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About mashup47

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  1. Sorry if you can't make a good point to this argument.as the admin you must delete it as you can not defend IT. this it the way of woke culture. this will be recorded for all to see. thank you nexus mods.
  2. I would rather argue this point based on logic, but the fact of the science of XY chromosomes apparently makes a strong case! then i can with 2000 years of history.
  3. which would you rather educate myself with 2000+ years of education or the last 5 year of woke s#*!???. I have the bible and the Quran to back me up rather then your woke crap.!
  4. Because you never apply common sense. How can my choice to install a mode that changes the choice of a pronoun effect the game when the game dose not apply that effect across the whole game??
  5. Why dose admin keep banning Mod's that cut the option of pronouns? Which give's users a choice on how they play the game?
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