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  1. That's right, because being rude fixes everything. This is a valid question that others are looking for an answer to. P.S. What is "clout"? Especially asking since this is this a single player game.
  2. I am missing humans getting +1 to all six stats. I hope a mod can be made where we get a choice between old and new options, in-game.
  3. I opened the game and it says (after clicking mod) that my mods must be assigned to a folder very different than what is said online. Also, I can't change the location. It is on drive C, which has little room. Why are the mods not on the same drive as the game/launcher install? Can I change this location?
  4. It took me the better part of 1/2 an hour to find the mods go into a folder called Paks. Sadly this folder does not exist! Also, the game files were near impossible to find. Why is there no stickies on how to mod. When you google that, all you get is mod making. Why is this stuff so hard? At this stage Fallout 3 is easier to mod. I searched for paks in windows, I sawe it, but I couild not go to the folder nor could I find where that folder was. Why did they break windows 10 like that. Not finding the folder address is crazy!!! Seriously, why are there no instructions for this?!? Finally found the one pak in my computer. It was a game other than Mechwarrior 5, so now I am sure the folder does not exist as per other internet instructions I found.
  5. Thoughts like this is why I suspect they will not make the game mod-able like Fallout 4 until they are done making money off of the game. One of the reasons I am against in-game stores like this. It encourages the game owner to act in the interests of their pocketbook, and not the player base.
  6. Best to practice on Fallout 4 for the time being. Eventually they will make 76 mod-able, but I don't expect that until the production run ends. i.e. when they stop adding new parts and expansions. No date has been given, but I expect it will be a long time.
  7. It should be allowed if your just calling the sound files from the install location of the games. Also, the radio songs can be used because they are so old there is no more copyright for them. Hence why they were used to begin with.
  8. I have the exact same problem with the exact same error message. I disabled the mods involved and still get the error. I agree with you in thinking F4SE is at fault.
  9. I looked at properties in steam for Fallout 4 and I don't have a no update option. All three choices involved the game updating. Seems if you have steam, you must update period. Since their so draconian about it, coundn't they at least show some forethought and e-mail the FS4E people a day or two early about the update?
  10. What?!? Totally not my experience. Almost every patch my saves break and I have to start over. No amount of fixing I find from the Nexus forums helps. Except for my first play through with no mods, I have never finished a game. They always break before I can play that long. Since I am not alone in this I am wondering what world you live in?
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