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Posts posted by kayinv

  1. Protip:


    God mode with infinite stamina and werewolf form = very fast traveling speeds. Good bye horsie.


    Also, be careful with adding armors and weapons. Some say they were added, but don't show up in my inventory (like Nightingale for instance.) Maybe it's because it requires the questline for obtaining them to make them visible, I dunno.

  2. Good stats to see, but every single copy of Skyrim requires Steam to play (all legal copies anyway.) What we would really need to do is compare Steam's numbers to those of every MW3 player online at the same time. Pretty sure MW3 would be higher if we weren't looking at just the Steam copies of the game.
  3. Dunno if it's worth it, the only real perk is her or him living in your house and cooking for you. Oh, and questing together, but you can do that when you're single too. The characters just get hitched and that's it, they don't even hint at kissing or the wedding night or anything. You'd think you would have a fist fight to see who gets on top...
  4. So I have made it to the part when

    the leader of the guild has been killed, and I am at his funeral

    so then the girl with the title of Huntress says the members of the Circle should

    go grieve about his death in the Underforge in private

    but no one does anything. Nobody moves at all, none of the members of the Circle walk to the Underforge. Anyone got any ideas?


    Did you retrieve the remaining shard for the axe first? You might have to go to the smith's house to turn it in, but I can tell you it's required for speaking to the Circle and continuing the questline.

  5. My issue seems to be with the initial load up of the game. I'll get the random loading screen and then the game just hangs and doesn't load. If I ctrl-alt-delete out of it, and go back into the game, then it's a black screen. Sometimes if I do that again, it will either crash, or start working all of the sudden. I changed the sound settings and it hasn't made any difference.


    It's got to be some kind of launching error.


    [edit] After noting similar issues with Oblivion, I proceeded to completely turn off AA and the filtering options through Skyrim. I instead enabled them through my video card and the game finally loaded without any crashes or hanged screens/black screens. It seems that both Oblivion and Skyrim don't like to complete with videocard AA settings, so you will need to pick one or the other to ensure no conflicts.


    That being said, I don't know how the game runs with all those settings turned off on the card and ran through the game instead, but I usually prefer my card settings over game settings, namely with a new release.


    If you see something you like and you know who the author is. Please, please ask them first before asking for it in a public forum. That's very rude and counter productive to want a private messaging system is all about.


    Lastly, even if your rules allow you to ignore decency, deleting content and not informing the person of doing so is rude. The last thing I want to do is find out in a thread like this and find the image erased from existence.


    well, if you wanna protest or complain etc. go create your own thread

    this thread is only for mod searching, not complaining


    anyway anyone know what clothing is this:



    thanks! :tongue:


    If I keep carrying on and having a sparing match with a admin/mod/other members, yes, but I won't have that. Anymore official discussion can be done in private about the deletion itself.


    On the subject of requesting that people ask the authors for imformation relating to an image before bringing it up in a public forum - will I think that's just common respect in the mod world and does relate to this thread.


    You can also ask me about a bunch of things, even mods you're trying to find if you don't want to come here. I only bite when bitten first. ;)


    I don't know anything about the missing image, so I'm leaving the entire discussion for Dante to deal with, but arguing with a member of staff in the public forums is always an instaban offense. If it was my decision, well I'll just tell you, I'm not impressed at all with your behavior. -myrmaad

  7. Hi there. Can anyone tell me if this hair is a private mod or if it's part of another mod and where can i find it. thanks http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=102400


    That dress is ripped from TERA, and the texture's probably a private recolour. However, if anyone can get the dragonfly necklace, I'd love it :D


    Sorry, Last image got deleted. The hair in this pic. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=102747

    Is there any way that i can get it? or is it private?


    I think that hair might be partially painted via Photoshop--people often repaint hair in Photoshop.


    Or better yet, ask the person who made the image? Instead you guys ask in here and get the attention of the paranoia police.


    The hair is Newsea Battler and everything is private. The necklace doesn't exist, it was photoshopped. The hair is available on the Nexus as LaughingVampire showed. It is also not painted or photoshopped - the hairstyle just looks THAT good on my graphics settings. The armor was mostly hidden for obvious reasons, but I guess that's still not enough for the Nexus goon squad.

  8. I guess I have a variety of issues, but it seems to be getting worse. I'm pretty sure the main culprit is Better Cities and uninstalling Better Cities.


    Main problem is that my towns are just messed up. Not to the point that I can't run around in them, but it's weird things. Here's my current list:


    1) Primary issue is chests containing armors absolutely refuse to show up in small cities outside IC. Can't get any of the popular armor mods that are deposited in chests at Anvil and other such cities. In order to get anything I have to manually add them to my inventory via console commands (which at least tells me the armor mod is working).


    2) You know the Dark Brotherhood quest where you

    slice a guy to make him look like he's dead? Ya...I can't get into the church to revive him because the DOOR IS WALLED UP



    3) Cities gates are messed up upon entering. I have open cities so I can jump in for anything but IC. But still, the gates get messed up if I use them sometimes. Sorta like I enter the city of a city...that has no people in it. It's very weird.


    4) Midas Shop is gone, non-existent. Doesn't matter how many times I reinstall it. One character that bought all the spells before this mess happened is fine and can use the spells. But all my new characters can't get to the shop to buy anything, and NPCs talk about Midas like he's there...but he isn't. There's no shop period.


    5) I can't close Oblivion portals mostly because I can't navigate towers anymore without getting very irritating video issues. I'll move around and then the whole screen just blurs out. And I don't mean it just gets blurry, I'm talking about full on lines of blur where I can't distinguish anything. Sometimes I'll move into a good spot and it will be normal, then it blurs out again making moving around near impossible.


    Honestly, it sounds like a good cleaning needs to be done and a complete reinstall - but I'm trying to save that for when I get my new computer in the next month or so. I really don't feel like reinstalling a crap ton of mods twice. I don't know if reinstalling Better Cities will help or make it worse. Suggestions?


    Where do I find this gray/white room that characters and armors are modeled in? I already have the black room, but Rai has black hair and a black background makes the photoshop selection process more troublesome then helpful.


    Tonas Mods Store has a white room, a black room, and a starfield room, as well as a new dressing room, where you can try on all the outfits and armors in the store before you buy them.


    It's clearly time for me to update that mod then, thanks!

  10. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/36563-1-1294993557.jpg


    Where do I find this gray/white room that characters and armors are modeled in? I already have the black room, but Rai has black hair and a black background makes the photoshop selection process more troublesome then helpful.

  11. Let me ask you this. If you are low to the ground, getting as low as possible to secure the shot, which gun would be easier to fire?


    A gun with a bolt that you pull from the side...


    Or a gun with a lever that is pulled from the bottom and needs clearance to be pulled...


    This is just my dumb observation, but in terms of ease with trying to perform a sniper shot...a lever action doesn't make sense. Now please continue with the technical advantages that far outweigh anything I just said.

  12. It's a private retexture of Desu's Demon Huntress. The mod isn't available anywhere but somewhere in the near future Desu will finish her shop that probably contains that outfit too.


    Do you or Desu know who came up with that character? Are they still active with screenshots or not?


    Also, is there a mod that creates a cool looking tavern or bar in the game? Either that or a mod that greatly enhances an existing one?

  13. I'm looking for a pose mod that shows extreme emotions. I'm not talking about facial expressions where a character just looks mad (which I already have anyway). What I want is full body poses showing a character jumping for joy, or more importantly for a screenshot I have in mind - a pose showing a character in complete emotional break down, maybe on the ground crying or pounding the ground in anger. While I love most of the pose mods out there, too many poses are set up for modeling purposes. This is fine if you want to show a character that is aware or at least somewhat aware that they are being watched by an audience, but the poses I'm looking for will show the character in their own environment, their own pain and suffering, their own joy and happiness.
  14. I've been looking into this for certain (not so legal hairstyles) that I want to add to DK Imperials. The main issue seems to be that you can only add one texture/mesh...which seems incredibly slow and clunky. Not to mention that there are more then one texture to add for each mesh. I guess there's no way to do a mass install of a bunch of different hairstyles?
  15. I'm just wondering if there is a higher resolution DDS file for DAO eyes since 128x128 is quite small... I'm used to higher resolution from eyes I've made in TES, so when I try to port them for use in DAO, I'm losing a lot of detail. Is there anything that's in the 200x200, 300x300, or 400x400 range for DAO eyes?


    [edit]: Found some higher rez eye textures, so I'm going to try those out.


    Another problem I'm running into is how exactly do you save normal maps in DAO through Photoshop? Apparently its not the same way it's done in TES.

  16. Well, I can say that Silverlight definitely interferes with the Amulet slot, and I'm guessing it has to do with how the armor sort of has a necklace built into it. Anyway, I'm using the chain version and modified the chain texture to be leather. I downloaded it recently, so the issue hasn't been fixed. I would say that I see most accessory items (capes, cloaks, mufflers, helmets with hair showing, etc. taking up the amulet slot). Some of the really nice armor makers create A and T versions, but not all of them. I should correct myself in saying that Silverlight doesn't interfere with the helmet slot, since that's probably where the Silverlight helm is slotted (this helmet has no free-flowing hair). So the issue has to be the amulet slot.


    I guess I need to figure out how to turn an Amulet item into a Tail item (or a ring slot - because I've seen those slots used for armor accessories too).


    Here is the link to the chainmail version:




    p.s. It looks really cool with leather instead of chain, but I can't release it until I consider it, "done". :)

  17. This is more of a question then an actual mod, although it has something to do with a mod that I'm currently editing.


    We all know and love the Silverlight armor, but whenever I've used a helmet or jewelry - the armor makes them invisible. I've never understood this, and I've always wondered why Silverlight was made this way. Now, when I use something from the "T" slot (dunno what armor slot that actually is, but always see it listed as "T" after the armor piece's name.) So unless this armor suddenly stops making helmet slots invisible, I'm pretty much stuck with the helmet that comes with the set or get lucky and find a T slot item. Usually I see helmets set to the helmet slot or the "A" slot...whatever that is, jewelry I'm guessing.


    I have certain pieces I want to mix with the armor, but this conflict with the armor is irritating to say the least. So how do I change the slot an existing armor is tied too in the game? I'm guessing ring slots will work with Silverlight, and whatever the T label is for. Question is, how do it do that? I'm guessing it involves the construction set, but I can't seem to find any info on just changing the armor slot.

  18. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/9633-1-1255883580.jpg


    I know this is for Fallout 3, but a lot of armors tend to be shared between Fallout 3 and Oblivion. Is there a version of this for Oblivion - or perhaps any long black trenchcoat for Oblivion? Anything that a modder can use as a base to make something original?

  19. Is this a fresh install? I just reinstalled my cursed D2D copy and it was constantly crashing at launch (whether I launched through FOSE, the fallout.exe, or the launcher.) You know what the issue ended up being (well, so far anyway)? The default "high" resolution setting the game automatically applies when you do a new install. Dumbest thing ever, but I only found that I could launch the game after I changed the game resolution to the native resolution of my monitor (1920x1080). After that the game finally started launching without a crash.


    Hopefully the FOSE 1.2 rumors are true for my D2D copy of the game. So far it seems to launch the game, but now I need to see if the FOSE-required mods will work.

  20. This is more of a question then anything else, but how do I zoom in super close like this without going through the character's face (and seeing their eyeballs, jaws, etc.) I use the Flying Camera mod and whenever I get too close, I go through the face. :(


    Use the fov command in console mode.




    fov 10

    fov 20


    In conjunction with TFC, you can swing the camera around to where you want to zoom, then use fov # (# being a number) to zoom in. It tends to go back to normal when you close the console, however, so open up a menu while the console is open (hitting escape to bring up the normal menu works), then type TM to get rid of menu's (it'll hide the options menu), then close the console and move your mouse off screen and take a picture. :)


    Well, I think I figured it out for the most part.




    Before anyone asks, yes, I plan on making a texture release for all my eyes and tattoos once I feel I have enough for a solid release.


    Anyway, one issue I'm still having is getting rid of the console text. The mouse pointer is easy, I don't even have to bring up a menu for that. But when I use the TM command after bringing the main menu up and hit the ` button to release the console, the frozen shot doesn't stick for some reason. Is there a particular order this has to be done with?

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