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Nexus Mods Profile

About fefenc

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  1. The title says it all, I'd like to delete my nexusmods account, is there a way to do so?
  2. Hi, I am a necromancer and I'm resurrecting this thread to thank the guy who brought the solution for this so annoying issue. It fixed my issues with the vanilla battle of solitude and some script mods that were being overwhelmed.
  3. fefenc

    Weird ENB bug

    Problem solved, I forgot to turn AA off on MO ini files. I did it with the root ini files, but I forgot this little detail :\
  4. I recently created 2 new shouts/spells on CK to make Durnehviir something more than a flying giant meatshield. What I basically did was powering his frost breath and his drain life shout a little bit so it will actually damage his targets. The shouts are functional, but sadly, his badass "GAH.... *pltlpltptl*.. LAH HASS11!!!" voice on the drain life shout doesn't work with this custom shout. It's basically the same shout, but with a different name and values. Can someone give me a light of what do I need to do to enable his voice on this custom shout? Perhaps if there is a voice file that I must link with the custom shout? Any help will be rewarded with a dookie.
  5. fefenc

    Weird ENB bug

    This is the latest ENB version, I'll try to reinstall the game and see what happens
  6. fefenc

    Weird ENB bug

    Every time I install any ENB, the game keeps flashing in a strange way. I don't know anything else I can do, can someone give me a light to help me solve this issue? BTW, my rig: AMD R9 290 AMD FX 8350 1TB 16GB RAM END used: The Grim and somber ENB what have I done wrong?
  7. I'll be straight to the point, I've spent +135 hours on my save game and the dude wearing a dress sent me to arcwind point, so I went there, collected the word of power and It was too late when I noticed that it was a gamebreaker glitchy quest for those who avoid seeking walkthroughs on the internet to find all these kind of stuff... Knowing about the situation, I've searched for hours for a fix on the web, then I've found the console command: "setstage freeformhighhrothgara 20". I've used it, then the old guy with a dress kept sending me to that place everytime. So I was frustrated and I've made a search on the internet and I've even got an unecessary spoiler from the Main Quests and I've found another command called: "SetLocationCleared fd685 1", I've used it and it partially worked (mostly broken the game). Well, now here we are with the real problem, I've found this command in a comment on a mod from nexusmod and it didn't specified that it should be used in a specifical order before the "setstage" command and I used this command after the setstage command and now I can't find new words of power, the old man always tells me something with "silence" AND BLA BLA BLA. What I really need here is the quest ID from the quest of finding the words from arcwind point to reset the quest via console and using both commands in their proper order and saving 135 hours of gameplay, I've searched on the yellow wiki, but the folks right there didn't put the find the words of power quest id there (or if they did it, then it's very hidden in all that mess). Can someone help me? EDIT: I have +- 37 shouts discovered from these quests, excluding Fus Ro Dah (39 if counting with the taunting shout) EDIT2: Tried to load a back up savefile (-5 hours progress) and using the commands at the right order (setlocation and setstage) and the same issue seems to happen
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