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Everything posted by Daleylife

  1. Did anyone ever crate a mod for this? I have a PlayStation 3 controller.
  2. Thank you, but this didn't work for me. I entered the commands for having Dogmeat first, and did get the command prompt on the companion. Told them to follow, but when I fast traveled, only Dogmeat was with me.
  3. In previous games, you could have dogmeat as well as 1 other companion. For some reason, they took that away, and I'd like it back for Fallout 4.
  4. Someone did release fallout 4.ini tweaks that completely remove the blur/scan lines from the pipboy. But, the terminals were only given reduced effects. I'd rather have it like the pipboy, blur and scan line free.
  5. This is a very tiny thing, probably not a huge thing for most. But, it bugs me that there's an icon on the screen telling me my pipboy light is on. I don't need an icon telling me that! I'd like to request a mod to either remove the icon entirely or have it fade off the screen after 5 or so seconds. If anyone can do this, I'd be very grateful.
  6. I'll have to look into the filters. I wasn't aware of that.
  7. Many people are sharing their facial creations/characters over here. And that's great, but it's starting to crowd the actual mods. I think Nexus needs a separate category or page from all these characters, so they don't come up in mod search results.
  8. I'm using a ps3 controller, but yes, I also would like a PS4 button overlay.
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