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Everything posted by solspur

  1. Hello. I'm working on a petrification spell mod for skyrim. For the most part I've gotten it to work but there are still some problems left to work out, and I was wondering if anyone could help me, as I'm still very new to papyrus. Currently this is what I've gotten to work. The spell fires off and hits a npc. There is a brief wispy particle effect and then the shader effect plays. After that my script is called which just turns off the targets AI. I have another spell that removes the shader and turns back on the AI. The first problem I've run into is the shader effect wont play when the spell hits a creature. It'll still turn off their AI though. The next problem which I think is also shader related is that when the spell hits a npc, it doesn't effect their beard or hair. Another major issue I'm having is pose preservation. Leaving and entering a cell is fine but when you quit and reload the game save, the npcs revert back to their default pose. The last problem I have has to do with looting. I am able to loot only what is in the npcs inventory. I can't loot any weapons or gear they have equipped. I have some ideas on how to fix these problems but it might require some scripting above my skill level. My first idea was to turn the target of the spell from an actor to a mannequin. This could maybe fix the pose preservation and looting issue. Also it would be neat if you could pick up the mannequin in your inventory and place it elsewhere and it could function as a storage chest as well. Thank you very much for your help and time. Here are a sample screen grab of the ice/crystal shader effect. It was to big to upload here. I am working on other effects such as cement, sandstone, and growing ivy vines. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/screenshot14x.png/
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