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Everything posted by dukeskyrunner

  1. So, I just type words here, and I might win a shiny? I LOOOVE shiny!
  2. I think it's the Seattle server. I tried to download a large mod, and Seattle couldn't connect. So I tried Dallas. It seems to be working from there.
  3. ArchiveInvalidated If you use FOMM and already have it on, just remove and re-apply archiveinvalitation and that will clear right up. I had the same thing happen to me.
  4. So I've got this vault I'm working on, and I copy/pasted the target practice bottles from behind the Goodsprings Saloon on to my target range. Now I would like to find a way to have the bottles return to their positions about a minute or so after I shoot them off. I figure this can be done with a script, but I'm rubbish with scripting. Anybody got any ideas?
  5. So I'm working on my first mod (a vault of course), and I want to rig it with traps. I've followed the tutorial to the letter, but I can't get the tripwire to trip. If I run into the grenade bunch, they fall down and explode, but the tripwire itself does nothing. Even attempting to disarm it does nothing. All I get is 'click'. I've tried setting up the trap manually, and copy pasting a grenade bunch/tripwire trap from an existing, vanilla cell. Is there some reason a tripwire won't do anything? It's not like I pulled some piece of static scenery or something. What gives? btw, sure if this should be here or Mod Troubleshooting. Crap, never mind. Apparently, loading a saved game in a cell with the tripwire fudges up the trap, leaving and coming back in fixed it. Sorry for the wasted post.
  6. I've been toying with the GECK trying to create a mod that increases or decreases player run speed based on Agility. I have tried modifying a similar mod for Fallout 3 that uses Strength and Endurance to modify player scale: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1540 Here's what I've got so far, but it doesn't do squat: scn zzFastSlowScript float playerAgilityMod float playerSpeedMod float playerSpeedModStored int doOnce Begin GameMode ;Get Agility. For each 1 point above 5 scale increases by 10%. For each 1 point below 5, scale decreases by 10% set playerAgilityMod to ((player.GetPermAV Agility) -5 ) * 10 ; Initilaize Stored Speed Mod if (doOnce !=1) set playerSpeedModStored to 0 set doOnce to 1 endif ; Calculate Speed Mod set playerSpeedMod to 1 + playerAgilityMod if (playerSpeedModStored != playerSpeedMod) set playerSpeedModStored to playerSpeedMod player.SetAV SpeedMult playerSpeedMod endif End And yes, I've tried sneaking, walking, holstering, switching 1 to 2 handed weapons, etc, there is no change in speed. I've got a UI mod with a speedometer that doesn't change weather my Agility is at 1 or 10. Is there an easier way to get this to work? Is there a harder way? I just kind of thought Agility should have an effect on how fast you move your legs. Edit: Never mind, found a mod that does this, among other things. Thanks for all the replies. (*tongue so far in cheek i can taste outside*)
  7. True, but it if you want to take the GOAT to see what kind of job you'll get, ie "Marriage Counselor" "Chaplin" "Vault Loyalty Inspector", you have to sit down.
  8. I saw an old topic discussing a buff for sitting down. I would like to remove the ability entirely. Often times, when I'm sneaking around in a ghoul-infested building, I'll stop to pick up some loot. This loot will happen to be near a chair. When I go to grab for it, either it gets bumped and moves, or my mouse twitches and I will be pointing within the chairs radius at the moment I hit 'E'. So I stand up, casually announce my presence to every angry beast in the vicinity, and sit down all prim and proper with my hands in my lap. It really spoils my game when I'm being a sneaky little devil. I've never found a use for sitting in game. Is there some way to mod it out. Obviously NPCs should still be able to sit, but the player never has a reason to. The only time you are forced to sit is during the GOAT. Anyone else annoyed by this?
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