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  1. I just used Skyrim Performance Monitor while walking from right outside the entrance to Bleak Falls Barrow to Whiterun. I CTD'd when I tried to enter Jorrvaskr (no infinite loading screen that time). Here's the results: http://i.imgur.com/HYlTAoC.png
  2. When I'm playing, the game will often freeze when I'm entering a new cell. It's not a CTD, but the loading screen just doesn't go away. I don't know if it eventually does, but all I know is that it stays on the loading screen for a long time. When I Alt+Tab out, the only choice I have is to click the Start button and restart my computer. Everything else locks up. I have almost all the mods from STEP 2.2.6 installed (except for about half the gameplay mods) and some other mods. I'm using an i5 4670K, GTX 780, 8GB RAM, and Skyrim's installed on my SSD. Here's my mod list: http://pastebin.com/iMGpEpD4
  3. In vanilla Oblivion, I didn't really like: the whole leveling system and scaling, the landscape (the world in general felt kinda meh), the combat (ALL parts of the triangle), weapons and armor (felt there wasn't enough diversity), not enough enemy variety, and loot in general (just seemed bland). Looking for stuff to change those. I'll also take any other mods you think are a must have. I just wanna give this one more shot, because I know there is huge potential in Oblivion modding, especially like seven years after release. Also, looking for stuff that fits (almost) seamlessly into the game and is lore/immersion-friendly. *by the way, DLCs I have are Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine* Thanks a bunch for any help! (re-posted this from another forum, just trying to gather up responses from different communities)
  4. The new home layout... please be temporary. If not temporary, please add more boxes around everything so it doesn't look like a jumbled mess with some missing coding. Looks like a 90's website with a modern skin. I know it's rude to be nitpicky about an awesome free service, but think about the potential new users. They might refuse to come here if the layout is hideous. And (new) modders, even more might switch to Steam Workshop.
  5. I know DarkUId DarN has an option for these Loading Screens, it's right there when I'm in the installation menu. But the loading screens always look out of whack when I start up the game. They almost look fine, but the background is not that of DarkUId DarN (normal oblivion background), and the text is a yellow that is almost the same color as the background (this is because it changes the text, but forgets to change the background I guess), so it's very hard to see. Here's what I've been doing (and it doesn't work): Install normal Trollf Loading Screens Install DarkUId DarN, then select Trollf Loading Screens for DarkUI (or something like that) Doesn't work. Help?
  6. I've been trying to fix this for five hours. It only happens with some mods I have installed. I've been systematically disabling mods that edit/add certain things that could possibly crash the game, but to no avail. But maybe there is a mod that I'm underestimating in my list. I know I'll probably need to list my load order, but I don't see a load order report option on NMM. Also, some mods don't have ESP (they're just in the list of downloaded mods), but I'd like to list those as well. Will I just have to manually type out all my mods? Also, is there a better way to check which mod is the culprit besides what I'm doing (I'm disabling mods one by one, each time checking the game to see if it's fixed)? Thanks!
  7. Looking for something that just in general improves colors and lighting. No fancy DoF, SSAO, anything. I won't be taking screenshots, I would just like things to be less drab. Most of the popular ENB mods and others like it are very over-done and not for casual play; just for scenic screenshots. I did a brief look on my own, but out of laziness, I presume, I gave up. So I figured I'd ask the modding community about it. Is Realistic Lighting with Customization one of the best options? I currently have the latest version. If not, are there any mods compatible with RLwC, or perhaps better than RLwC? Also, I've heard of a lot of these mods being fidgety with Skyrim version 1.5. Have the issues been resolved yet? Also, they really screwed up Lush Grass/Trees, what with the chicken tracks/snake skin and all. Has that been cleared up/are any graphics mods that don't interfere with them? Thanks!
  8. So one thing that bugs me about the console is that you never know what you've clicked on. The names don't appear like they did in Fallout 3. It's quite annoying. There are even quotes there, like they meant to implement it but it was never finished. Is there a mod that can fix this, or some files I can tweak to fix this? Does this bug anyone else?
  9. So I know the game has troubles with quad-cores, and I don't have a quad so I didn't really look for ways around it. However, I now have a six-core CPU: the AMD Phenom II X6 1055T @2.8Ghz (stock clocking speed). I figured that Oblivion would have even more trouble with this six-core, so I turned it down to single-core. Needless to say I crash often (I am not sure if it's because of it, though) and I was wondering if I could enable more cores but still have it work fine. I don't want to overclock my CPU, though. So yeah, anyway to get a six-core working fine with AMD? Does the iNumHWThreads along with bUseThreadedAI trick from Fallout 3 work in Oblivion? I looked in Oblivion's INI and noticed that it doesn't have these lines, so I don't want to risk Oblivion exploding on me. Also, if a six-core is like impossible to get working with Oblivion, what's the next best choice? 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5? NOTE: I plan on heavily modding Oblivion, of course. Don't know if this changes anything much, however. Thanks in advance!
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