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About sagittarius22

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  1. Thanks for the opportunity, good luck everyone!
  2. People wouldn't be spamming this thread if that were the case.
  3. File on Skyrim Special Edition (ID = 1672): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1672 >> https://imgur.com/a/eG8XP File on Classic Skyrim (ID = 1672): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1672/ >> https://imgur.com/a/eIXmn The same comment (and answers!) were posted on both pages at the same time. Both files have the same ID but are on different websites. Is this a bug of sorts?
  4. ÃÂ It's been more than a month. Don't you think it reasonable we'd have heard SOMETHING by now if they were still working on it? Or do you really think staying quiet for extended periods is somehow a reassurance? I don't know, but then again, neither do you :)
  5. People claiming no update since April = dead... Guys, we're only in May. I mean,really.
  6. https://imgur.com/a/WU9yY This is everything you need to know unless they say otherwise.
  7. Maybe he confused the unblock (mod author) with the unblock (user), I don't know... Thank you anyway, and I'm sorry for wasting your time Dark0ne ! Cheers!
  8. A mod author unblocked me from his pages, and yet I cannot access his mods. He confirmed to me in PM that he indeed unblocked me: https://imgur.com/a/iiGFn Is this a bug with the sites? Cheers
  9. Hope to see you guys in 2017, have wonderful holidays and see you soon for more mods :) The updated design looks great! - Sagittarius
  10. Followed your advice and changed my password AND mail address. Thank you!
  11. Okay, so no "All donators will have their name put in my mod!" :smile: Thank you! Correct. Besides, if you follow the rules on the Nexus you'd have no way of knowing who donated. And even if you did, if you have more than one mod you wouldn't know which one moved the donor to contribute. I know who donated because PayPal gives me their account's name (not their Nexus account but the PayPal one). Let's just be clear, I'm not begging people in PM to get donations. I'm strictly following the Nexus' rules and I'm modding for passion, not for money. I think this thread can be locked, as I got the informations I wanted, thank you for your time Thandal!
  12. Okay, so no "All donators will have their name put in my mod!" :) Thank you!
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