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  1. I have played a handful of these real time with pause and games over the years; neverwinter nights 1 and 2, kotor 1 and 2, pillars of eternity... So I am back to NWN2 and I am surprised with the lack of info in the combat log. Is there really no way to see monsters' saves, damage reduction, and stuff like that? I mean, I know the stat block of a monster is a little hidden, but could I at least get some info by probing it? Like see if it's immune to sleep or has a really high fortitude save? Is there an option toggle I've missed or are there any mods for expanding a bit on the log's level of detail?
  2. I'm not far into the game (SoZ), but I can see what you mean. Still I think it's good to have a healthy mix of HP and other effects. It also slightly diminishes CON compared to PnP. Lots of things have immunities to the druid druid death spells I'm carrying.. I gotta say I'm glad to have some extra cushion considering the game is not really turn based. It's easier to make mistakes than in PnP.
  3. Will this work: https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1221
  4. STLM has an astonishing 11K endorsements, and I'd like to give mine for what it does to the exterior landscaping. But it made my torch so freakin' bright I had to turn the mod off in a cave yesterday. Does anyone know how to fix this? I've searched the STLM thread for the word "torch" and there isn't a single hit. The mod "Natural Torchlight" doesn't do enough to make a difference.. I tried disabling all my visual mods in different combinations and STLM seems to mess up torches completely on its own. EDIT: I used a torch in a small settlement at night, where this was much less of a problem. I dunno, maybe the problem went away with some script merge run or something...
  5. Cool, thanks. Geralt's vitality, attack power, etc, is somewhere there as well?
  6. This mod, Improved Scaling, mentions some scaling values that it changes. E.g. "increases to monster/human leveling bonuses. (20->40/45 damage/lvl)". Does anyone know where to find those values and change them yourself?
  7. Hi all, I realize there may be sources out there to get this information, but I've searched and not really found an answer. So here goes. Can anyone explain the different sections in the input.settings file? Obviously, [Combat] lists key bindings active when in combat, but what do the [bASE] sections do? What does [bASE_DRAW_SWORDS] do and how is it different from [bASE_DRAW_SWORDS_KEYBOARD]? Keys under [bASE_Signs] need to be repeated under [Combat] and [Exploration], so what is the point of [bASE_Signs]?
  8. Hi all, I do not know if this is a general question or mod specific, because I do not fully understand key bindings. But I have the specific issue that I am using both More Quick Slots and Quick Inventory and Friendly HUD and both have functionality tied to the same button (gamepad Y) on the radial menu. In input.settings I have found the function for Friendly HUD and moved it to Left Stick Press, but I really would like to just remove the function from More Quick Slots. The action from More Quick Slots does not seem to be in input.settings. Does anyone know how to do this?
  9. Would be nice if the bag and contents weren't weightless.
  10. I like the options in the poll :tongue:
  11. I am looking for a mod that let's me indicate that an item is to be sold later and puts it in a separate section of the inventory. I'm not looking for a mod that lets me carry infinite weight, but one that lets me sort easier. Does such a mod exist? Cheers.
  12. Hi everyone, Out of nowhere this glow appeared on all NPCs in Whiterun. I have no idea why. Strange glow I just completed a quest relating the Gauldur amulet. I only run a few mods, SkyRe being the most influential. Any help is appreciated. EDIT: It's from a SkyRe spell - Armored Ascension - so no problem.
  13. Returning to Skyrim after a break, and WTF!?!?! one of my favorite mods is gone?! I played a while without it, but realized, I needed it - the world is so dead without this mod. Good to see this picked up again. PS: Anyone know how to manually increase spawn rate or a mod that does so?
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