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Everything posted by DeathmatchTheTitan

  1. Prety much adventure.Kill anyone and anything.Go bear hunting alot and sell bear pelts.
  2. Do you know Oblivion wont work on your PC? Just picked up Dawn of War and the exspansion pack.It is preety coll.Empire Earth is still the best RTS game ive played.
  3. I would love to help but have to clear out Imperial City palace for my house and work on FortStorm.Wil work on armory.What weapon types do you want.I am making mine an elven design.
  4. I do play The Sims 2 on gamecube and Odama once and a while. Waiting for The Legend of Zelda The Twilight Princess.Want a Revoulotin.I also like Quake three on PS2. ;D
  5. Playing C....just look at at my side bar.
  6. "Destrap" is now finished.You guys got me to remember to write the last chapter.I am now starting a oblivion based book called "Open Evil.Which is only 9 chapters.About what goes on in the Oblivion world. o_O
  7. The Davinci code movie was better than the book.I read my two novels."Gold Heat" about a boy in WW2 who parents died and lives in a tunnel.It is finished."Destrap" is a book about a terorist atacking The White House and kil president Kenedy and how it would be without a president.It is about a little worst than having Bush LOL. :P .I write alot a music and play it on the guitar.
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