So I know the game has troubles with quad-cores, and I don't have a quad so I didn't really look for ways around it. However, I now have a six-core CPU: the AMD Phenom II X6 1055T @2.8Ghz (stock clocking speed). I figured that Oblivion would have even more trouble with this six-core, so I turned it down to single-core. Needless to say I crash often (I am not sure if it's because of it, though) and I was wondering if I could enable more cores but still have it work fine. I don't want to overclock my CPU, though. So yeah, anyway to get a six-core working fine with AMD? Does the iNumHWThreads along with bUseThreadedAI trick from Fallout 3 work in Oblivion? I looked in Oblivion's INI and noticed that it doesn't have these lines, so I don't want to risk Oblivion exploding on me. Also, if a six-core is like impossible to get working with Oblivion, what's the next best choice? 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5? NOTE: I plan on heavily modding Oblivion, of course. Don't know if this changes anything much, however. Thanks in advance!