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About TylerYatesHere

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  1. When I have a bow equipped I can see through my left arm. I am running the latest version of Skyrim with all DLC and no mods, this is also a fresh installation (on a separate HDD) with all previous files related to Skyrim removed including mods and preference files. My system specs are as follows: CPU: i5 - 4670k @ 4GHZ GPU: MSI GTX 970 4GB RAM: 8GB I have Googled this so much over the last year and I can't find any fix for it, and I'm pretty certain this isn't normal Skyrim behaviour. I've seen a lot of others online with the same issue but I've never found a fix. This is what I'm talking about: http://imgur.com/a/Frzn7 Any help with this is greatly appreciated, I find it so distracting I don't even want to play the game any more, as I love playing an archer.
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