Hmm. Says the person who feels entitled to our money for his hobbyist work. Remind me who the entitled ones are? This isn't a case of "toxic community" this wasn't even an option on the table until a week ago. Now you don't get the money you feel entitled to because the gaming community said no, we will not pay for that. This is just you throwing a tantrum, taking your ball and going home. Fine. Do that, but do it quietly. Nobody is interested in your histrionics. And you know what? My money, our money, is what makes this industry work. Your damn right I'm entitled. At the very lest I am entitled to an opinion and if that opinion upsets you, well, that's unfortunate, but, that's life. Best of luck in the future and hopefully you can find a paying job in this industry. edit: Now, I understand a lot of modders were on the receiving end of a lot of verbal abuse, and I can sympathize for that, as that is obviously not acceptable... but to paint a community as large as this with one brush because of a few bad apples is hyperbole, plain and simple. Difference is that no one was forcing people to pay for mods. You don't want to pay? Don't pay and use an alternative mod. Having choices is a good thing. No one is forcing you to make mods if you don't like that it's free. If you want to do paid work, there's plenty of actual place to do it. Modding isn't one of them. Having choice is good like you said. We've chosen that we didn't want modding to become a competition for profit.