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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by bmardiney

  1. Nevermind, it's back - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2354293919 And of course, I log back in and it's fixed....for now: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2354305019 Alright, I'll check out the ini.
  2. Okay, so far, getting rid of Wet and Cold seems to have done it (I've switched to R.A.S.S.). I guess Wet and Cold is just obsolete at this point. One of the first mods I ever downloaded.
  3. Haven't tried using anything, I just use Vortex and then manage the rules as best I can. Playing SE on PC.
  4. Okay, I need help with this because I cannot figure this one out. I have this going on: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2350512504 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2350384118 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2344653548 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2344653557 It usually appears after about 30 minutes of play (meaning it usually doesn't appear on launch). It's like there's a shader firing to add "newly snowed on" and it's covering every texture that's labeled as "snow" (including ones placed on top of glaciers and stones). And once it's in my game, it won't disappear until I reload (and sometimes not even then). I have had Nordic Snow, Parallax textures, Better Dynamic Snow and Wet and Cold installed. I believe that Nordic Snow and Parallax are just texture replacers, so they wouldn't be adding shaders? That just leaves Better Dynamic Snow and Wet and Cold, right? Anyway, I've tried disabling all of the above and it's still in my game. Does that rule anything out or is the script just permanently attached to this save game?
  5. I really wish I had the time and desire to learn to mod. I know almost exactly what I want, but I'll be damned if I'm going to learn all that just for a crappy little cave dwelling :p
  6. Cool thanks. Yeah the hidden hideouts one is probably closest to what I was thinking. Man, I just wish that Rayek's End cave had a "bare bones" version.
  7. I really like the very first room of this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8285?tab=description but it's way too elaborate and huge once you reveal the true palace behind the hidden wall. Does anyone know of a very simple player house that's like a thief's den. A cave, the bottom of a well, a hidey-hole, whatever. Thanks!
  8. Well, after watching that video, I'm now even more sure of Vivid Weathers. It's far and away the best one. The fact that it has options built in to customize it in the mod settings to your liking is the icing on the cake. Damn, what a good mod. Distant second place goes to Mythic, I guess.
  9. Here is that patch link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30162
  10. Okay, I think I got it perfect - got Luminosity and Relighting Skyrim. Then I just set the Night and Interior to "dark" using Vivid Weathers. NOW the only problem is the map is SUPER bright. EDIT: Found a patch for that. All good now! And okay, I'll take your word for it, but now that I'm using those mods, the hearthfire homes are lit very nicely. So clearly some modders could affect it.
  11. Yeah I have that hearthfire mod too. It's fine (if a little too bright) in the main rooms but the back rooms are pitch black. I seriously don't understand the choices some of the modders make. They have talent but questionable judgement. Also now I think ELE is overwriting the Vivid Weathers darkifying effects :p Maybe I should just go back to RLO haha
  12. Okay trying it out. Oh right, I just remembered that RLO adds spells in your hands illuminating the area. Damn, I liked that feature. Also somehow this one makes the Hearthfire home even darker. Sigh.
  13. Title says it all. Can someone recommend something with moody (but still functional) lighting? Lots of them seem overly bright.
  14. I didn't even know that was a thing. I've been downloading tons of mods in the last few days. Hmm.
  15. Ah okay. Thanks. Don't suppose Vortex just has an "auto-download all favorites" or something similar?
  16. Just wondering if there is a quick way of compiling a list of mods that have been previously installed for ease of re-download when reinstalling? Sometimes I need to either reinstall windows or remove the mods for space (small SSD) and it's really annoying to have to manually go back and remember or write down all the mods. Can they be linked to your profile or something?
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