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  1. Thanks, I'll do some more searching, just tired of selecting the wrong thing due to the UI being designed for a controller.
  2. OK, So it works fine with survival mode? That is my only concern because I love SkyUI.
  3. Hi eveyone, I've been away from Skyrim for a few years (at least 5) so I'm trying to catch up. I have myself a shiny new install of SE with survival mode. I forgot just how bad the interface on PC was. I used to use SkyUI but I saw on his mod page that it's not 100% compatible with hardcore. Can anyone tell me what the problem is? Can you live with it? Is there a better UI mod? Thanks for your patience.
  4. OK, thanks. I'll definitely keep playing but FO3 had me laughing from the vault onward, I realize it's a new game but it seems to have changed it's nature a bit.
  5. So after a meager 35 or so hours of game play I think I realize what's wrong. In FO3 I continually encountered little (and big) things that amused me or even made be laugh. I have yet to see anything even remotely like that in FO4, I actually think this might have been my problem with FONV. Am I the only one? I don't want any spoilers but does it get back to it's FO3 "roots" as you explore more areas? I guess there is nothing wrong with a serious, morbid, post apocalyptic game but the comedy in FO3 made it so much better.
  6. OK, I'm confused, try not to spoil too much but the first railway station I found had a dead woman with a note about a drop off at 12. I made sure I was there at the next 12PM in game. Nothing happened. Is this a problem? Should I try again?
  7. Need some extra tunes, getting stale. I'm really hoping we don't need the GECK for this.
  8. OK, so rolling the drivers back a few more versions has fixed Skyrim, now shows my nVidia card and detects HIGH settings. Still no go with FO4, detects low and crashes. Unfortunatly it does not show what cards it sees. Edit: further proof FO4 is not seeing my Vidia card in the SkrimPrefs.ini sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M " in the Fallout4Prefs.ini sD3DDevice="IntelĀ® HD Graphics 4000" Tried changing the setting and making read only. Didn't work
  9. Thanks, It is a laptop, as I said the NV control panel is already set to use the NV card, I ran the GPU monitor as recommended and it always says NONE. I've read many threads with this problem through google searching but have yet to find the solution.
  10. OK, so after not being able to run FO4 because it crashes when I try to start a new game I realized a few things. It was the Intel driver crashing. I also remembered that a few weeks ago I suddenly couldn't see underwater in Skyrim. So after much installing and uninstalling of drivers to no avail I ran Skyrim from Steam rather than SKSE. It detected settings as low and shows only my Intel card. The nVidia control panel shows that my nVidea card should be being used but it isn't. I've tried the newest and previous drivers for my card to no avail. Everthing in my system says my NV card is OK and set to work but niether Skyrim or FO4 seem to see it. Help please!
  11. Taiwan is part of China? According to the PRC they are but the people of Taiwan beg to differ. Vietnam has been invaded by China multiple times. Do you really think Vietnam wanted war with China? The last time Vietnam was invaded by China it was because Vietnam invaded Cambodia to stop the Khmer Rouge. That was a favor to the world and Vietnam kicked the crap out of China to boot. The border disputes are all instigated by China to claim more land. If China ever once set foot in a place then they say they have a right to it. Sounds like a European country still less than 100 years ago.
  12. Tell that to Tibet, Taiwan and Vietnam amongst others. You can maybe quibble with the word "random" but the USA's wars are not exactly "random" either.
  13. Pretty much a dead heat then. You'll have to forgive my ignorance on the US electoral system, but in my own country if neither party won an outright majority of seats, there would be a possibility of a coalition government, in this case Republicans or Democrats with Libertarians, which actually sounds like a half way decent Presidency. I suppose the US system, doesn't have provison for a coalition government, at my understanding is whatever the percentage of votes, a party will win outright. Yeah, for President whomever wins the most electors gets the gig. The same goes for Congress except it's the percent vote like you said. The States are different though, some States have a runoff if no one gets 50% with only the top two eligible for voting. It's very hard for a third party to get into office although it has been done in Congress and President Lincoln won as a third party creating the Republican party.
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