallets.
  14. If you used the in-game character creator, then no. The character's appearance is not saved in any stand-alone file that you can copy/paste. You have to recreate him/her again. If you used the free-download Chara Creator demo, then yes. The chara was saved, and can be imported again to your new game. If you used the free-download Toolset, then yes also.
  15. Emi Amelle. Female Human Magi. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v52/MiLai/Screenshot20100404005537546EMI.jpg I made her in preparation for my 3rd playthrough. She's going to be my go-to girl to finally snagging that Blood Mage specialization. I kind of feel sorry for her; she looks so innocent but I have to force her to go Blood Mage...
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