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Status Updates posted by kayinv

  1. Okay, I know I haven't been updating here that often, but here's some status: As of right now, most of the texture work for Ashes of Eris is done. This includes Eris herself, and the armor that she will be wearing and so will you! This mod may or may not take longer if I can get a voice actress for her in early November. If I do, the release will be pushed back, but the initial mod will be 10 times better. I'm also releasing a trailer for Embers of Valkyries within the ne...
  2. I'm done, I quit. The reason for this is simple really. I spend more time - scratch that - I waste more time troubleshooting problems then I do making results that I find satisfactory. Just like my previous burned Astrid skin texture problem with the Ashen race, now it's happening with my other custom races, and I simply can't stand this bulls*** anymore. Not only that, but the community overall seems to be too interested in plastic aesthetic projects, and many armors, races, e...
  3. Hmm, long time since an update. No real surprises in that I'm still working with Skyrim, but I'm also in the early stages of real character designs for Rai. Designs that I may pitch for a mod if I like the results. Obviously it's a lot to ask someone to do modeling work for you, so I better make it pretty damn awesome looking...
  4. Thanks for reminding me to clean up my box.

    Anyway, it depends how the image will be used and for what mod. I need details basically. :)

  5. thanks for the kudos, much appreciated :)
  6. Sup bro, missing your stories over at TESA. :( Hope classes are going well.
  7. Rai's got some crazy bullets in those guns... http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=104197
    1. RubikNight


      If that's photo-shoped well done! And if you can give me a link to all the cosmetic mods I'd give you all the interwebs! XD
  8. I think my Dragonfly shot bit the big one. Gone. Disappeared. Dead. I'm tempted to re-release it with warning tape that says, "illegal, look and you will die" that sort of thing
    1. luxwing0go


      It's really a shame - it's a beautiful shot. :C Have you ever thought of making a blog to host your shots on? Then you could do character profiles and such. :D
    2. kayinv


      I have something like that at TESA which is a lot more flexible with the images. The Nexus is a resource really, and that's about it. A more public avenue I suppose. It's certainly not an open forum for free discussion, which is a shame, but it's not my website. Their site, their rules. I'll just continue to keep my focus elsewhere.


    3. Cypherhk


      hey kayi when the hunter armor will be ready for download? hahaha xD
  9. Hello kj, can I join your image deletion support group? I've just become a victim. :(
  10. Rai's final outfit is getting soooo close. God I wish I knew Blender so stop asking friends to fix mesh issues for me. I'm truely sorry for being such a perfectionist.
  11. Well, seems that my June 30th release date isn't going to make it. As it is, it's the 28th and I'm still finalizing the custom outfits for the characters and haven't even begone to start shooting yet. That and I'm having a lot of mod issues with Oblivion (parts of towns disappearing, armor chests, lighting mods, the works. I probably need a full reinstall. =\
  12. Hello, hello Gee. From another one eye texture fan to another, I think your work is awesome! And your birthday is exactly one day after mine!

    Wish I was turning 27 again though... :(

  13. I should learn to keep the light on. ;)
  14. One new character will be named Jael Lear - and will be the part of a romantic...and ultimately tragic love triange between her, Aseria, and Kayin. Jael comes from the little know Biblical heroine who killed the leader of a Canaanite captain and helped saved Israel by inviting him into a tent, feeding him, offering water (no sex sorry) and killed him with a tent stake once he was a sleep. I felt it was perfect since Jael as a character is from an assassin clan and performs a similar act tha...
  15. Sorry I haven't been posting much work. I've been working on two new characters (complete with custom armor mixes) and new eye sets that will be released "soon."
  16. Awesome new shot for my new character - Aseria! http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=93581 She's on fire!
    1. bison1967


      When your hot... Your hot!! :D Great image indeed!
  17. *peeks back*

    Home exams went well. Dunno if you post at TES Adventures, but that's where I've been posting for the most part. Nexus has been rather...slow. :P

  18. New close-up shot! These hair brushes for Photoshop are amazing.... http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=92017
  19. After finishing Mistborn and seeing a wonderfully crafted main character turn into a powerful woman on her own...that I Rai will be the exact opposite. So far you've seen Rai with amazing god-like powers. The idea is for Rai to eventually lose these powers and finally be...happy. She wants nothing other then the freedom of mortality - and to be forgiven for the lives her powers have taken.
    1. wolfsangeleyes


      Good for her. Immortality is highly overrated. Hope she gets her wish.
  20. Just think, once you're done with school and working full time, everyday gets to be an exam!

    Exams from your boss...every damn day.

    GL with the tests though! :P

  21. I've been reading the first Mistborn book and can't put it down except when the creative bug bites me too much and forces me to write my own work. Since the series has a female protagonist, its also an important reference for Rai and my own work. I highly recommend it!
  22. Forever Valkyrie back up! Hope you enjoy the story...it's a long one.
  23. Forever Valkyrie released with changes and my longest story excerpt yet! Read the story tied to Bride of the Absence to get more background on Lilith as well. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=90998
    1. bison1967


      Forever a masterpiece! Great story and image :D
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