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  1. I'm considering coming back to modding Fallout 4 and making my cats become a standalone NPC/group enemy. A year ago or so, I was unable to get access to how to add behaviors to my FUCs to have them become another enemy grp, among other things so I moved on. I could even find and info about how to get my meshes to link together for a gun... Has the game/modding community matured to the point if I wanted to created such a new grp, I could have access to how to construct it, i.e., pointed to information such that I can read it, and apply it? Has the creation kit helped in any way? I also want to make weapons, gear and mounts for SWTOR/Fallout 4; has access to the information about how to link mod changed? Are things shared in the mod community so I can learn how, e.g., the various parts of the mesh for guns, skeletal systems work with the game engine, standalone NPCs are created and refined? I have updated my tools to Zbrush 4r8 P1, Maya 2017, Substance Painter 2.x, Substance Designer and Photoshop CC 2017. What utility programs do I still need to work with the assets, e.g., the DDS plugin for Photoshop...anything else? I remember the script editor, animation converstion software, that bizarre opaque mesh editor, etc. Just need a point in the right direction, I will teach myself. I don't know what I don't know, so even a list for modders, given the current mature level of the game would be helpful. I need to assess whether or not the information in the modding community is still considered a guarded secret, or if there's a person willing to create they get access to learning resources. "I just figured it out, is as plausible as, I don't have to study and I ace every test." No, no you didn't. Not any real test. Thank you for any consideration and direction.
  2. Dear sir or madam fellow modder, I'm an small established modder of another game. I've been playing NMS for 3 days. I have a eye retina burning problem: Every time you claim an unknown site, and save it, with that stupid thing that spins, the screen goes completely white and my eyes literally hurt like I get thumbs in my eyes. My current fix (listening to the sound of the save that occurs with the white screen flash) putting my hand over my eyes, I find too barbaric to continue without requesting a hack. Don't make me learn another game engine to fix this myself! I'm enjoying playing the game while I twittle my time away waiting to die. Thank anyone in advance for removing my eye poking pain...I doubt I'm alone.
  3. I apologize that I have nothing here, like my G+ page, with over 13,000 looks, why idfk.
  4. No, "You finish the game for us for free." I haven't seen any remuneration talked about upon uploading other than ppl that don't download the mods can rate them... Has anyone? My download yesterday was so slow, I stopped it. @MasterMangus How exactly does an attorney understand the computer game production environment enough to even know what to look for? Kinda strange to me. They go by past case law and protect retroactively since we know past performance is no guarantee of future performance so that'll work perfectly. Did you know the due diligence standard applies to finances, but not to ppl? (Well except if you work for one of the big 4 accounting firms, and your a big corp, then just lie ur butt off, they'll cover you...2008 anyone?) Drs only need reasonable care!
  5. They have that for a while now, but it's military. Why do you think Google went around the streets of America for? It wasn't for free...and it wasn't just for stealing your home wifi passwords. You wouldn't need a military command for the "homeland" if it wasn't a future or current battleground. NorthCom, shouldn't exist unless they plan to fight their population. Is "The Division" comparable to the gone for city? Idts. But the graphics are ridiculously nice. There are tons of prefab real world cities already mapped to the sidewalks that the game makers could use, but that would give us the ability to plan how to attack or respond to an attack in a realistic way. Can't have that! Remember the HS kid that got thrown in jail for modeling his HS? So the govt knows how powerful it is and stopped that real fast. I missed the ppl's accents of Boston in the game. Is Boston now a 3rd world dump like here in NYC too? We don't have a characteristic accent, they all moved to NJ. Sounds like 1950s Brooklyn over there. I think Fonzi still is alive there! On the other hand, the first girls I saw fight with closed fists were Irish girls on the other side of the blvd where I grew up...that was scary. After the shock wore off (took a couple seconds, I was gonna laugh, but I know the sound of a fist hitting right on a face and that happened) I just pushed one into the other room and said wtf. Girls seem to never learn defense. China used a Shrinkray on it's debt. They now have >40% of new debt created to pay off ONLY the interest of their old debt. Ponzi debt, what could go wrong with that? http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-19/china-has-a-1-2-trillion-ponzi-finance-problem-as-debt-piles-up The US is the only one that uses Stingrays on it's population to illegally snatch cellphone traffic...well the UK too, and maybe Germany. Spain and France are too ding a ling to even encrypt their cellphone traffic. Ok Idk about Spain and France, but I stand by that they're ding a lings.
  6. I'm now officially disgusted: http://i.imgur.com/Pq6FZFL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/glWTArW.jpg http://i.imgur.com/1Finl3B.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UYHZV4T.jpg Wtf. I call shenanigans...or my copy of the game on the workstation is officially fk'd up...idk. I noticed Outfit Designer is referencing the WRONG texture, it must be reading the bsa or something...idk but, it reads the standalone Eli helmet, so wtf is the game/OD doing? When they BOTH read the SAME nif and produce different representations!? How is OD reading the Tabby texture and my game reads the Grumbly Cat texture and nothing else?
  7. The cat shows up perfectly, the helmet is completely not showing. Grumbly just walks around aimlessly, even though a guy made a freakin robot companion and said I should be able to do so with the cats. Oh, I'm NOT gonna use the helmet for any mod or anything, it's just for personal use, but it also helps to learn, wtf am I missing, gdi. Weird, but this has happened before with freakin' glass. I'm suspicious Eli's esp does something to overcome this problem, but I started to learn piano, cause making stuff to use in my DAWs (Cubase or Pro Tools) really needs me to be an average piano player, so I haven't looked at the esp. I just want to kick the Gambryo Engine in the taint. Even if it's me. I DID move the two meshes exactly the same amount and/or shrunk it the exact same amount. There is no way any points are not exactly overlapping...and oh, I don't have the snap of the nif up...wait a sec. Ok: http://i.imgur.com/RAY5W9b.jpg Maybe it's the NiNodes in random places? I tried the helmet without a bounding sphere, with bounding spheres and with one having a sphere and one not. It ain't the bounding spheres...imo. I have the material files in the right places... Maybe it's how I used the body as a reference for the helmet instead of the eyes and copied the bone info over? I don't remember if I used the eyes to anchor the black helmet or not, but that one is rock solid on and tracking right.
  8. I want to "romance" my female avatar that I use to play in the game. But, I think I already do...the only difference is, she does things I ask her to do, and stops when I ask her to stop. I thinks I figured out why I play female avatars in games! It's like I can be listened to and respected and it doesn't vary based on the amount of money I have to spend at any given time. Try that irl and get back to me.
  9. Study finds comedians are more inclined to have 'high levels of psychotic personality traits' The Good news is, you choose the ppl ur attracted to from your unconscious parts you can't accept. So ur probably a nice person. Unfortunately, she'd murderize you but, that's the point. You're perfect foil, murderizes you.
  10. Ok, so the robot DLC is ok. I'm waiting for the water sports DLC, but might as well install the robot one, though, does it really add anything? Anyone know which update(s) f' up the mods, or it's still just the beta ones?
  11. Thanks for the youtube link. I felt the "wins" for any of the factions were "bad" in that they all had bad intentions in the end. Having none "win" is the best outcome to a dark inspired game (having nothing done for a higher purpose). The lightbringer seems to have arisen and become the most powerful, even in our fantasy worlds. -------------------------------------- And the more I think about it. The first game I completed was Freelancer (a microsoft game...but the brains were not microsoft) and FalloutNV was my second. My first book I read and completed was whoa, I forgot, but I do remember it was when I was 20 years old. First book: 20 years old...cause me mom tortured me to read at 3 years old (I did read, I just got Clockwork Oranged)... Completion is an attitude, and takes a force of will that I think is useful compared to the alternative. Or it's just my solopsist view given I got Clockwork Oranged and overcoming that was a demonstration of will not so ordinary.
  12. I don't want to have to reinstall or uninstall all the stuff I have as mods. What should I be wary of when I install the 2 DLCs, now that everyone is comfortable with the results they get?
  13. "Romance" is a fiction created about 800 years ago. It's more about you than the object of your affection... FAKE: A. Romantic love arises from pre-existing yearnings. B. Romantic love begins suddenly, creating instant intimacy. C. Romantic love is blind. D. Romantic love is often one-sided; it loves from afar. E. Romantic love watches for small signs of reciprocation. F. Romantic love is often uncertain and fearful of rejection; it is exclusive, possessive, and jealous. G. Romantic love is a fantasy-trip, a prefabricated emotion projected onto others. H. Romance creates an illusion of oneness. I. Romantic love depends on imagination. J. Romance is being in love with love —attempting to actualize a feeling learned from others. K. Romantic love sometimes depends on manipulation. L. Romantic love is like watching a movie. M. Romantic love is an ecstatic feeling. N. Romantic love is an altered state of consciousness. O. Romantic love sees the beloved as perfect P. Romantic love causes violent mood-swings. Q. Romantic love causes preoccupation and distraction. R. Romantic love causes intrusive thinking. S. Romantic love causes compulsive, neurotic, dependent thoughts and feelings. T. Romantic love is an overwhelming experience. U. Romantic love is the most important thing in life. V. Romantic love includes suffering. W. Near its end, romantic love clings to any shred of hope. X. Romantic Love is temporary—lasting 18 months to 3 years. Y. When romantic love is over, it sometimes becomes hatred. Z. Romantic love resists analysis. Real: 1. Sexual attraction; 2. Mate-selection & Marriage; 3. Familiarity. From: http://www.tc.umn.edu/~parkx032/RLT-WEB.html but that's just cause I'm fk'ing lazy. For once, I can say the ice cold Brits got something right. They probably MADE the idea of romantic love popular as another means to divide and rule the populations they conquered. Resist the truth and take the consequences. I did and got D stroyed.
  14. http://i.imgur.com/f6xnuYK.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/2aZLdmI.jpg Look carefully. The BSSubIndexTrishape uses THE NUMBER 47, then the program knows to reference the BSLightingShaderProperty on line 47. The BSLightingShaderProperty uses 48 which points to the BSShaderTextureSet. You literally just double click and type in the number to the left of the line you want to use in the block details, hit enter, and it then rewrites the full name. This is different than when I showed you to replace the txt field, where you had to use a right click menu "Edit String Index" when you want to add the material file to the BSSubIndexTrishape or for you NiTrishape.
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